Sunday, December 6, 2009

What Do Divorced Dads/NCPs Have in Common With Global Warming?

The answer is that both are the subject of underreporting and news blackouts by America's mainstream media.

Even with rights abuses running rampant in America's family law system, America's news outlets habitually refuse to cover the suffering of divorced dads and non-custodial parents. But even in the rare event when they do report on family law issues, the information is always incomplete or biased towards custodial mothers.

But family law abuses isn't all America's mainstream media is covering up. Within the past couple of weeks, one of the biggest news stories of the past decade exploded -- quietly -- on alternate internet news sites and across the blogosphere.

"Climategate" (see Wikipedia article, as it is now known, began with the hacking of a server used by the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia (UEA) in Norwich, England. The hackers gained access to thousands of documents written by some of the biggest promoters of the "global warming" theory -- documents which seem to prove that global warming is a massive hoax, created by scientists in collusion with big business to create a "carbon tax" system and to establish a "carbon bank" industry.

Even though the UEA confirms that the hacked documents -- which were uploaded to the Internet for all the world to see -- are genuine, America's news agencies have refused to report on the incident. Instead of keeping the public informed, these news agencies are now running cover for the likes of climate guru Al Gore, who had to cancel public appearances over the hacking incident.

Mr. Gore -- who served in one of the worst dad-bashing administrations of all time (see -- stands to profit from the trading of "carbon credits" through his Goldman Sachs-partnered carbon trading empire (including Generation Investment Management and others firms). Also benefiting from the news blackout are many other global elites, like the super-wealthy Rothschild family which is setting up a carbon trading bank in Switzerland.

Also a part of this scandal is the upcoming Copenhagen treaty conference this December 7th-18th, in which the alleged global warming fraud will be used as a basis for nations to sign away their sovereignty to establish a one world government, which will tax the hell out of ordinary folks for using the energy they need to live; President Obama is expected to sign this treaty.

So let us not feel so bad, all of us divorced dads and NCPs; our stories are not the ones being squashed by the mainstream media. And let's remember that when the Powers-That-Be impose blackouts on certain issues, the government is usually doing something very wrong.

To read more on this important subject, check out the related Links:


  1. Holy crap, I applied the logic of the Bradley Amendment back at a welfare moms on Facebook, they don't like the idea of being billed at 10% intrest. Any parent that applies for welfare should lose the kids, if you applied Bradley back at them.....IMO
