Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Impeachable Acts of a Deadbeat President

In November 2008, Barack Obama was elected President on a platform of “change you can believe in”. He promised a style of government different from his predecessor, whose regime was defined by destructive foreign wars and the erosion of civil liberties at home.

Since taking office, Barack Obama has not only double-crossed his loyal supporters, he has also been derelict in his duties as chief of the executive branch. He has broken nearly every promise. He has continued and even expanded the dark policies of the previous administration. He has willfully dodged his responsibilities as a leader in whom an entire nation has invested its trust in a time of turmoil.

In short, he is a true DEADBEAT -- a scoundrel who owes more than anyone to hundreds of millions of people, who has the capacity to satisfy his debt, yet arrogantly refuses to do so.

It is time to demand that Barack Obama stop preaching responsibility while behaving as a DEADBEAT PRESIDENT. It is time to demand that Obama live up to his campaign promises by honoring his pledge of true reform. It is time for him to end policies that cause destruction abroad and undermine liberty domestically.
It is time we all demand that Barack Obama do the job he was elected to do, or face IMPEACHMENT.

Already, he has committed numerous impeachable acts that justify his removal from office:

Had enough of this DEADBEAT PRESIDENT?


Things you can do to demand responsibility on the part of the President:

  1. CONTACT YOUR FEDERAL & STATE REPRESENTATIVES. Tell them Obama should do his duty or get out of the White House. The website VOTESMART.ORG contains a useful search tool to find your elected reps.

  2. WRITE LETTERS / CONTACT YOUR LOCAL MEDIA OUTLETS demanding the impeachment of the President for his dereliction of duty. You can do this by writing letters to the editor of your local newspaper, calling talk radio shows, calling the administrative offices of newspapers, TV, and radio stations, etc.
  3. DISTRIBUTE OUR LEAFLET and motivate others to demand responsibility from the President. You can do this privately among people you know, on the street and at public gathering places, or you can place links to this page at appropriate websites, internet forums, bulletin boards, blog comments sections, etc.

Check for updates to this campaign on our IMPEACH OBAMA page at


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Debtor's Prisons For All!

We've said it many times before: debtor's prisons for all Americans, not just for people with child support arrears, are coming soon.

That's because most Americans have generally been so supportive of debtor's prisons when they think they're not going to wind up in them. But now, thanks to the ongoing mortgage crisis, these law-and-order-chesting-thumping Americans may also be getting a trip to the slammer.

A PR campaign seems to be underway to crack down on homeowners who go into strategic defaults when their home values plummet below the amounts of their mortgages. The idea is to promote "responsible behavior" for the good of society, pretty much the same talk we've seen applied to non-custodial parents when they fall behind on child support payments.

Amid all this talk about responsibility, there is no discussion about why strategic defaulters may opt not to continue paying through the nose for their homes, much the same way no politician or journalist ever questions why non-custodial parents fall into arrears. Could it be that some of these troubled homeowners are angry about the banks and Realtors who lured them into their perilous financial situations -- much the same way many non-custodial parents are angry about not being able to see their children?

No, not a valid query say fans of debtor's prisons who support severe punishment for fellow citizens who do not behave in a way that they desire. Consider the video below of elitist David Walker of the Peterson Institute, an influential financial research study group which helps shape America's domestic and international economic policy:

When you hear a Fascist openly spout talk such as this, in a country which was founded in the belief that debtor's prisons are an affront to human and civil rights, it becomes terribly clear: debtor's prisons for all are coming, and Main Street America -- with its blind hatred and prejudice against non-custodial parents -- did it to itself.

Read more at: