Wednesday, April 20, 2011

SWAT Team Forces Mom to Medicate Child at Gunpoint

A Detroit mother who refused to immunize her disabled child after that child suffered an adverse reaction from a vaccine met an armored, gun-toting SWAT team which told her she was definitely -- DEFINITELY -- going to medicate her child whether she likes it or not.

Find out more in the video below from the Alex Jones show.

Read more at Natural News at

New York To Outlaw Children's Games

Amid our government's ever-intensifying policy of taking over our children comes word from the state of New York that certain kids' games will now be declared illegal.

Yes, you read that right. Kids games. Illegal.

As usual, "public safety" is the term being thrown out to justify the proposed dictatorial legislation.

According to the New York State Health Department, wiffle ball, dodge ball, and kick ball are now activities too dangerous for our children to engage in. And parents -- custodial or otherwise -- have absolutely no discretion in the matter.

Read more at the Stroller Derby blog.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Dad Basher-in-Chief Calls Federal Workers "Slugs"

President Obama. Nobel Peace Prize Prince. Savior of the Average American. Mr. Hope and Change.

Us non-custodial parents know him as the Dad Basher-in-Chief. And now American workers know him for the backstabbing, elitist that he really is.

That's because Obama was caught yesterday on an open mic at a Chicago fundraiser calling federal workers "slugs" who are "not trying to do their jobs".

The insensitivity of these remarks is surely not lost on government workers in nearby Wisconsin who have been battling union busting legislation spearheaded by some of Obama's friends in th Republican party there (oh yes, Obama IS really friendly with those guys, make no doubt about it).

As for the mainstream media, it's doing it's normal job of downplaying and whitewashing Obama's remarks. See how they're doing it at the Los Angeles Times:,0,3435513.story

But the cat's now out of the bag. Obama hates workers as much as he hates non-custodial parents.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Our Government Abusing Our Children

Our government specializes in taking children away from parents which it deems "unfit" at an ever alarming rate.  In family courts all across America, one parent is stripped of all rights to a child while the other becomes the master of that child.  In other cases, children are snatched from homes by CPS agents and placed in foster care.  And still more are put up for forced adoption when the state decrees it is in the best interest of a child.

But recently, our government has also been in the business of groping and sexually abusing children at airports around the country courtesy of the TSA, the agency which is supposed to protect air travelers from terrorism.

Here's a sickening video of child groping which recently took place at a New Orleans airport.  Watch as this fascist, blue suited TSA thug engages in activities which would have most pedophiles thrown in prison for a very long time.

To read more about the government abuse of our children at the hands of the TSA, visit

Father Shot By Mom Is Now Deprived of Son

If you think you've heard the craziest story America's family system has to offer, wait until you hear about the case of former Marine Peter Spitz which is the subject of a shocking report from Fathers &

Mr. Spitz is a Colorado dad nearly murdered by his ex-wife who shot him three times while he was sleeping. Somehow he miraculously survived the attack, but was left blind and permanently disabled. That same night, his ex-wife succeeded in murdering his mother. Yet despite all this suffering, Mr. Spitz helped win his wife an acquittal for reasons of insanity.

Now that the murderess ex-wife is due to be released from psychiatric care, she's doing everything to make sure that Mr. Spitz will have no relationship with their son, who is currently living with guardians. The guardians, who took care of the boy since Mr. Spitz began recovering from his attack, now want to adopt the child. They have not allowed Mr. Spitz to see his son, and the state of Colorado seems to be AOK with this.

Meanwhile, the bloodthirsty mom with be allowed visitation with her son. And she's also free to support the adoption move by the guardians, who happen to be friends of hers.

Pretty sick, huh?

To read more about this case, see the full story on

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Why We Need to Monitor Judges & Lawyers

>> Disgraced Former Indiana Prosecutor, Carlos F. Lam.

From time to time, we at NCPForce! receive abusive e-mails reprimanding us for publicizing the behavior of abuses judges on our Judicial Watch page and for offering ratings on family law attorneys.

Well here is a story from the Midwest which you can file under "Why We Fight":

Last month, Indiana deputy prosecutor Carlos F. Lam was forced to resign after it was revealed that he  sent an e-mail to Wisconsin's Governor Scott Walker advising him to stage an attack which could be blamed on unions.

Lam's e-mail came amid the outbreak of strife between unions and politicians in Wisconsin over a recently passed law to end public service employee unions' collective bargaining rights.

In the February 19th e-mail which led to his downfall, Lam called for a ‘false flag’ operation, writing: “If you could employ an associate who pretends to be sympathetic to the unions’ cause to physically attack you (or even use a firearm against you), you could discredit the unions.”

Incredibly, this individual, who was in a position of public trust, brazenly attempted to plot an incident which would have negatively impacted the lives of millions of Americans, just to satisfy the advancement of his own political ideology (Lam is a neo-conservative Republican activist with a disdain for American workers).  And he did it when the eyes of the nation were on the center of the storm.

So we can only imagine how others who share Mr. Lam's profession might behave when they think no one is watching the goings-ons inside American family courts.

Because of legal professionals like Mr. Lam, and the many others whom we've discussed on our website, NCPForce! will continue its operations to expose and publicize wrongdoers, and do so with pride in our purpose.

Thanks to the Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism for breaking this story. TO read more, visit:

Poll Result: Mainstream Media Biased Against NCPs

Our latest poll result is in. Last month, we asked if mainstream media is doing a good job of covering family law abuses.

Zero percent of responders felt the mainstream media was doing a fine job.

Eleven percent said yes, they've seen some stories.

Twenty-two percent said no, they haven't seen any stories.

And 66% said "Certainly not, mainstream media is biased against NCPs".

Thank you to all our responders and look for our latest poll at the top of this blog. The question of our next poll is: As the economy continues to decline, do you think the position of NCPs will improve or worsen?

Monday, April 4, 2011

British Judge Sends Kids to Australia With Mom, Tells Dad Skype is Good Enough

In an amazing and sickening case of non-custodial parent abuse, a top British judge has astoundingly allowed a mother to move children away to Australia while telling the father to use Skype -- an Internet communication service -- to stay in touch.

That judge is Sir Nicholas Wall, the fop pictured at right, who is the President of the UK court's Family Division. Judge Wall's bizarre statement came about as his final judgment of an appeals case after an earlier judge forbid the mother involved to move her pre-teen children to Australian on a whim. The father, a Devon man, had argued that such a move would damage the "embryonic" relationship with his children.

More information about this case can be found on the Daily Mail at

No word yet on whether the non-custodial dad will have to pay child support while his kids are exiled Down Under. However, we'd be willing bet a tub of Lancashire hotpot that the dad's income will be getting a lot more government attention than his visiting time.