Monday, November 30, 2009

Sen. Evan Bayh -- Dad Basher -- Wants Obama Off-Limits

Sen. Evan Bayh, the dad-bashing legislator from Indiana who sponsored Barack Obama's Responsible Fatherhood and Healthy Families Act, is now using a party crashing incident at last week's White House state dinner as a pretext for cutting off civilian access to the President.

Bayh claims to be so upset that reality TV party crashers Michaele and Tareq Salahi got close enough to shake the Dad Basher-in-Chief's hand that he wants an "example made", and suggests tighter rules for gaining access to President Obama.

The Salahis, it should be noted, made no threatening actions to the President, nor were they in any way armed or intent on doing the President harm.

Bayh's dramatics come as Obama orders thousands more troops to Afghanistan and seems set to widen the bloody conflict in that nation, while at the same time threatening America's financial well-being with his ill-conceived health reform plan.

Clearly, Bayh is trying to give Obama cover by making it harder for anyone -- perhaps even members of the press corps -- to get close enough to the President to ask any questions.

Recently, Bayh also threw his support behind the Cybersecurity Act of 2009 which would give Obama dictatorial powers over the internet (see our update of Bayh's profile in our POLITICAL ROGUES' GALLERY at http:

For more on story:

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

We are Thankful

This year at Thanksgiving, we at NCPForce! would like to thank all our readers for participating in our effort to expose family law abuses in America.

Without all of you who have taken the time to write us and tell your stories, NCPForce! would not be on track to becoming the organization it wants to be -- one which truly represents non-custodial parents and gives a voice to those who suffer in silence.

We also thank the many readers who take time out to simply send us words of encouragement or thank us for what we are doing -- believe us, these pats on the back go a long way.

Also, we want to thank our volunteers who give their spare time to do all the tasks necessary to get this site up and running, whether it be coding or simply passing along technical advice. We also thank those who are on the ground, passing out our fliers and raising awareness about us.

NCPForce! has taken great strides this year on a technical level. We are now reaching more and more people, and starting to realize results of our work.

Recently, the large law firm of Cordell & Cordell responded to the many negative ratings on our LAWYER RATINGS page and have stated that they will try harder for NCP clients in the future (let's see if this holds water).

We have also rattled the cages of a number of family court judges with our JUDICIAL WATCH page, particularly in New Jersey.

So, we are are thankful for this kind of progress. And mostly, we are thankful that we still live in an America where we can speak out against social injustice, even though at times it seems that freedom in this land is under a most serious threat.

May this Thanksgiving find all of you -- readers, volunteers, friends, and allies -- in the happiness of home, surrounded by your loved ones, especially your children.

From the Organizing Members of NCPForce!

Obama's Big Tent Party While Recession Continues

America's Dad-Basher-in-Chief is once again holding himself up as a role model of "responsibility" -- a value he pedals so often to American dads.

This Tuesday, Obama will be holding his first state dinner in honor of the Indian prime minister. But since he's not content with the White House dining room which can only accommodate 120 guests, he going to hold a massive shindig in a heated tent on the White House lawn. The guest list, which is said to number about 400 people, will include Obama's wealthiest pals who will indulge in food and drink on the taxpayers' dime.

Obama's latest spending spree takes place as unemployment in many states continues to creep up and there are mounting signs that the continued recession may turn into a financial collapse, as French banking giant Societe General warned investors this week (see

For more on the tent event, read

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Comparitive Power: Lou Dobbs Resignation Shows Illegals Stronger Than NCPs

Last week conservative talk show host Lou Dobbs resigned from CNN after illegal alien groups pressured CNN to give him the boot. In this resignation there is a very strong lesson for father's right/non-custodial parents' rights groups about comparative power. Illegal aliens -- who are felons the moment they enter our country undocumented -- are getting more respect than American citizens who happen to find themselves as non-custodial parents. While American non-custodial parents are routinely discriminated against, are made the victims of institutionalized hate, and have their basic constitutional rights trampled upon, illegals are getting handled with kid gloves. Speak out against unbridled immigration and you will find yourself out of job like Lou Dobbs -- called a "racist", a "hater", and even a "terrorist" (as many of Dobbs detractors refer to him). Politicians are afraid to touch the subject of illegl immigration and usually side with illegals when they do. And corporate America is more than happy to side with illegals too. So why is this? Why are illegals getting their wheels greased when non-custodial parents get nada? For starters, illegal aliens organize. But more than this, illegals have something the power elite want. They serve two purposes: 1.) to drag down wages for working-class Americans; and 2.) to decimate the national identity of the United States for the sake of a globalist, one-world government agenda. The lesson we take away from this then is that in order to get our wheels greased, non-custodial parents must 1.) organize; 2.) be noisy; 3.) offer the power elite something that they want. That certain something is our acceptance of the status quou. As long as we are abused, we must be noisy and assail through non-violent protest all operations of the power elite. If they want to help insurance companies profit by mandating health care for all, strike out against it. If they want imperialist wars in foreign lands, strike out against it. If they want carbon taxes to supposedly reduce green house gases, strike out against it. If they want to install a puppet in the White House who was not born in the United States, expose him. Assailt them everywhere and while you're doing it, let them know you're a non-custodial parent and that you're pissed off. Because, as Lou Dobbs now knows, this is the only way you will achieve the same social status as an illegal alien in our country.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Men's & Fathers' Rights Groups Gaining Power -- Feminists Go Nuts on and

Thanks to the efforts of groups like NCPForce!, the fathers' rights movement and the men's rights movement are starting to push back against government abuses. And haters in the feminist community are now starting to feel the heat after years of getting what they want, when want it.

In fact, the haters are now starting to fear so much losing their grip on power that they've unleashed a two-pronged web assault on the fathers' rights/men's rights movement.

On Nov. 5th, ran the article “Men’s Rights Groups Have Become Frighteningly Effective" by Kathryn Joyce. The same day, published "Men’s Rights Groups Go Mainstream–Once Seen as a Lunatic Fringe, Reactionary Anti-Women Groups are Courting Respectability".

Both articles do their best to try to portray fathers' rights groups and men's rights activists as drooling maniacs. But there's still cause to celebrate because, for the first time, the haters in the feminist world are admitting that they're on the run.

Let them know that you're keeping tabs on them and that we're only going to get stronger by posting comments to the hit pieces and mentioning NCPForce!

To comment on the Double X article, click here and scroll down to the comments section. Note: you'll have to register to post comments.

To comment on the Salon article, click here.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Pelosi: Soon All Americans Will Become Deadbeats

Whenever a divorced dad or non-custodial parent goes to jail for falling behind in child support payments, there's always a law-and-order type within reach of a journalist to say how happy he or she is that the "deadbeat" has finally gone to the slammer -- and never mind whether or not the supposed "deadbeat" has just lost a job, become sick or disabled, etc.

Well, now thanks to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Obama's healthcare reform drive, all Americans will get a chance to become government-declared "deadbeats" and get to go to jail too.

According to a press release from House Ways and Means Committee member John Camp (R-MI), the bill recently put before Congress by Pelosi (and likely to be rubber-stamped soon) will force Americans to buy $15,000 health care policies or face $250,000 in fines and up to 5 years imprisonment.

For more information, read Pelosi: Buy a $15,000 Policy or Go to Jail on House Ways and Means Committee website.