Thursday, September 17, 2009

Conservative Phyllis Schafly Speaks Out for Divorced Dads & NCPS

It's not everyday a conservative speaks out in support of divorced dads and NCPs being ground to pulps by the Bradley Amendment and child support collection agencies.

But back in July, that exactly what conservative columnist Phyllis Schafly did. One of our readers informed us of her column which reads:

"Did you know that a family court can order a man to reimburse the government for the welfare money, falsely labeled "child support," that was paid to the mother of a child to whom he is not related? Did you know that, if he doesn't pay, a judge can sentence him to debtor's prison without ever letting him have a jury trial?
Did you know that debtor's prisons (putting men in prison because they can't pay a debt) were abolished in the United States before we abolished slavery, but that they exist today to punish men who are too poor to pay what is falsely called "child support"?
Did you know that when corporations can't pay their debts, they can take bankruptcy, which means they pay off their debts for pennies on the dollar, but a man can never get an alleged "child support" debt forgiven or reduced, even if he is out of a job, penniless and homeless, medically incapacitated, incarcerated (justly or unjustly) or serving in our Armed Forces overseas, can't afford a lawyer, or never owed the money in the first place?
Did you know that when a woman applying for welfare handouts lies about who the father of her child is, she is never prosecuted for perjury? Did you know that judges can refuse to accept DNA evidence showing that the man she accuses is not the father?
Did you know that alleged "child support" has nothing to do with supporting a child because the mother has no obligation to spend even one dollar of it on a child, and in many cases none of the "support" money ever gets to a child because it goes to fatten the payroll of the child-support bureaucracy?
These are among the injustices the feminists, and their docile liberal male allies, have inflicted on men. The sponsor was former Democratic senator from New Jersey and presidential candidate Bill Bradley."

Read the entire article at World Net Daily.

And thank you Phyllis!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

New Government Air Travel Rules May Prevent NCPs from Flying

A new government program is going into effect which may eventually lead to non-custodial parents winding up on no-fly lists.

The Transit Security Authority's new Secure Flight program is now being phased in at a number of air carriers and will require all passengers to check in with a government issued photo ID, which will then be checked against "government" watch lists.

As is usual since 2001, our government is making this new law which undermines privacy in order to "protect" us from a terrorist threat. But how long will it be before this program is used to harass ordinary citizens?

With a federal government that has extended it reach into private lives through Draconian family law legislation like the Bradley Amendment, we can guarantee it won't be long before NCPs with child support arrears are rounded up at airports.

Another frightening aspect of this program is that the TSA does not only oversee air travel. It also governs rail and nautical transport. Combine this with driver's licence seizure and the unemployed NCP will have no place to go except straight to debtor's prison.

Read more at Infowars and at the TSA's website.

KEEP US INFORMED: All readers are encouraged to contact us if they are impacted by Secure Flight in relation to a family court matter. Write us at

Saturday, September 12, 2009

New York Times Makes Major Discovery: Abuses Against Military NCPs

The New York Times has made a startling discovery: there are abuses against NCPs in America's family courts, which routinely abuse our nation's returning veterans.

In an article published 9/1/09, "all-the news that's fit to print" covered the story a veteran who recently returned from war torn Iraq only to be dragged through the terror mill of a New Jersey family court. The tone of the article was one of astonishment, as if this sort of abuse was new.

Four years ago, NCPForce! featured on this website a page about abuses against military dads and called for a boycott of military enlistment.

The Times, it seems, only deemed this issue worthy enough for publication because the subject of their article happens to be a female veteran.

While we at NCPForce! wish Specialist Leydi Mendoza all the best in her battle to have a normal relationship with her daughter, we must ask the Times why it waited so long to address this issue and why it chose to focus specifically on a female veteran?

Every day in courts around America, military dads face rampant abuses and their stories are no less newsworthy. By choosing to focus on a military mom, the Times has put a familiar spin on stories about family law abuses where women are always victims and men are always aggressors.

We at NCPForce! are against such stereotypes and gender-baiting, and we ask that the New York Times better balance its stories in the future ... and to stop pretending that family law abuses are so rare.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Obama to Indoctrinate our Children on September 8th

Warning to ALL PARENTS:

Our Dad Basher-in-Chief, President Obama, will be indoctrinating our children this coming Tuesday, September 8th, by asking all schools to tune into his nationally televised speech.

During the speech, Obama will ask children to participate in a number of activities, among them: Think what the President wants us to do; consider whether the speech makes you want to do anything; ask if we are able to do what President Obama is asking of us.

Shadows of the Third Reich we ask? Or is it not Fascism if WE do it?

You be the judge and make an informed decision about allowing your children to attend school if they will be made to participate in this event. Read more at the following links:


Daily Paul