Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Obama's Libyan Intervention: When Child Murderers “Protect” Children

It is outside the scope of an organization like NCPForce! to comment on whether or not the United States should be going to war in Libya. It is also not our core mission to explore the vast dollar amounts already spent on this campaign, estimated at $600 million in 10 days. But it is within our power to comment on the hypocrisy surrounding the justification of the mission.

Supposedly we are in Libya to stop a dictator's violence against innocent civilians, especially women and children. But when such a justification comes out of the mouths of people like Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, whose husband murdered a large number of children in Waco, Texas, and many more in Serbia, it is more than a little suspect.

And when such words come out of the mouth of President Obama, they are absolutely sickening. As NCPForce! reported in earlier blog posts, the Nobel Peace winner has been involved, since the day he assumed office, in the relentless drone bombing campaign of Afghanistan, Pakistan, and of late Yemen. The numbers of dead civilians vary by account, but it is a certainty that the cost of human lives is escalating into the thousands.

For those who may see U.S. inflicted civilian casualties as an abstract idea, here are a few photos of victimized children which may prove educational (a word of caution, the photos below are disturbing):

Yes, these are children who have been murdered and maimed by American weapons, financed by American tax dollars, ignored by the American public, and sanctioned by a butcher masquerading as an enlightened President – a man of “hope” and “change.”

And do not believe, gentle reader, that there have not been and will not be similar civilian casualties in Libya. Our so-called no-fly zone is rapidly turning into much more than that, and there can be no doubt that with 110 missiles fired on the first day of Operation Odyssey Dawn alone, plus additional bomber sorties and strikes on Libyan ground forces, that innocents have not be annihilated.

And Obama, by waging his new war in Libya, is not only trouncing children in yet another foreign land, he is also sticking his thumb in the eye of children right here at home.

While American children are having their school budgets cut and medical programs liquidated, Obama is merrily spending hundreds of millions on his North African rampage. And even as the bombs drop, Obama's lovely Democrats are conspiring with Republicans to crush programs like WIC and food stamps which feed millions of hungry kids.

This fact should not be wasted on even the most jingoistic American who thinks that foreigners kids are fair game in the ongoing war against terror/dictators we don't like/any convenient threat to our “strategic interests”. In the end, cash-strapped Americans will have to pick up the tab for the bloodletting, which can become quite expensive when a mass murderer is given authority to kill and kill again.

NY Child Welfare Workers Arrested in Child Homicide

It is a first for New York: two former child welfare workers arrested for their role in the death of Brooklyn girl last year.

The little girl, four-year-old Marcella Pierce, was starved down to a mere 18 pounds and beaten by her mother, Carlotta Brett-Pierce, while her grandmother (according to prosecutors) looked on.

And so too did the two workers from New York City's Administration for Children's Services, according to DA Charles Hynes. The workers are Damon Adams, who allegedly failed to make nearly all of the mandated biweekly visits to the girl's home and falsified ACS records to show he did; and Chereece Bell, his supervisor, who apparently failed to monitor his work.

More details on this case can be found in this article on the

God bless you, Marcella Pierce, and may he protect other children from their so-called protectors.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Child Murderer Obama Strikes Again

Obama's trail of terror and child murder continues in the Afghan-Pak region where this past week, U.S. led airborne forces killed nine children collecting firewood.

A full report of this atrocity can be found on:

Since taking office, Obama has escalated aerial attacks on civilians in Pakistan and Afghanistan, killing sickening numbers of women and children. NCPForce! has reported on these war crimes in earlier posts to this blog.

Very strange behavior for a man who, at least at home, claims to be a protector of woman and children -- a man who has expressed many times his desire to crack down on American dads to protect children.

The question is, when will the international community, and so-called American liberals, crack down on this serial child murderer?

ABC News Report on Japanese Moms Stealing Children Misses Point

Last month, ABC News ran a report about Japanese mothers spiriting the children of American men to Japan. That report can be seen here:

While we commend ABC News for running this story at all, we believe that ABC News has missed the point of parental alienation in general.

We also believe that ABC News has unfairly singled out wayward Japanese moms, and unfairly wagged the finger of blame at the Japanese government.
Surely, the mothers in this report who stole their children out of the lives of the fathers are despicable creatures. But what about the countless American mothers who are doing the same thing, every day, right here in America with the blessing of American authorities?

We'd like to know where ABC News has been all these years on this subject. Even a small amount of research would have turned up a massive number of moms who've fled with their children across state lines to deny fathers their visitation rights (and to be fair, there's probably been a number of men who've done this to non-custodial mothers too).

And surely, the Japanese government displays primitiveness by not allowing joint custody in Japan. But what about America's own discriminatory laws? And what about corrupt judges who openly reward custodial parents while coming down hard on non-custodial parents?

ABC News would do a great service to our country by reporting on such Draconian laws as the Bradley Amendment which has placed a large number of American non-custodial parents in danger of going to debtors' prisons. Or child support agencies that kill innocent non-custodial parents such as Wilbur Streett and Brian Armstrong (see our Avenger Project page).

Ask any number of non-custodial parents about their visitation rights and you will hear a treasure trove of stories about judges who refuse to enforce visitation orders, or who allow moveaways without the slightest thought for the non-custodial parent. If ABC News were doing it's job, it would have enough material for a year's worth of reports about wayward custodial parents depriving American NCPs of their parental rights in their own country.

If you agree, write ABC News and tell them what you think at their feedback page:

You can also leave comments on a special blog covering the ABC News report, at:

Poll Result: Which Party Best Represents NCPs?

In our last poll, we asked which political party best represents the interests of NCPs.

The choices were: a.) Democrats; b.) Republicans; c.) a third party; d.) none.

66% of respondents answered NONE.

33% of respondents answered A THIRD PARTY.

Thank you for all who responded. Please check the top of our blog for our next poll.

Where Have We Been?

Our regular readers may be asking where has NCPForce! been all these months?

While there weren't any updates to this site in many months, our volunteers have been working hard to improve our site and to add more functionality and automation.

Here's what we've been up to and what you can expect in the future.

Our first goal is to make our site more dynamic, which means that certain pages will soon be linked to databases which will provide more information for our readers while consuming less development time for our volunteers.

We are also exploring a forum which will allow NCPs to converse with one another on a variety of issues.

In an effort to reduce spam and pranksters, both of which add to the drain on volunteer time, we have been updating user feedback forms. Some of these changes you might already see, and some will go online soon.

NCPForce! has also been evaluating our use of networking websites over the past year. Changes of strategy will be made to ensure that our work is not being lost in an information glut, as tends to happen on Facebook.

While all of this could go swiftly with professional web developers on the job, NCPForce! remains committed to the non-solicitation of donations. We do not believe in asking cash strapped NCPs to open their wallets when they're struggling to pay lawyers' fees, pay child support, and maintain a healthy relationship with their children at the same time. So please excuse us while our volunteers give their precious hours to help the cause and keep checking back for new things at NCPForce!

If you have a great idea for improving NCPForce!, let us know. Send us an e-mail at We'd love to hear from you.