Thursday, April 14, 2011

Our Government Abusing Our Children

Our government specializes in taking children away from parents which it deems "unfit" at an ever alarming rate.  In family courts all across America, one parent is stripped of all rights to a child while the other becomes the master of that child.  In other cases, children are snatched from homes by CPS agents and placed in foster care.  And still more are put up for forced adoption when the state decrees it is in the best interest of a child.

But recently, our government has also been in the business of groping and sexually abusing children at airports around the country courtesy of the TSA, the agency which is supposed to protect air travelers from terrorism.

Here's a sickening video of child groping which recently took place at a New Orleans airport.  Watch as this fascist, blue suited TSA thug engages in activities which would have most pedophiles thrown in prison for a very long time.

To read more about the government abuse of our children at the hands of the TSA, visit

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