Thursday, May 6, 2010

Murderous Obama Jokes About Civilian Killing Weapons

Humor, or one's approach to it, is often revealing of a person's general nature.

At last Saturday's White House Correspondents Dinner -- an annual event in which public servants get a chance to freeload with celebrities -- Dad Basher-in-Chief Barack Obama revealed his well-hidden, bloodthirsty nature.

Speaking to guests  from a podium bearing the Presidential Seal, Obama jokingly told the Jonas Brothers that he would hunt them down and kill them with his Predator drones.

The joke might be funny if Obama hadn't actually killed anybody with his drones, but the fact is, he has.  Lots of people.  Including innocent women and children.

According to some estimates, Obama's drone attacks may have killed upwards of 400 civilians-- perhaps as many as 1000 -- in Afghanistan and Pakistan since the time he took office.  The Washington based New American Foundation reports that a full one-third of all deaths resulting from drone strikes in the war torn region are civilian deaths.

It was well-reported back in October 2009 that Obama -- even knowing that his drone war was killing an unprecedented numbers of civilians -- gave an executive order to step up drone attacks.  On just his third day in office, Obama authorized two drone attacks which killed three children.  One for each day as President, a body count which would impress Hannibal Lecter.

Obama's drone joke comes at an especially bad time, right on the heels of a botched bombing attempt of New York's Times Square.  The suspect in that case, Pakistani-born Faisal Shahzad,  admits to having planted the bomb because he was upset over the high civilian death toll caused by Obama's drones.

Shahzad is not alone in his outrage in Pak-Afghan region, according to many news outlets, and Obama's little joke is certain to throw more fuel on the fire, endangering lives of servicemen abroad and Americans at home.

Like any serial killer on the loose, Obama is a danger to us all.  Not only when he's inciting acts of vengeance in the Middle East but also when he spreading hate domestically by singling out groups like non-custodial parents for abuse.

To read more about Obama's joke at the White House Correspondents Dinner, and the fallout, go to:

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Rogue Clinton Hates Non-Custodial Parents, Wants More Illegal Immigrants

Last week we told you about Dad Basher-in-Chief Barack Obama pledging to help illegal aliens strike down a new Arizona law meant to enforce our nation's immigration laws.

Now comes word that another dad bashing rogue on our POLITICAL ROGUES' GALLERY  has also come out against American workers and on the side of illegal aliens.

That rogue is former president Bill Clinton, who, appearing at a deficit reduction symposium, spoke of a need for "more immigrants" and expressed his support for a plan to grant amnesty to over 12 million illegal aliens to help ensure a healthy fiscal future.

Clinton -- who is suddenly an economist -- might have a myopic view of what makes America healthy from the cozy confines of his mansion in Chappaqua, a super-wealthy suburb of New York City.  Where he lives, illegal aliens are exploited to clean homes and trim hedges for a few bucks an hour instead  of competing with the locals for jobs.  Nor does Clinton have to worry about preserving the American Dream for a younger generation of American citizens, because he's got that wrapped up too; his daughter Chelsea works for a hedge fund will be marrying a Goldman Sachs investment banker this summer.

Someone may do well to remind Clinton of a little piece of legislation he signed known as the Deadbeat Parents Punishment act which criminalizes non-custodial parents for crossing state lines when they have arrears of $5000 or more.

Given how illegal aliens are suppressing the wages of ordinary working-class Americans and how depressed our job market is due to the ongoing financial crisis (caused by Clinton's deregulation of banking rules, we might add), the former president might want to backtrack on his desire to see more illegals or repeal his "punishment act".

But let's be honest.  Neither will ever happen.  Because Bill Clinton, who demands responsibility of non-custodial parents, is a man without any responsibility or a shred of morals himself.  Recently, on the anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing, Clinton's former advisor Dick Morris confirmed that Clinton was directly responsible for the slaughter of 20 children at the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas.

Illegal immigration, family law -- it's all the same for Clinton.  An opportunity to move your lips, play the part of a leader, and get paid for it without actually having to think your actions through.  And it doesn't really matter who gets hurt, because old Bill is living pretty good.

Read more at: