Saturday, December 26, 2009

Health Care Reform: All Americans Must Now Pay Child Support

Dear America:

A Christmas Eve vote in the U.S. Senate now makes it mandatory for ALL of us to pay child support -- even happily married couples.

This is a tongue in cheek statement of course, not really true ... or is it?

We must be joking, because the only Senate vote in recent days concerned Obama's historic health care reform plan. That decision will compel all Americans to buy substandard health insurance from private insurance companies if it is eventually reconciled with earlier House legislation.

Ah, you didn't hear about this while you were out Christmas shopping? Well, that's exactly what your senators were hoping for, that you'd be distracted, because they wouldn't want ordinary people getting in the way of government for the people, by the people, now would they?

And so, America, you now get to see how it feels to pay child support like every non-custodial parent.

But you have no children, you say? You are happily married you say? Health care has absolutely nothing to do with family law or child support, you say?

Guess again after we give you a few parallels:

As is the case with child support, mandatory health care will place on your back an arbitrary financial responsibility without any regard for your actual income.

Mandatory health care will take away any of your spending choices; you'll never know how your money is being spent and even if you did, and if you disapproved, it wouldn't matter anyway.

Mandatory health care -- if you refuse to pay it, or are unable to pay it -- will make you the subject of numerous legal penalties, including jail time.

Mandatory health care will dominate your life and be a constant source of anxiety. It will affect your credit rating and it will eat away at your freedom to pursue whatever career or whatever line of business you choose to be in, just like child support.

So yes, America, you will be paying child support. Enjoy it!

After all, you've been telling divorced dads and non-custodial parents for years how happy they should be following the dictates of judges and faceless authorities.

Think about this when you are sitting before all-powerful government health panels that will ration your health care and decide whether you live or die. Think about this when your hard-earned money is used to pay for abortions and for illegal aliens. Think about this when you are unable to pay for your substandard policy and are called a "deadbeat". Think about this when you are arrested in the middle of the night, when the authorities decide to roundup those who can't or won't pay.

And from those of us in the fathers' rights/non-custodial parents' rights movement, we would like to extend our sincere thanks to the Senators who made this all possible. Thank you for showing America what it means to be us! And thank you, America, for letting it happen.

The Organizing Members of NCPForce!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Obama Bad For Constitution Says Well-Known Liberal Journalist

You know that a Democratic President is really, really bad when a longtime liberal journalist for the Village Voice tells you that Obama is "the most dangerous and destructive president we ever had", "much worse than" George W. Bush, and "is a bad man in terms of the Constitution".

This is what Nat Hentoff told fellow journalist John W. Whitehead in an interview for the Rutherford Institute, an organization dedicated to defending civil rights.

In the interview, Hentoff also says that Obama's regime is more "insidious" the McCarthy regime, that Obama must know the damage he's doing because he was once a Constitutional law professor, and that Obama is a civil rights "disaster".

We at NCPForce! couldn't agree more with Mr. Hentoff's assessment.

To read the entire interview, visit:

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Family Law Hypocrites: A Prime Example From Canada

Here's a prime example of family law hypocrites who seek to impose tough family laws on others while running their own families exactly the way they want to, free from outside interference:

It comes to us by way of Canada -- another first world country with a miserable record of fathers' rights abuses -- from the keyboard of columnist Diane Francis at the Financial Post (

In her column, "The Real Inconvenient Truth: The Whole World Needs to Adopt China's One-Child Policy", Francis rails against religious leaders and the weak knees of politicians who reject state-imposed limits on human reproduction, saying that in order to save the world from global warming, we need to have a one family, one child policy.

Ignoring the recently leaked Climategate e-mails (which this blog addressed in its last posting, at which suggest that global warming is a hoax designed to enrich big business and promote world government, Francis states that the only way the ongoing Copenhagen Climate Conference will achieve any good is if there were to be a pronouncement of "a planetary law ... to reverse the disastrous global birthrate currently, which is one million births every four days". Francis then goes on to roll out numbers which suggest an end of the world scenario if people don't get with her program.

The kicker is that Francis herself is the mother of TWO children.

Like every dad-bashing politician, like every abusive family court judge, child support agent, and CPS worker, Francis is good at determining just how other parents should behave, but is unwilling to have those same standards applied to herself.

Read more:

Sunday, December 6, 2009

What Do Divorced Dads/NCPs Have in Common With Global Warming?

The answer is that both are the subject of underreporting and news blackouts by America's mainstream media.

Even with rights abuses running rampant in America's family law system, America's news outlets habitually refuse to cover the suffering of divorced dads and non-custodial parents. But even in the rare event when they do report on family law issues, the information is always incomplete or biased towards custodial mothers.

But family law abuses isn't all America's mainstream media is covering up. Within the past couple of weeks, one of the biggest news stories of the past decade exploded -- quietly -- on alternate internet news sites and across the blogosphere.

"Climategate" (see Wikipedia article, as it is now known, began with the hacking of a server used by the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia (UEA) in Norwich, England. The hackers gained access to thousands of documents written by some of the biggest promoters of the "global warming" theory -- documents which seem to prove that global warming is a massive hoax, created by scientists in collusion with big business to create a "carbon tax" system and to establish a "carbon bank" industry.

Even though the UEA confirms that the hacked documents -- which were uploaded to the Internet for all the world to see -- are genuine, America's news agencies have refused to report on the incident. Instead of keeping the public informed, these news agencies are now running cover for the likes of climate guru Al Gore, who had to cancel public appearances over the hacking incident.

Mr. Gore -- who served in one of the worst dad-bashing administrations of all time (see -- stands to profit from the trading of "carbon credits" through his Goldman Sachs-partnered carbon trading empire (including Generation Investment Management and others firms). Also benefiting from the news blackout are many other global elites, like the super-wealthy Rothschild family which is setting up a carbon trading bank in Switzerland.

Also a part of this scandal is the upcoming Copenhagen treaty conference this December 7th-18th, in which the alleged global warming fraud will be used as a basis for nations to sign away their sovereignty to establish a one world government, which will tax the hell out of ordinary folks for using the energy they need to live; President Obama is expected to sign this treaty.

So let us not feel so bad, all of us divorced dads and NCPs; our stories are not the ones being squashed by the mainstream media. And let's remember that when the Powers-That-Be impose blackouts on certain issues, the government is usually doing something very wrong.

To read more on this important subject, check out the related Links:

Monday, November 30, 2009

Sen. Evan Bayh -- Dad Basher -- Wants Obama Off-Limits

Sen. Evan Bayh, the dad-bashing legislator from Indiana who sponsored Barack Obama's Responsible Fatherhood and Healthy Families Act, is now using a party crashing incident at last week's White House state dinner as a pretext for cutting off civilian access to the President.

Bayh claims to be so upset that reality TV party crashers Michaele and Tareq Salahi got close enough to shake the Dad Basher-in-Chief's hand that he wants an "example made", and suggests tighter rules for gaining access to President Obama.

The Salahis, it should be noted, made no threatening actions to the President, nor were they in any way armed or intent on doing the President harm.

Bayh's dramatics come as Obama orders thousands more troops to Afghanistan and seems set to widen the bloody conflict in that nation, while at the same time threatening America's financial well-being with his ill-conceived health reform plan.

Clearly, Bayh is trying to give Obama cover by making it harder for anyone -- perhaps even members of the press corps -- to get close enough to the President to ask any questions.

Recently, Bayh also threw his support behind the Cybersecurity Act of 2009 which would give Obama dictatorial powers over the internet (see our update of Bayh's profile in our POLITICAL ROGUES' GALLERY at http:

For more on story:

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

We are Thankful

This year at Thanksgiving, we at NCPForce! would like to thank all our readers for participating in our effort to expose family law abuses in America.

Without all of you who have taken the time to write us and tell your stories, NCPForce! would not be on track to becoming the organization it wants to be -- one which truly represents non-custodial parents and gives a voice to those who suffer in silence.

We also thank the many readers who take time out to simply send us words of encouragement or thank us for what we are doing -- believe us, these pats on the back go a long way.

Also, we want to thank our volunteers who give their spare time to do all the tasks necessary to get this site up and running, whether it be coding or simply passing along technical advice. We also thank those who are on the ground, passing out our fliers and raising awareness about us.

NCPForce! has taken great strides this year on a technical level. We are now reaching more and more people, and starting to realize results of our work.

Recently, the large law firm of Cordell & Cordell responded to the many negative ratings on our LAWYER RATINGS page and have stated that they will try harder for NCP clients in the future (let's see if this holds water).

We have also rattled the cages of a number of family court judges with our JUDICIAL WATCH page, particularly in New Jersey.

So, we are are thankful for this kind of progress. And mostly, we are thankful that we still live in an America where we can speak out against social injustice, even though at times it seems that freedom in this land is under a most serious threat.

May this Thanksgiving find all of you -- readers, volunteers, friends, and allies -- in the happiness of home, surrounded by your loved ones, especially your children.

From the Organizing Members of NCPForce!

Obama's Big Tent Party While Recession Continues

America's Dad-Basher-in-Chief is once again holding himself up as a role model of "responsibility" -- a value he pedals so often to American dads.

This Tuesday, Obama will be holding his first state dinner in honor of the Indian prime minister. But since he's not content with the White House dining room which can only accommodate 120 guests, he going to hold a massive shindig in a heated tent on the White House lawn. The guest list, which is said to number about 400 people, will include Obama's wealthiest pals who will indulge in food and drink on the taxpayers' dime.

Obama's latest spending spree takes place as unemployment in many states continues to creep up and there are mounting signs that the continued recession may turn into a financial collapse, as French banking giant Societe General warned investors this week (see

For more on the tent event, read

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Comparitive Power: Lou Dobbs Resignation Shows Illegals Stronger Than NCPs

Last week conservative talk show host Lou Dobbs resigned from CNN after illegal alien groups pressured CNN to give him the boot. In this resignation there is a very strong lesson for father's right/non-custodial parents' rights groups about comparative power. Illegal aliens -- who are felons the moment they enter our country undocumented -- are getting more respect than American citizens who happen to find themselves as non-custodial parents. While American non-custodial parents are routinely discriminated against, are made the victims of institutionalized hate, and have their basic constitutional rights trampled upon, illegals are getting handled with kid gloves. Speak out against unbridled immigration and you will find yourself out of job like Lou Dobbs -- called a "racist", a "hater", and even a "terrorist" (as many of Dobbs detractors refer to him). Politicians are afraid to touch the subject of illegl immigration and usually side with illegals when they do. And corporate America is more than happy to side with illegals too. So why is this? Why are illegals getting their wheels greased when non-custodial parents get nada? For starters, illegal aliens organize. But more than this, illegals have something the power elite want. They serve two purposes: 1.) to drag down wages for working-class Americans; and 2.) to decimate the national identity of the United States for the sake of a globalist, one-world government agenda. The lesson we take away from this then is that in order to get our wheels greased, non-custodial parents must 1.) organize; 2.) be noisy; 3.) offer the power elite something that they want. That certain something is our acceptance of the status quou. As long as we are abused, we must be noisy and assail through non-violent protest all operations of the power elite. If they want to help insurance companies profit by mandating health care for all, strike out against it. If they want imperialist wars in foreign lands, strike out against it. If they want carbon taxes to supposedly reduce green house gases, strike out against it. If they want to install a puppet in the White House who was not born in the United States, expose him. Assailt them everywhere and while you're doing it, let them know you're a non-custodial parent and that you're pissed off. Because, as Lou Dobbs now knows, this is the only way you will achieve the same social status as an illegal alien in our country.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Men's & Fathers' Rights Groups Gaining Power -- Feminists Go Nuts on and

Thanks to the efforts of groups like NCPForce!, the fathers' rights movement and the men's rights movement are starting to push back against government abuses. And haters in the feminist community are now starting to feel the heat after years of getting what they want, when want it.

In fact, the haters are now starting to fear so much losing their grip on power that they've unleashed a two-pronged web assault on the fathers' rights/men's rights movement.

On Nov. 5th, ran the article “Men’s Rights Groups Have Become Frighteningly Effective" by Kathryn Joyce. The same day, published "Men’s Rights Groups Go Mainstream–Once Seen as a Lunatic Fringe, Reactionary Anti-Women Groups are Courting Respectability".

Both articles do their best to try to portray fathers' rights groups and men's rights activists as drooling maniacs. But there's still cause to celebrate because, for the first time, the haters in the feminist world are admitting that they're on the run.

Let them know that you're keeping tabs on them and that we're only going to get stronger by posting comments to the hit pieces and mentioning NCPForce!

To comment on the Double X article, click here and scroll down to the comments section. Note: you'll have to register to post comments.

To comment on the Salon article, click here.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Pelosi: Soon All Americans Will Become Deadbeats

Whenever a divorced dad or non-custodial parent goes to jail for falling behind in child support payments, there's always a law-and-order type within reach of a journalist to say how happy he or she is that the "deadbeat" has finally gone to the slammer -- and never mind whether or not the supposed "deadbeat" has just lost a job, become sick or disabled, etc.

Well, now thanks to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Obama's healthcare reform drive, all Americans will get a chance to become government-declared "deadbeats" and get to go to jail too.

According to a press release from House Ways and Means Committee member John Camp (R-MI), the bill recently put before Congress by Pelosi (and likely to be rubber-stamped soon) will force Americans to buy $15,000 health care policies or face $250,000 in fines and up to 5 years imprisonment.

For more information, read Pelosi: Buy a $15,000 Policy or Go to Jail on House Ways and Means Committee website.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Obama Promotes H1N1 Vaccine for America, But WON'T Vaccinate His Daughters

More from the world of Barack Obama's double standards: while the President and his administration have been advising Americans to take the potentially dangerous, experimental H1N1 vaccine, his own daughters have not been given the shot.

A convenient excuse was furnished to inquiring reporters by White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs who says "the vaccine is not available to them based on their risk" (see the report on Fox News Blogs). Now how is that for double talk?

In earlier entries on this blog, we provided links to the National Vaccine Information Center which explain the danger associated with the experimental H1N1 vaccine. We also would like to now remind our leader that Barack Obama recently gave immunity to vaccine manufacturers in the event the vaccine kills or harms people (see complete articles on Healthier and AHRP). Hmm ... could this be the REAL reason the President won't vaccinate his daughters?

Saturday, October 24, 2009

New Evidence of Obama Kenyan Birth Confirmed by the Associated Press

There's new evidence that the Dad Basher-in-Chief may be ineligible to hold office, and it comes from none other than the Associated Press.

According to the website Post & Mail, the Associated Press on June 27, 2004 stated the following in a report syndicated worldwide: "Kenyan-born US Senate hopeful, Barrack Obama, appeared set to take over the Illinois Senate seat after his main rival, Jack Ryan, dropped out of the race on Friday night amid a furor over lurid sex club allegations".

On November 4, 2008, another AP report also repeated the claim in a story supplied to the Modern Ghana news.

The website also claims that in 2004, while running for Illinois State Senate, Republican contender Alan Keyes accused Obama of not being a "natural born citizen". Obama is said to have replied, "So what? I am running for Illinois Senator, not the presidency", apparently admitting that Keyes was right.

Read the full story at the Post & Mail.

Friday, October 23, 2009

British Government Seizes Children from Overweight Parents

The British Government has dreamed up a new way to take children away from their parents -- because they are fat!

This is the word from the British Sky News network. According to its report, seven children, including a newborn, were removed from their parents' home in the city of Dundee after the review of a government "Children's Panel".

How long before this bureaucratic nightmare comes to our shores?

Read more at SkyOnline.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Virginia Judge Orders Parent to Enroll,in Communist Mind Control Class

The alternate news website Infowars has today published letter from a parent in Montgomery County, Virginia, who claims she was ordered by a family court judge to attentd a parenting class based on Communist psychotherapy principles.

Read more at Infowars!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Child Support & Alimony Payments May Have Drove Alleged Letterman Blackmailer

We've heard at NCPForce! that many divorced dads and non-custodial parents are sometimes driven to crime to pay off unrealistic child support debts. It's America's best kept, dirty little secret. And now this reality is exploding into the open thanks to a top celebrity news story.

Recently, a producer at NBC was arrested for allegedly trying to blackmail late night host David Letterman. His possible motive: child support and alimony payments totaling a jaw dropping $6,800 per month!

Read more about this story at Entertainment Tonight.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Wal-Mart Teaches Married Couple
What It Means to Be an NCP

AJ and Lisa Demaree were just a normal couple living in Arizona until the day they stepped into a local Wal-Mart to have photos developed. But a number of innocent bath time pics of their daughters landed them in a bureaucratic and legal nightmare, with state and city authorities seizing their children and invading their family's privacy.

In short, the Demarees received a crash course in what it means to be a non-custodial parent in America.

While NCPForce! sympathizes with the Demarees and wishes the family success in its lawsuit against Wal-Mart and the government entities involved in the case, it is necessary to point out that NCPs must deal with these same abuses on an every day basis. Luckily for the Demarees, they were able to regain their children and can now seek restitution for their horrible experience. But for many NCPs, all it takes is one false accusation from an ex to land them in jail on child abuse charges and to have all access to their children cut off.

We hope that the journalists, columnists, and bloggers who have expressed their righteous indignation over this story will show the same concern for all NCPs in the future.

See full story.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Conservative Phyllis Schafly Speaks Out for Divorced Dads & NCPS

It's not everyday a conservative speaks out in support of divorced dads and NCPs being ground to pulps by the Bradley Amendment and child support collection agencies.

But back in July, that exactly what conservative columnist Phyllis Schafly did. One of our readers informed us of her column which reads:

"Did you know that a family court can order a man to reimburse the government for the welfare money, falsely labeled "child support," that was paid to the mother of a child to whom he is not related? Did you know that, if he doesn't pay, a judge can sentence him to debtor's prison without ever letting him have a jury trial?
Did you know that debtor's prisons (putting men in prison because they can't pay a debt) were abolished in the United States before we abolished slavery, but that they exist today to punish men who are too poor to pay what is falsely called "child support"?
Did you know that when corporations can't pay their debts, they can take bankruptcy, which means they pay off their debts for pennies on the dollar, but a man can never get an alleged "child support" debt forgiven or reduced, even if he is out of a job, penniless and homeless, medically incapacitated, incarcerated (justly or unjustly) or serving in our Armed Forces overseas, can't afford a lawyer, or never owed the money in the first place?
Did you know that when a woman applying for welfare handouts lies about who the father of her child is, she is never prosecuted for perjury? Did you know that judges can refuse to accept DNA evidence showing that the man she accuses is not the father?
Did you know that alleged "child support" has nothing to do with supporting a child because the mother has no obligation to spend even one dollar of it on a child, and in many cases none of the "support" money ever gets to a child because it goes to fatten the payroll of the child-support bureaucracy?
These are among the injustices the feminists, and their docile liberal male allies, have inflicted on men. The sponsor was former Democratic senator from New Jersey and presidential candidate Bill Bradley."

Read the entire article at World Net Daily.

And thank you Phyllis!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

New Government Air Travel Rules May Prevent NCPs from Flying

A new government program is going into effect which may eventually lead to non-custodial parents winding up on no-fly lists.

The Transit Security Authority's new Secure Flight program is now being phased in at a number of air carriers and will require all passengers to check in with a government issued photo ID, which will then be checked against "government" watch lists.

As is usual since 2001, our government is making this new law which undermines privacy in order to "protect" us from a terrorist threat. But how long will it be before this program is used to harass ordinary citizens?

With a federal government that has extended it reach into private lives through Draconian family law legislation like the Bradley Amendment, we can guarantee it won't be long before NCPs with child support arrears are rounded up at airports.

Another frightening aspect of this program is that the TSA does not only oversee air travel. It also governs rail and nautical transport. Combine this with driver's licence seizure and the unemployed NCP will have no place to go except straight to debtor's prison.

Read more at Infowars and at the TSA's website.

KEEP US INFORMED: All readers are encouraged to contact us if they are impacted by Secure Flight in relation to a family court matter. Write us at

Saturday, September 12, 2009

New York Times Makes Major Discovery: Abuses Against Military NCPs

The New York Times has made a startling discovery: there are abuses against NCPs in America's family courts, which routinely abuse our nation's returning veterans.

In an article published 9/1/09, "all-the news that's fit to print" covered the story a veteran who recently returned from war torn Iraq only to be dragged through the terror mill of a New Jersey family court. The tone of the article was one of astonishment, as if this sort of abuse was new.

Four years ago, NCPForce! featured on this website a page about abuses against military dads and called for a boycott of military enlistment.

The Times, it seems, only deemed this issue worthy enough for publication because the subject of their article happens to be a female veteran.

While we at NCPForce! wish Specialist Leydi Mendoza all the best in her battle to have a normal relationship with her daughter, we must ask the Times why it waited so long to address this issue and why it chose to focus specifically on a female veteran?

Every day in courts around America, military dads face rampant abuses and their stories are no less newsworthy. By choosing to focus on a military mom, the Times has put a familiar spin on stories about family law abuses where women are always victims and men are always aggressors.

We at NCPForce! are against such stereotypes and gender-baiting, and we ask that the New York Times better balance its stories in the future ... and to stop pretending that family law abuses are so rare.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Obama to Indoctrinate our Children on September 8th

Warning to ALL PARENTS:

Our Dad Basher-in-Chief, President Obama, will be indoctrinating our children this coming Tuesday, September 8th, by asking all schools to tune into his nationally televised speech.

During the speech, Obama will ask children to participate in a number of activities, among them: Think what the President wants us to do; consider whether the speech makes you want to do anything; ask if we are able to do what President Obama is asking of us.

Shadows of the Third Reich we ask? Or is it not Fascism if WE do it?

You be the judge and make an informed decision about allowing your children to attend school if they will be made to participate in this event. Read more at the following links:


Daily Paul

Friday, August 28, 2009

Responsibility Obama Style Revisited: Queen Michelle's 26 Servants

Several months ago, we told our readers about the Obama free-wheeling, free-spending ways in the White House during a time of economic crisis. This was in our article, Responsibility, Obama Style, which is still available on this site for those who missed it.

We now learn that First Lady, Michelle Obama -- who joined her husband tagteaming dads on Father's Day this year -- apparently believes she is a queen.

According to and an article in the Canada Free Press, Michelle Obama employs 26 personal servants on the public's dime. This is more personal servants than any other First Lady in history, even more than the much maligned Bush family.

And the cost for all this? Hold onto your hats: a stunning $1,750,000 per year!

Here's a list of some of the servants and the cost for each; Michelle's private hairdresser and make-up artist are not included:

  1. $172,2000 - Sher, Susan (Chief Of Staff)
  2. $140,000 - Frye, Jocelyn C. (Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Policy And Projects For The First Lady)
  3. $113,000 - Rogers, Desiree G. (Special Assistant to the President and White House Social Secretary)
  4. $102,000 - Johnston, Camille Y. (Special Assistant to the President and Director of Communications for the First Lady)
  5. $102,000 - Winter, Melissa E. (Special Assistant to the President and Deputy Chief Of Staff to the First Lady)
  6. $90,000 - Medina, David S. (Deputy Chief Of Staff to the First Lady)
  7. $84,000 - Lelyveld, Catherine M. (Director and Press Secretary to the First Lady)
  8. $75,000 - Starkey, Frances M. (Director of Scheduling and Advance for the First Lady)
  9. $70,000 - Sanders, Trooper (Deputy Director of Policy and Projects for the First Lady)
  10. $65,000 - Burnough, Erinn J. (Deputy Director and Deputy Social Secretary)
  11. $65,000 - Reinstein, Joseph B. (Deputy Director and Deputy Social Secretary)
  12. $62,000 - Goodman, Jennifer R. (Deputy Director of Scheduling and Events Coordinator For The First Lady)
  13. $60,000 - Fitts, Alan O. (Deputy Director of Advance and Trip Director for the First Lady)
  14. $60,000 - Lewis, Dana M. (Special Assistant and Personal Aide to the First Lady)
  15. $52,500 - Mustaphi, Semonti M. (Associate Director and Deputy Press Secretary To The First Lady)
  16. $50,000 - Jarvis, Kristen E. (Special Assistant for Scheduling and Traveling Aide To The First Lady)
  17. $45,000 - Lechtenberg, Tyler A. (Associate Director of Correspondence For The First Lady)
  18. $45,000 - Tubman, Samantha (Deputy Associate Director, Social Office)
  19. $40,000 - Boswell, Joseph J. (Executive Assistant to the Chief Of Staff to the First Lady)
  20. $36,000 - Armbruster, Sally M. (Staff Assistant to the Social Secretary)
  21. $36,000 - Bookey, Natalie (Staff Assistant)
  22. $36,000 - Jackson, Deilia A. (Deputy Associate Director of Correspondence for the First Lady)

We'd like to leave you with the following quote of Michelle Obama:

“In my own life, in my own small way, I have tried to give back to this country that has given me so much,” she said. “See, that’s why I left a job at a big law firm for a career in public service.”
— Michelle Obama

Friday, August 7, 2009

Obama's Freudian Slip

A Freudian slip, is that which occurs when someone says or does something which expresses a repressed wish. The term, used in psychoanalysis, was named after Dr. Sigmund Freud, who was the first to explore such slips.

Now comes Obama's Nazi slip on the healthcare issue with the unveiling of a new healthcare symbol on the White House website. Obama, who likes to "brand" his policies the way big corporations brand their products, is known for his fondness of slick graphic symbols. But now, according to conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh, Obama might have branded himself in a very negative way.

Limbaugh says that Obama's health care symbol very closely resembles a Nazi eagle. Below are the two symbols side by side. You be the judge ...

  Nazi Eagle - Inglorious Basterds
Obama's New Health Care Symbol... ... and the inspiration? (An example of a Nazi eagle taken from an ad for the film "Inglorious Basterds").

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Stasi, KGB, Gestapo - The Obama Way

Several weeks ago, we mentioned in this blog how all Americans will soon be getting a taste of the Nazi tactics which have been used to oppress divorced dads and NCPs.

Now President Obama is pushing the Fascist throttle up another notch forming a nationwide snitch network to gather up names for a White House enemies list. This according to Senator John Cornyn of Texas.

Earlier this week, the White House on its own blog site asked Americans to inform on other Americans who might be saying negative things about Obama's health care plan on the internet, and even asked readers to forward "suspicious" e-mails they might receive to the White House.

This new domestic spying operation is the fallout of Obama's nosediving poll numbers on the health care issue (which many critics assail for its Nazi-like health rationing policies, its potential to heighten the tax burden, and for the priorities it gives to non-citizen illegal aliens).

For more information, see the following links:

Infowars -

Washington Examiner -

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

An Open Letter to President Obama

Dear President Obama:

First let us return the sentiments you and your wife extended to American dads on their special day by offering our best wishes on your special day. We wish you very a happy birthday ... if it is indeed your birthday. There is so much that is dubious regarding your birth, and there is so much you've been untruthful about, that no one can really take you at face value. But for the moment, we will assume that it is indeed your birthday and offer you a few words of advice which you can take with you as you go forward into what we hope is a better year for all of us.

Mr. President, we at NCPForce! have placed you and your administration under scrutiny because of your attacks on American dads on Father's Day and at other times when it seems you need to do some political posturing. We do not focus on you because you are a Democrat (or because we are "right-wing", a familiar charge leveled at anyone who questions you or your policies). Nor do we focus on you because you are Afro-American. On the contrary, we are proud that our country has been able to look past the color of a man's skin to do what no other western nation has been able to do, that is to elect a black man to its highest office.

And it is because we are proud of this accomplishment that we are especially disappointed in you, and what you have done since gaining your party's nomination to hold the office you now hold. If any President should know better about using the politics of division, it is you President Obama. As an Afro-American, you of all people should know how hurtful and dehumanizing it is to target a specific group of people for selfish political ends. But despite your heritage, you have chosen to engage in divisive politics by unfairly targeting American fathers for moralizing sermons on their special day, just to make yourself appear as a leader who knows how to fix a broken society.

This Father's Day and last, when you spoke out against "absent fathers", you expressed either your ignorance of issues faced by divorced dads, or your contempt for those who come out on the losing end of our dysfunctional family law system. You did this in a manner which is extremely harmful to dads who are fighting an uphill battle for their rights in America's family courts, because your words were designed to stir up hate and discrimination.

Before we get into the specifics of what you said and why it was wrong, first imagine yourself making a similar address on Mother's Day. Imagine what our media would say if you came out on that day and spoke out against women who undergo abortions to destroy unwanted children. Or if you spoke out against women who drop their children at safe surrender sites. Or if you chastised mothers who fail to obey visitation orders. Yes, Mr. President, you would be widely condemned. But because American fathers have been lax in defending their rights, and because the media which adores you has become so accustomed to demonizing fathers with impunity, you are allowed to get away with your attacks on American dads.

Now to the specifics. First, what is truly disturbing about your dad bashing sermons is their deep-rooted racial hatred against people of color. Whenever you speak of absent fathers, it is always directed towards inner city absent fathers, and everyone knows that this is code for people of color. Never do you direct your wrath against white suburban fathers who might be absent from their children's lives (although they also should not be targeted by you for reasons we will discuss below).

You habitually attack absent fathers of color, yet you refuse to address any of the real causes for the breakdown of inner city families. The laughable minimum wage ... the dead end jobs in which people are hired and fired like animals ... the drugs and crime ... illegal immigration ... and the slumlords who suck the lifeblood from inner city people -- none of this is ever put into its proper perspective when you talk about fatherhood. As a matter of fact, your government is doing close to nothing (or about a much as the last administration) to address these problems and to give inner city families hope. Hundreds of billions have gone to wealthy bankers and have disappeared into the black holes of organizations like the Federal Reserve, but there's nary a penny for ordinary folks.

Now, about those white suburban absent dads who don't seem to be a bother to you. Most likely, they never appear your radar because you might not consider them a financial burden; they're AOK with you if they're paying their court-ordered child support and don't complain much. And it seems you couldn't give a feather whether or not they actually ever see their children. Because if you did truly care about fatherhood, you would know that there are millions of dads who are doing everything right financially, yet are still absent from their children's lives because of the way our family law system works.

We will not buy the excuse that you are unaware of this, because you are an intelligent man and an attorney; you know what's going on. The only plausible explanation for your behavior is that you simply do not care, and that you continue to approach the issue of absent fathers the way you do because it's a reliable political stunt ... at least for now.

President Obama, the truth is that inner city dads and suburban dads are in the same boat when they find themselves embroiled in our family law system. Both feel the sting of discrimination from the very first moment they step foot into the courtroom. If they ever want to have a relationship with their children after being called to a family court, they'd first better have thousands of dollars to pay for attorney's fees. Many who spend entire life savings in custody and visitation battles sometimes end up no better than those who cannot afford attorneys all, and have their rights trampled completely in our courts.

And heaven help the father who gets sick, disabled, or becomes unemployed, because our system will fling them in jail if they fall behind on support payments. On top of this, our system also makes sure that fathers with arrears are kicked down into an ever-deepening abyss of debt. Fathers who owe as little as $1000 in support payments (and it is easy to fall behind on such an amount these days) are stripped of driver's licenses and professional licenses, making it difficult for them to ever find work again. They are also stripped of passports -- a critical piece of identification to obtain a job -- and are thereby reduced to the status of second-class citizen. And worst of all, a heinous piece of federal legislation known as the Bradley Amendment makes it impossible for a father to appeal or adjust child support ... ever ... under any circumstances.

Mr. President, you have said on record that you defend the right of a woman to have an abortion because you want your daughters to have an option if they make a "mistake". Well, what about young men who make a mistake? In your warped view of things, it is perfectly fine for a woman to rip a child out of her womb and drop unwanted children into the care of taxpayers at safe surrender sites, but it is abhorrent if a man is absent from a child's life (for any reason) or fails to pay every last penny (for any reason).

This is the sort of behavior which has caused so many Americans -- even many who supported you in your campaign -- to regard you with distrust. You came to the presidency on a platform of a "different kind of politics", and vowed to uphold a Constitution which was trampled upon by your predecessor. Yet even before you were elected, you began picking and choosing which laws you would uphold and which groups you would single out for abuse.

Finally, President Obama, let us say that we expect this long letter to fall on deaf ears. That is because we know what you are and will say it plainly: you are a Fascist. The proof is in the way you've conducted yourself thus far, just like your predecessor, using your authority to enrich and empower the elites of our society while using sinister ploys to confuse ordinary Americans and set them against one another.

We can only hope that we are wrong about this. But if you want to prove that you are the man you say you are, and if you truly wish to talk about American fatherhood, address the issue properly. And you don't have to wait until next Father's Day, or your next birthday, to set things right. Tell America that the family law system needs to be reformed.

Until you do, NCPForce! will be out here doing it for you.


The Organizing Volunteers of NCPForce!

Obama Ineligible to Hold Office? Kenyan Birth Certificate Surfaces

Perhaps you haven't heard, because the mainstream media doesn't want you to know. But America's dad basher-in-chief, Barack Obama, may be ineligible to hold office.

For the past several months, rumors have swirled regarding Obama's eligibility to hold office as President because he may not have been born in the United States. A number of lawsuits have also been filed, and much evidence has been presented which suggests that Obama may be engaged in a cover-up.

According to American citizens concerned about this issue (who the mainstream media derisively calls "birthers"), Obama might have been born in Kenya and not Hawaii, making him about as eligible to hold the office of President as Austrian-born showman, Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Obama enforcers in the media and the government have been busy marginalizing those with questions about his Kenyan birth; dismissing lawsuits on flimsy grounds; and even systematically attacking journalists who dare speak their minds, like CNN's Lou Dobbs.

And Obama himself has spent over $1 Million dollars to avoid presenting his long-form birth certificate to court -- very strange since it's an inexpensive document which would put his critics to rest.

Now comes news that a California attorney, Orly Taitz, has come into possession of a Kenyan birth certificate which seems to be the smoking gun. Pictures of the document are provided below:

It's not our place to say whether this document is genuine.

But NCPForce! would like to point out that Obama has consistently lied to the American people. And he's also man without any kind of a paper trail .

Among other documents which are unavailable to reporters are those from Occidental College in California (where some theorists say he may have received financial aid as a foreign-born student); his writings from the Yale University Law Review; and his client list as a private attorney.

To read more about this issue, check out the following links:

Newsmax -

World Net Daily -

LA Times -

In the meantime, does anyone know how to say "Happy Birthday, Mr. President!" in Kenyan?


NCPForce! invites interested parties to support CNN's Lou Dobbs on the investigation of the birth certificate issue by writing to the following executives at CNN.

* (president of CNN Worldwide)

* (executive vice president of CNN News Services)

* (president of CNN/US)

* (senior vice president and executive producer of

* (senior vice president and general manager of

* (senior vice president and senior executive producer of

Monday, August 3, 2009

Obama Gets New Look

All this week, in a run up to the Dad Basher-in-Chief's birthday on August 9th, NCPForce! will be devoting blog entries to Barack Obama.

Today we'd like to share with you an amazing, grassroots poster campaign which is hitting the streets of Los Angeles. The poster features President Obama in Heath Ledger's "Joker" face paint with the word "socialism" underneath.

The poster has already gone viral on the internet and is now showing up in other cities, as the witty comparison of Obama to to Ledger's lying, manipulative, destructive madman has struck cultural resonance. And Obama's various enforcers are hopping mad.

The liberal LA TImes Weekly and Earl Ofari Hutchinson, president of the Los Angeles Urban Policy Roundtable, denounced the image and called on those behind it to reveal themselves. "Depicting the president as demonic and a socialist goes beyond political spoofery," says Hutchinson, who apparently believes that America elected a king and not a politician last November.

But many other bloggers, like Thomas Lifson of the conservative American Thinker website, are delighted. Lifson writes: "It is starting. Open mockery of Barack Obama, as disillusionment sets in with the man, his policies, and the phony image of a race-healing, brilliant, scholarly, middle-of-the-roader."

We here at NCPForce! are delighted too. In fact, NCPForce! has mocked up another version of the Obama-Joker poster to help generate family law reform awareness. This is it:

Click on the image above to get a full size version to print out.

Right click on it to save it, and use it in your e-mails or your own websites.

Monday, July 27, 2009

More Warnings About Flu Shots

More warnings about flu shots from the National Vaccine Information Center, a vaccine watch dog group formed to protect children from vaccine disasters like the one in 1976.

In the two videos below, NVIC director Barbara Loe Fisher talks about potential dangers of the experimental swine flu vaccination and the swine flu outbreak in general.

NCPForce! is asking all members and readers to pass on these links to friends and family members to make sure that our children not be forced by our government to take potentially harmful vaccines a month from now when the school year begins.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Barack Obama's $50,000/week Vacation Home

A couple of weeks ago, we published an article about the freewheeling, free-spending ways of America's dad basher-in-chief, Barack Obama -- a man who likes to talk temperance and responsibility, rather than practice them.

According to news reports, Obama is planning a summer vacation at a posh getaway on Martha's Vineyard where elites need only apply for reservations. A week's rent at the vacation home is rumored to be $50,000, and thus far there's no word whether or not the President will be charging this to the American taxpayer.

Seeing how he's charged his "date nights" to the general public before -- racking up millions in Air Force One flights and security costs -- it wouldn't surprise us if ordinary Americans will ponying up cash for this one too.

For more coverage, see this article in the New York Post.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Gov't Grants Legal Immunity for Possible Flu Vaccine Disaster

On July 13th, we blogged about the possibility of our government forcing an experimental and possibly dangerous flu vaccination on our children this fall.

The rumblings of something unsavory coming down the pike grew louder today with news from the Associated Press that Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services, signed a document granting legal immunity to vaccine manufacturers and government officials, shielding them from any and all legal action resulting from a vaccination disaster.

As we mentioned in our earlier blog on this, one of the swine flu vaccine manufacturers contracted by the government is Baxter, which recently shipped flu vaccine tainted with lethal, live avian flu to Europe.

Recently, an Austrian investigative journalist named Baxter in a lawsuit she filed charging that the company, along with UN and WHO officials, have conspired to unleash a global pandemic for the economic gain of an international corporate syndicate. Barack Obama and Kathleen Sibelius were also named in the suit.

Sure ... she's crazy. But given the immunity measure, it may be time for custodial and non-custodial parents alike to start paying close attention to this issue.

Read more at the Center for Global Research.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

America Lurching Towards Fascism With Stardust In Its Eyes

America at large will soon get a taste of what divorced dads and NCP's have been living with for decades: the rule of a Fascist police state not unlike Hitler's Germany right here in the United States.

So says author and political advisor Naomi Wolf in a recent interview with Russia Today TV, (Russia's English language version of CNN, which can be found on cable stations in the U.S.). And Wolf lays the finger of blame on America' dad-basher in chief, Barack Obama.

Wolf's comments are especially compelling especially when one considers that Wolf was up until now a darling of the liberal media establishment. Her book, "The End of America" published in 2007, was highly critical of the Bush administration which she accused of mimicking Fascist dictatorships in the past by taking steps to erode American democratic values. And she also voted for Obama for the reasons outlined in this article for the Huffington Post. But now ...

Wolf says that Obama is building on the Fascist foundations laid by the Bush administration. "What's frustrating in a way is that he does so gracefully and so charmingly, and charismatically saying all the right things, that I think many people have kind of stardust in their eyes."

See the entire interview here.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

And Her Views On Family Law Reform ... ?


This week, the latest corporate stooge to be nominated for the Supreme Court goes before Congress to face questions in what is supposed to be a confirmation hearing.

While the media is building this up as an event in which the unexpected just might happen, everyone knows that these hearings are entertainment. Her confirmation has already been rubber stamped by higher powers who, most likely, know she will be agreeable with big business and see tremendous potential in her ability to divide the masses along racial lines -- divide and conquer as they say.

But perhaps one of our elected leaders will ask her what her views on family law, and more specifically, family law reform, really are.

We won't hold our breath for this, because this is not one of the real issues our news manufacturers want discussed, and those doing the questioning are oblivious to the matter altogether.

If anyone out there is still watching this farce for entertainment, let us know if the most radical three-words in the English language -- FAMILY LAW REFORM -- are ever uttered by dropping us a line at


Monday, July 13, 2009

Gov't To Force Experimental Flu Vaccine?

The government will have you believe that it cares more about your children than you do. Which is why it now wants to force American children to take a mandatory, experimental flu vaccine this fall.

According to a report in the Washington Post, government officials have said that school children will be the first in line to receive the first 100 million doses of the vaccine. The Obama administration is also ramping up efforts to make sure that another 300 million doses of the vaccine will be rolled out through various state and local agencies in short order.

The talk has raised worries among certain health activists and civil rights activists who are concerned about children being forced to take the shot because of a similar large scale vaccination program in 1976 to deal with another swine flu scare. That program caused over 500 cases of a paralyzing nerve disease and killed 30 people -- more deaths than from that year's flu.

When the editor of political blog PissedOffFormerDemocrat recently called Arkansas State Health Department officials to discuss vaccination refusal, he was told that "mandatory vaccinations" could take place in the future and that they would be "legal" and could be carried out "constitutionally", and that those who refuse could be "held liable". A recording of this conversation can be heard at DailyMotion.

Of interest is that fact the company which will manufacture the vaccination, Baxter, was recently caught shipping flu vaccine contaminated with a lethal strain of avian flu. Luckily, the tainted shipment was caught by random testing in Czechoslovakia where a number of ferrets that were given the vaccine died from the virus.

Yes, our government certainly cares about our children. Loves them enough to give them an experimental vaccine from a company known to make horrific quality control mistakes, just to tackle a flu strain which many experts say may be no more dangerous than the ordinary flu. But hey, let's not forget there's a lot of money to be made for our legislators who invest in big pharmaceutical companies.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Another Reason Why We Need Judicial Watch

Alex Kozinski

If there was ever any doubt whether or not the family law reform movement needed a judicial watchdog operation such NCPForce!'s Judicial Watch project, one need look no further than the case of Alex Kozinski, Chief Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.

While Judge Kozinski was presiding over an obscenity case, it was learned that the good judge had an obscene publicly accessible website of his own featuring sexually explicit photos and videos, including: a photo of naked women on all fours painted to look like cows; a video of a half-dressed man cavorting with a sexually aroused farm animal; images of masturbation and public and contortionist sex; a slide show striptease featuring a transsexual; a series of photos of women's crotches as seen through snug fitting clothing or underwear; and content with themes of defecation and urination.

When the truth came out, Kozinski dismissed concerns over his website by saying that he thought some of the content was "funny." He also refused to disqualify himself from the case. Later on, however, Kozinski petitioned an ethics panel to investigate and blamed family members and friends for possibly posting some of the material. Kozinski finally recused himself from the obscenity case in June 2008.

Now, a year later, a panel of federal judges looking into Kozinski's behavior have swept the entire matter under the carpet by giving Kozinski a slap on the wrist. While calling Kozinski's actions "judicially imprudent" and "exhibiting poor judgment", the panel decided to allow Kozinski to continue judging other people.

Hmm ... poor judgment ... is that really a qualification for being a judge? This is what happens when we have judges disciplining judges, and lawyers disciplining lawyers.

Keep your reports on judges and your lawyer ratings coming!

Read the full story here:,0,2032797.story