Friday, July 22, 2011

NCPForce! Urges Support for Ron Paul, President 2012

Special Announcement

In 1998, Ron Paul Stood Up Against the Abuse of Non-Custodial Parents -- Now It's Time for Non-Custodial Parents to Stand Up for Him.

Ron Paul for President 2012

It is time for non-custodial parents to start voting for their interests.

We know this is a very bleak proposition as the two major political parties (one party actually, although we are accustomed to saying two to preserve some veneer of democracy) offer very little in the way of relief to the abused non-custodial parent.

It is therefore very easy to get caught up focusing on the negative aspects of a Presidential race as we did in 2008 when we tried to warn non-custodial parents about Barack Obama and his deep-rooted hatred of divorced dads and non-custodial dads.

At that time, we overlooked a man we should have been supporting because his record shows that he was then, as he is now, the only major candidate who has stood up for non-custodial parents when it mattered.

That man is Congressman Ron Paul of Texas.

Ron Paul Vs. The Deadbeat Parent Act

In 1998, when Fascists in our government, then headed by the child murderer and criminal Bill Clinton, decided to rush through the Deadbeat Parents Punishment Act without following proper legislative procedures, Congressman Ron Paul rose up in Congress to thwart this obvious violation of our Constitution.

Below is the text of Ron Paul's clear-headed, far-reaching address to Congress on May 12, 1998:

MR. PAUL: "Mr. Speaker, today the Congress will collectively move our nation ... closer to a national police state by further expanding a federal crime...

Of course, it is much easier to ride the current wave of federalizing every human misdeed in the name of saving the world from some evil than to uphold a Constitutional oath which prescribes a procedural structure by which the nation is protected from what is perhaps the worst evil, totalitarianism. Who, after all, and especially in an election year, wants to be amongst those members of Congress who are portrayed as soft on ... deadbeat parents irrespective of the procedural transgressions and individual or civil liberties one tramples in their zealous approach.

Our federal government is, constitutionally, a government of limited powers. Article one, Section eight, enumerates the legislative areas for which the U.S. Congress is allowed to act or enact legislation.

For every other issue, the federal government lacks any authority or consent of the governed and only the state governments their designees, or the people in their private market actions enjoy such rights to governance. The tenth amendment is brutally clear in stating `The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.’

Our nation’s history makes clear that the U.S. Constitution is a document intended to limit the power of central government. No serious reading of historical events surrounding the creation of the Constitution could reasonably portray it differently. Of course, there will be those who will hang their constitutional `hats’ on the interstate commerce general welfare clauses, both of which have been popular `headgear’ since the FDR’s headfirst plunge into New Deal Socialism.

The interstate commerce clause, however, was included to prevent states from engaging in protectionism and mercantilist policies as against other states.

Those economists who influenced the framers did an adequate job of educating them as to the necessarily negative consequences for consumers of embracing such a policy. The clause was never intended to give the federal government carte blanche to intervene in private economic affairs anytime some special interest could concoct a `rational basis’ for the enacting such legislation.

Likewise, while the general welfare provides an additional condition upon each of the enumerated powers of the U.S. Congress detailed in Article I, Section eight, it does not, in itself, provide any latitude for Congress to legislatively take from A and give to B or ignore every other government-limiting provision of Constitution (of which there are many), each of which are intended to limit the central government’s encroachment on liberty.

Nevertheless, rather than abide by our constitutional limits, Congress today will likely pass ... H.R. 3811 under suspension of the rules meaning, of course, they are `non-controversial.’

Today’s ... legislative step towards a national police state can be found in H.R. 3811, the Deadbeat Parents Punishment Act of 1998. This bill enhances a federal criminal felony law for those who fail to meet child support obligations as imposed by the individual states. Additionally, the bills shifts some of the burden of proof from the federal government to the accused.

The United States Constitution prohibits the federal government from depriving a person of life, liberty, or property without due process of law. Pursuant to this constitutional provision, a criminal defendant is presumed to be innocent of the crime charged and, pursuant to what is often called `the Winship doctrine,’ the prosecution is allocated the burden of persuading the fact-finder of every fact necessary to constitute the crime . . . charged.’

The prosecution must carry this burden because of the immense interests at stake in a criminal prosecution, namely that a conviction often results in the loss of liberty or life (in this case, a sentence of up to two years). This departure from the long held notion of `innocent until proven guilty’ alone warrants opposition to this bill. Perhaps, more dangerous is the loss of another Constitutional protection which comes with the passage of more and more federal criminal legislation.

Constitutionally, there are only three federal crimes. These are treason against the United States, piracy on the high seas, and counterfeiting (and, as mentioned above, for a short period of history, the manufacture, sale, or transport of alcohol was concurrently a federal and state crime).

`Concurrent’ jurisdiction crimes, such as alcohol prohibition in the past and federalization of felonious child support delinquency today, erode the right of citizens to be free of double jeopardy. The fifth amendment to the U.S. Constitution specifies that no `person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb . . .’ In other words, no person shall be tried twice for the same offense. However, in United States v. Lanza, the high court in 1922 sustained a ruling that being tried by both the federal government and a state government for the same offense did not offend the doctrine of double jeopardy.

One danger of unconstitutionally expanding the federal criminal justice code is that it seriously increases the danger that one will be subject to being tried twice for the same offense. Despite the various pleas for federal correction of societal wrongs, a national police force is neither prudent nor constitutional.

The argument which springs from the criticism of a federalized criminal code and a federal police force is that states may be less effective than a centralized federal government in dealing with those who leave one state jurisdiction for another.

Fortunately, the Constitution provides for the procedural means for preserving the integrity of state sovereignty over those issues delegated to it via the tenth amendment. The privilege and immunities clause as well as full faith and credit clause allow states to exact judgments from those who violate their state laws. The Constitution even allows the federal government to legislatively preserve the procedural mechanisms which allow states to enforce their substantive laws without the federal government imposing its substantive edicts on the states. Article IV, Section 2, Clause 2 makes provision for the rendition of fugitives from one state to another.

While not self-enacting, in 1783 Congress passed an act which did exactly this. There is, of course, a cost imposed upon states in working with one another than relying on a national, unified police force. At the same time, there is a greater cost to centralization of police power.

It is important to be reminded of the benefits of federalism as well as the costs. There are sound reasons to maintain a system of smaller, independent jurisdictions–it is called competition and, yes, governments must, for the sake of the citizenry, be allowed to compete ...

When small governments becomes too oppressive, citizens can vote with their feet to a `competing’ jurisdiction. If, for example, I do not want to be forced to pay taxes to prevent a cancer patient from using medicinal marijuana to provide relief from pain and nausea, I can move to Arizona. If I want to bet on a football game without the threat of government intervention, I can move to Nevada. If I want my income tax at 4% instead of 10%, I can leave Washington, DC, for the surrounding state suburbs. Is it any wonder that many productive people leave DC and then commute in on a daily basis? (For this, of course, DC will try to enact a commuter tax which will further alienate those who will then, to the extent possible, relocate their workplace elsewhere).

In other words, governments pay a price (lost revenue base) for their oppression. As government becomes more and more centralized, it becomes much more difficult to vote with one’s feet to escape the relatively more oppressive governments. Governmental units must remain small with ample opportunity for citizen mobility both to efficient governments and away from those which tend to be oppressive. Centralization of criminal law makes such mobility less and less practical. For each of these reasons, among others, I must oppose the further and unconstitutional centralization of power in the national government and, accordingly ... H.R. 3811."

From the Ron Paul Archive at

Mr. Paul's opposition to the Deadbeat Parents Punishment Act not only demonstrates a mind in tune with the nature of our Constitution and the founding principles of our country, it also reveals a holistic understanding of government injustice against non-custodial parents.

Ron Paul understands that when state governments are hard pressed to properly deal with something as personal as family dissolution that the behemoth federal government in no better suited to stick in its head. And he knows that when Washington does interfere in local or personal matters, it always makes matters worse.

Fight for Your Rights, and Your Country Too

When Ron Paul stated in 1998 that "governments pay a price for their oppression" he wasn't joking. Thirteen years after that speech, the United States has descended into a police state Banana Republic, with an ever-eroding middle-class, involvement in numerous foreign wars, and verging on financial collapse.

That's because our legislators are owned by very powerful money interests who are not interested in the common good. Our legislators must serve corporations and wealthy individuals, and must therefore takes actions which make them appear to be doing something good for their people when in actuality they are not.

When lawmakers want to pretend they're interested in American families, they come down hard on non-custodial parents; when they want to prove they stand for the safety of American citizens, they bomb goat farmers in the Middle East; when they want to prove they are for education, they lower school standards to make everyone feel smart.

Our government of smoke and mirrors is slowly running out of tricks to keep the American people confused about the real nature of its policies. With social problems piling up, the only response our government can give is more repression.

As non-custodial parents who have been on the receiving end of government oppression for far too long in this country, it is our duty to stand up for the principles of freedom which made America great.

Congressman Ron Paul has proven himself time and time again as a legislator who embodies those principles. And this is why a vote for him is a vote for our interests, and our nation.

How You Can Help Ron Paul

Right not, Ron Paul has a loyal and committed group of followers who are actively working to help him win the Ames Iowa Straw Poll, the bellwether of the Republican party Presidential nomination. If he can make a strong showing there, he will be on a good standing to campaign further.

But the way ahead will be tough, as big money interests are already lining up to make sure a Ron Paul Presidency will never get off the ground. Already, the mainstream media is conditioning the American people to accept former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney (a corporate stooge if there ever was one) as the undisputed frontrunner and is happy to leave things that way. Wealthy donors, following news of a Ron Paul surge in the polls, contributed over $18 million to Romney's campaign (a paltry amount compared to Obama's $86 million -- so now we know who the biggest corporate stooge really is!). And we can only expect a wave of negative news stories to hit air if Congressman Paul shows any sign of overtaking Romney.

To help combat this, NCPs can use the organizational tactics, membership, and support of family law reform groups to lend aid to the Ron Paul for President campaign. Just as activists have been getting the word out on family law abuses, we can also help get out the word that Ron Paul is the best candidate for the interests of non-custodial parents and their families who can become a potentially large and powerful voting bloc.

We urge NCPs to visit Congressman Paul's websites at the addresses below to find ways in which they can.

Official Ron Paul 2012 Site:

And Ron Paul Revolution at

Also, keep watch on our blog, Twitter page, and Facebook page for regular updates on the Ron Paul for President campaign.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Disturbing Supreme Court Split-Verdict: NCPs Facing Jail Time for Arrears Don't Need Lawyers

Last month on June 20th, 2011, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a disturbing split verdict in the case of Michael D. Turner, an unemployed South Carolina dad who was repeatedly put in jail for child support arrears although he had no ability to pay his court-ordered support. The case hinged on whether or not an impoverished non-custodial parent has the right to court-appointed legal counsel when facing jail time for arrears.

In its 5-4 split verdict, the court ruled that while it is impermissible to jail poor parents for arrears without giving them a chance to be heard in court, that non-custodial parents facing jail time are not entitled to court appointed legal defenders.

Under the Sixth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, citizens facing jail time are entitled to court appointed attorneys.

So what was the Supreme Court thinking?

According to Justice Clarence "There's a Pubic Hair in My Coke" Thomas, the Constitution need not apply to non-custodial parents because jail time for child support is not "real" jail time in the sense that it is for criminals. It is "coercive" jail time which arises out of a contempt of court proceeding. Pay no mind to the fact that poor non-custodial parents are jailed in overcrowded prisons with hardcore criminals like murderers and rapists, otherwise one would have to draw a distinction between "criminal" jail time and "coercive" jail time,

Even Justice Breyer ,who wrote a supposedly sympatric majority opinion for non-custodial parents, offered up some strange thoughts on why non-custodial parents shouldn't have lawyers when facing jail time: because that would be unfair to custodial parents without attorneys of their own. Apparently, Breyer doesn't see mighty state child support agencies, police, and family court judges as adequate legal representation for custodial parents.

Family law reform activists might take some satisfaction in the outcome in this case because, on a procedural level, the Supreme Court is saying that better rules must be followed when states seek to jail non-custodial parents. But this victory is somewhat hollow when the Supreme Court leaves wide open the issue of debtors' prisons in general and fails to address non-custodial parents facing political imprisonment over financial debt.

According to an attorney representing non-custodial parents in this case, family court judges in South Carolina alone try about 100 family law cases in a single morning without giving poor non-custodial parents a proper chance to explain their financial situations. And at any given time in just the state of South Carolina, at least 1,500 individuals are in jail for child support arrears (the exact number might be much higher because these are contempt cases, and many courts often throw these statistics in with criminal imprisonments -- isn't that right Justice Thomas?).

So long as there are debtors' prisons and political imprisonment in family law cases, our nation's courts are in direct violation of our Constitution no matter which way some jurists, politicians, and the media might attempt to spin.

Read more about this case at:

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Casey Anthony Hypocrisy: America Ignores Gov't Sanctioned Child Murder

It is Sunday, July 17, 2011, and Casey Anthony is getting out of jail after being aquitted for her child's murder. And Americans of all stripes are running about outraged, carrying on as if this is the greatest miscarriage of justice of all time. People who claim to be offended by murder are making murder threats to Ms. Anthony and the jurors too. One Oklahoma woman even attempted to kill another woman who happened to look like Casey Anthony by ramming her car repeatedly with her truck. Talking heads in the mainstream media, like yellow journalist and lynch mob inciter Nancy Grace, are largely responsible for the insanity as they've been mercilesly ringing the Anthony case for news show fodder.

So now America hates child murder. And we at NCPForce! do too. But can we really be sure that Casey Anthony is a child murderer? Obviously, she is quite deranged and obviously something very strange went on during the thirty days she failed to report her child missing. But does this make her a child murderer? Did the smirking prosecutor ever present proper evidence to support this? The jury did not seem to think so, and there job was to make sure -- before giving a citizen the death penalty -- that there were no reasonable doubts. And that is, after all, a sacred part of our legal system.

However, we live in a strange country. And people some people seem to think that principles can be tweaked here and there. You know, you don't like the verdict so maybe try her again until we get the verdict we like. This is the kind of justice that we non-custodial parents know in America: debtors' prisons forbidden under federal law, except for non-custodial parents of course. Justice, for too many Americans, is a salad bar where you can take a little of this and a little of that as your appetite dictates.

And this probably why Americans, while condemning Casey Anthony, have completely overlooked the ongoing murders of children in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Libya by state sanctioned bombing raids.

Americans are conveniently forgetting, while they pig out on Casey Anthony coverage, that President Obama has a higher body count than Casey Anthony (if she is at all her daughter's killer). Just days after taking office, Obama stepped up drone raids on Afghanistan and Pakistan, raids that kill far more civilians than enemy targets, and the slaughter of children has gone on ever since.

The same people who are condemning Casey Anthony are most likely the same people who would condone our nation's violence against children even when confronted with the facts. These ra-ra patriots are the types who beat their breasts and tell you that our military is simply defending freedom, and it doesn't matter if little kids get caught in the crossfire because our government is always right no matter what.

While our mainstream media has been busy filling the airwaves and newsapers with Casey Anthony and her dead child, it has also been very busy covering up our government's crimes by failing to report the murder of children abroad in American bombing raids. They've done a good job with the cover-up -- about as good as they've done covering up the abuses to non-custodial parents -- so people can be excused for their ignorance of the facts. Nevertheless, plenty of coverage exists in foreign media and alternate news sites, all of it readily available on the internet.

For readers with strong stomachs, we urge you to take a look at the embedded video below to see what a NATO 'humanitarian" bombing mission does to a child (be advised, the images are so shocking and graphic, you may have to log into YouTube to gain access to the footage).

Have you looked? And how do you feel now? Do you still think Casey Anthony is so important on the grand scheme of things?

Or maybe you're still not convinced about our government's misdeeds. Or maybe you couldn't access the video. Run the following search on YouTube: "nato libya children victims". You'll find many more links to other videos there. You can also do a similar search on Google or any other search engine. The evidence you will find is overwhelming: our government is on child killing spree and no one seems willing to stop it.

As long as the state-sanctioned murder of children in foreign lands goes on, Americans who are crying out for justice in the Anthony case should put a cork in it. Their own hands soaked in the blood of innocents, and they just might be more guilty that poor little Caylee's mom.

CA Foster Care Lets Children Sleep on Office Floors

In the Nanny States of America, we are told by our increasingly authoritarian leaders that the government knows best what is good for our children.

Especially, as far as non-custodial parents go, no one is capable of taking care of a child like our government can. So, we should all just up, surrender our rights, and let the government take care of things, just like the soon to be 10-year-old war on terror.

And we all know how that's going. Trillions spent. The world more dangerous and destabilized than ever before. With government agencies abusing our rights at airports and other places. And the world teetering on the brink of economic collapse.

So it should not surprise us that in the golden state of California, foster care children are sleeping on the floors of government offices.

At least the floors are clean, or so a state worker informs us, in this explosive report from the LA Times:,0,5127877.story

Poll Result: Crumbling Economy Will Hurt Non-Custodial Parents

In our last poll, we asked readers "As our economy continues to decline, do you see the position of NCPs improving or worsening?"

Possible answers were:

A. It will IMPROVE as all social issues will take on greater importance.
B.Things will STAY THE SAME.
C. It will WORSEN as more burdens will be placed on NCPs.

Readers unanimously answered C, "It will Worsen".

We hope not!

Thank you to all who responded and check the upper right hand corner of our blog page for our latest poll: Who is the more guilty of child murder, Casey Anthony or Barack Obama?

Where's the Outrage? Wife Cuts off Husband's Penis, Grinds It Up

On July 12th, 2011, a malicious woman in Garden Grove, California, drugged her husband, tied him up, then cut off his penis and ground it up in a garbage disposal.

The perp, pictured below, is Catherine Kieu Becker, 48, who may now face a life sentence for aggravated mayhem.

The bloodthirsty Kieu Becker certainly deserves to spend the rest of her life behind bars. But judging by the mainstream media's response to the story, we wouldn't be surprised if her sentence is light, or if her actions are excused because she was going through a divorce. There seems to be a big lack of outrage on the part of talking heads and scribblers who would otherwise be spewing condemnation if the victim were the wife and the husband were the perp.

This is as far as the outrage goes at least in the Los Angeles times which was the first to cover the story:,0,4047087.story.

Since this story broke, it has quietly slipped from the headlines, which might give blade-happy people going through divorce the idea that genital mutilation is, somehow, not all that bad.

Dad-Basher Obama: Child Killer, Now Cop Killer!

As we've been informing our readers all along, the Dad Basher-in-Chief Barack Obama is now not only a child murderer. He is also a cop killer.

For those who haven't been watching the news, the Obama administration, working with water-carrying friends in the mainstream media, have been struggling to contain a gun-running scandal out conducted out of the White House which has claimed the life of Customs and Border Patrol agent Brian Terry.

The gun running operation, known as Operation Fast and Furious, was carried out by the ATF which inexplicably armed Mexican drug traffickers with weapons purchased in America. This was done over the objections of gun dealers who were instructed by the ATF to supply weapons to suspected drug runners. Some of these weapons eventually wound up in the hands of the criminals that killed Agent Terry, and now accusations are flying from political observers who say the White House wanted to create an incident that would gut the Constitutional right to bear arms.

Here's how alternative news/talk show host Alex Jones sums up the situation:

Dad Basher. Child Killer. Cop Killer. Non-custodial parents knew from the beginning Obama was just no good.

Incredible False Allegations! Cops Believe CA Mom Faked Torture

False allegations seem to come with the job of being a non-custodial parent. So many of us have either experienced or heard the most horrendous false allegation stories imaginable. But this case from Simi Valley, California, takes the cake.

According to the LA Times story linked to below, Simi Valley mother Tracy West found an ingenious way to alienate her son from his father, a Las Vegas banker: assault herself and blame it on dad using tactics from CSI.

West's plan, police investigators say, was so ingenious that even senior police officers were fooled. Her goal was to make sure that the father would never win an ongoing custody case, but the plot backfired thanks to a series of fortunate events.

Read how West did it, how she was found out, and how she's beating criminal charges because prosecutors are in the habit of cutting lying moms slack. See:,0,7042051.story

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Media Tries to Hide Ohio Class-Action Lawsuit Against Overpayment

Big money owns big media. And big media only tells you what big money wants you to know. And as big money is ever more for the suppression of human and civil rights, big media will not tell you when people are fighting back against the system.

And so it goes that big mainstream media has been trying to squash a story of very big interest to non-custodial parents: that a class-action lawsuit is underway in the state of Ohio against zealous, overcollection of child support.

A reader recently tipped us off to this story and sent us this link where you can read all about the Ohio lawsuit:

In a nutshell: child support agencies in the state of Ohio are collecting from non-custodial parents much more money than is actually owed. These agencies coerce parents to overpay by holding the threat of debtor's prisons over their heads, then they keep the money in state funds without ever informing parents that they actually have credit on their accounts.

Ohio, by the way, is a state which has in recent years found new and dehumanizing ways to collect child support from non-custodial parents such as by distributing wanted posters of non-custodial parents with arrears on pizza boxes. See

Now we must all wonder whether any of those poor parents pictured on those boxes actually owed they amounts they were being shaken down for.

All in all, this is a pretty good example of how petty civil servants are allowed to run amok in this country, using the tools provided to them by government to terrorize citizens who ought to be protected from bureaucratic abuses under our Constitution. The combination of civil servants without oversight, Draconian laws, debtor's prisons, and an apathetic media that promotes that hate of non-custodial parents is a toxic combination -- so toxic, in fact, it has already spilled over from the realm of family law to spread harm among the general populace.

The class-action lawsuit is the best line of defense against this trend, which is why it must be used more often. And this is why the mainstream media doesn't want you to know about this story.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

SWAT Team Forces Mom to Medicate Child at Gunpoint

A Detroit mother who refused to immunize her disabled child after that child suffered an adverse reaction from a vaccine met an armored, gun-toting SWAT team which told her she was definitely -- DEFINITELY -- going to medicate her child whether she likes it or not.

Find out more in the video below from the Alex Jones show.

Read more at Natural News at

New York To Outlaw Children's Games

Amid our government's ever-intensifying policy of taking over our children comes word from the state of New York that certain kids' games will now be declared illegal.

Yes, you read that right. Kids games. Illegal.

As usual, "public safety" is the term being thrown out to justify the proposed dictatorial legislation.

According to the New York State Health Department, wiffle ball, dodge ball, and kick ball are now activities too dangerous for our children to engage in. And parents -- custodial or otherwise -- have absolutely no discretion in the matter.

Read more at the Stroller Derby blog.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Dad Basher-in-Chief Calls Federal Workers "Slugs"

President Obama. Nobel Peace Prize Prince. Savior of the Average American. Mr. Hope and Change.

Us non-custodial parents know him as the Dad Basher-in-Chief. And now American workers know him for the backstabbing, elitist that he really is.

That's because Obama was caught yesterday on an open mic at a Chicago fundraiser calling federal workers "slugs" who are "not trying to do their jobs".

The insensitivity of these remarks is surely not lost on government workers in nearby Wisconsin who have been battling union busting legislation spearheaded by some of Obama's friends in th Republican party there (oh yes, Obama IS really friendly with those guys, make no doubt about it).

As for the mainstream media, it's doing it's normal job of downplaying and whitewashing Obama's remarks. See how they're doing it at the Los Angeles Times:,0,3435513.story

But the cat's now out of the bag. Obama hates workers as much as he hates non-custodial parents.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Our Government Abusing Our Children

Our government specializes in taking children away from parents which it deems "unfit" at an ever alarming rate.  In family courts all across America, one parent is stripped of all rights to a child while the other becomes the master of that child.  In other cases, children are snatched from homes by CPS agents and placed in foster care.  And still more are put up for forced adoption when the state decrees it is in the best interest of a child.

But recently, our government has also been in the business of groping and sexually abusing children at airports around the country courtesy of the TSA, the agency which is supposed to protect air travelers from terrorism.

Here's a sickening video of child groping which recently took place at a New Orleans airport.  Watch as this fascist, blue suited TSA thug engages in activities which would have most pedophiles thrown in prison for a very long time.

To read more about the government abuse of our children at the hands of the TSA, visit

Father Shot By Mom Is Now Deprived of Son

If you think you've heard the craziest story America's family system has to offer, wait until you hear about the case of former Marine Peter Spitz which is the subject of a shocking report from Fathers &

Mr. Spitz is a Colorado dad nearly murdered by his ex-wife who shot him three times while he was sleeping. Somehow he miraculously survived the attack, but was left blind and permanently disabled. That same night, his ex-wife succeeded in murdering his mother. Yet despite all this suffering, Mr. Spitz helped win his wife an acquittal for reasons of insanity.

Now that the murderess ex-wife is due to be released from psychiatric care, she's doing everything to make sure that Mr. Spitz will have no relationship with their son, who is currently living with guardians. The guardians, who took care of the boy since Mr. Spitz began recovering from his attack, now want to adopt the child. They have not allowed Mr. Spitz to see his son, and the state of Colorado seems to be AOK with this.

Meanwhile, the bloodthirsty mom with be allowed visitation with her son. And she's also free to support the adoption move by the guardians, who happen to be friends of hers.

Pretty sick, huh?

To read more about this case, see the full story on

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Why We Need to Monitor Judges & Lawyers

>> Disgraced Former Indiana Prosecutor, Carlos F. Lam.

From time to time, we at NCPForce! receive abusive e-mails reprimanding us for publicizing the behavior of abuses judges on our Judicial Watch page and for offering ratings on family law attorneys.

Well here is a story from the Midwest which you can file under "Why We Fight":

Last month, Indiana deputy prosecutor Carlos F. Lam was forced to resign after it was revealed that he  sent an e-mail to Wisconsin's Governor Scott Walker advising him to stage an attack which could be blamed on unions.

Lam's e-mail came amid the outbreak of strife between unions and politicians in Wisconsin over a recently passed law to end public service employee unions' collective bargaining rights.

In the February 19th e-mail which led to his downfall, Lam called for a ‘false flag’ operation, writing: “If you could employ an associate who pretends to be sympathetic to the unions’ cause to physically attack you (or even use a firearm against you), you could discredit the unions.”

Incredibly, this individual, who was in a position of public trust, brazenly attempted to plot an incident which would have negatively impacted the lives of millions of Americans, just to satisfy the advancement of his own political ideology (Lam is a neo-conservative Republican activist with a disdain for American workers).  And he did it when the eyes of the nation were on the center of the storm.

So we can only imagine how others who share Mr. Lam's profession might behave when they think no one is watching the goings-ons inside American family courts.

Because of legal professionals like Mr. Lam, and the many others whom we've discussed on our website, NCPForce! will continue its operations to expose and publicize wrongdoers, and do so with pride in our purpose.

Thanks to the Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism for breaking this story. TO read more, visit:

Poll Result: Mainstream Media Biased Against NCPs

Our latest poll result is in. Last month, we asked if mainstream media is doing a good job of covering family law abuses.

Zero percent of responders felt the mainstream media was doing a fine job.

Eleven percent said yes, they've seen some stories.

Twenty-two percent said no, they haven't seen any stories.

And 66% said "Certainly not, mainstream media is biased against NCPs".

Thank you to all our responders and look for our latest poll at the top of this blog. The question of our next poll is: As the economy continues to decline, do you think the position of NCPs will improve or worsen?

Monday, April 4, 2011

British Judge Sends Kids to Australia With Mom, Tells Dad Skype is Good Enough

In an amazing and sickening case of non-custodial parent abuse, a top British judge has astoundingly allowed a mother to move children away to Australia while telling the father to use Skype -- an Internet communication service -- to stay in touch.

That judge is Sir Nicholas Wall, the fop pictured at right, who is the President of the UK court's Family Division. Judge Wall's bizarre statement came about as his final judgment of an appeals case after an earlier judge forbid the mother involved to move her pre-teen children to Australian on a whim. The father, a Devon man, had argued that such a move would damage the "embryonic" relationship with his children.

More information about this case can be found on the Daily Mail at

No word yet on whether the non-custodial dad will have to pay child support while his kids are exiled Down Under. However, we'd be willing bet a tub of Lancashire hotpot that the dad's income will be getting a lot more government attention than his visiting time.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Obama's Libyan Intervention: When Child Murderers “Protect” Children

It is outside the scope of an organization like NCPForce! to comment on whether or not the United States should be going to war in Libya. It is also not our core mission to explore the vast dollar amounts already spent on this campaign, estimated at $600 million in 10 days. But it is within our power to comment on the hypocrisy surrounding the justification of the mission.

Supposedly we are in Libya to stop a dictator's violence against innocent civilians, especially women and children. But when such a justification comes out of the mouths of people like Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, whose husband murdered a large number of children in Waco, Texas, and many more in Serbia, it is more than a little suspect.

And when such words come out of the mouth of President Obama, they are absolutely sickening. As NCPForce! reported in earlier blog posts, the Nobel Peace winner has been involved, since the day he assumed office, in the relentless drone bombing campaign of Afghanistan, Pakistan, and of late Yemen. The numbers of dead civilians vary by account, but it is a certainty that the cost of human lives is escalating into the thousands.

For those who may see U.S. inflicted civilian casualties as an abstract idea, here are a few photos of victimized children which may prove educational (a word of caution, the photos below are disturbing):

Yes, these are children who have been murdered and maimed by American weapons, financed by American tax dollars, ignored by the American public, and sanctioned by a butcher masquerading as an enlightened President – a man of “hope” and “change.”

And do not believe, gentle reader, that there have not been and will not be similar civilian casualties in Libya. Our so-called no-fly zone is rapidly turning into much more than that, and there can be no doubt that with 110 missiles fired on the first day of Operation Odyssey Dawn alone, plus additional bomber sorties and strikes on Libyan ground forces, that innocents have not be annihilated.

And Obama, by waging his new war in Libya, is not only trouncing children in yet another foreign land, he is also sticking his thumb in the eye of children right here at home.

While American children are having their school budgets cut and medical programs liquidated, Obama is merrily spending hundreds of millions on his North African rampage. And even as the bombs drop, Obama's lovely Democrats are conspiring with Republicans to crush programs like WIC and food stamps which feed millions of hungry kids.

This fact should not be wasted on even the most jingoistic American who thinks that foreigners kids are fair game in the ongoing war against terror/dictators we don't like/any convenient threat to our “strategic interests”. In the end, cash-strapped Americans will have to pick up the tab for the bloodletting, which can become quite expensive when a mass murderer is given authority to kill and kill again.

NY Child Welfare Workers Arrested in Child Homicide

It is a first for New York: two former child welfare workers arrested for their role in the death of Brooklyn girl last year.

The little girl, four-year-old Marcella Pierce, was starved down to a mere 18 pounds and beaten by her mother, Carlotta Brett-Pierce, while her grandmother (according to prosecutors) looked on.

And so too did the two workers from New York City's Administration for Children's Services, according to DA Charles Hynes. The workers are Damon Adams, who allegedly failed to make nearly all of the mandated biweekly visits to the girl's home and falsified ACS records to show he did; and Chereece Bell, his supervisor, who apparently failed to monitor his work.

More details on this case can be found in this article on the

God bless you, Marcella Pierce, and may he protect other children from their so-called protectors.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Child Murderer Obama Strikes Again

Obama's trail of terror and child murder continues in the Afghan-Pak region where this past week, U.S. led airborne forces killed nine children collecting firewood.

A full report of this atrocity can be found on:

Since taking office, Obama has escalated aerial attacks on civilians in Pakistan and Afghanistan, killing sickening numbers of women and children. NCPForce! has reported on these war crimes in earlier posts to this blog.

Very strange behavior for a man who, at least at home, claims to be a protector of woman and children -- a man who has expressed many times his desire to crack down on American dads to protect children.

The question is, when will the international community, and so-called American liberals, crack down on this serial child murderer?

ABC News Report on Japanese Moms Stealing Children Misses Point

Last month, ABC News ran a report about Japanese mothers spiriting the children of American men to Japan. That report can be seen here:

While we commend ABC News for running this story at all, we believe that ABC News has missed the point of parental alienation in general.

We also believe that ABC News has unfairly singled out wayward Japanese moms, and unfairly wagged the finger of blame at the Japanese government.
Surely, the mothers in this report who stole their children out of the lives of the fathers are despicable creatures. But what about the countless American mothers who are doing the same thing, every day, right here in America with the blessing of American authorities?

We'd like to know where ABC News has been all these years on this subject. Even a small amount of research would have turned up a massive number of moms who've fled with their children across state lines to deny fathers their visitation rights (and to be fair, there's probably been a number of men who've done this to non-custodial mothers too).

And surely, the Japanese government displays primitiveness by not allowing joint custody in Japan. But what about America's own discriminatory laws? And what about corrupt judges who openly reward custodial parents while coming down hard on non-custodial parents?

ABC News would do a great service to our country by reporting on such Draconian laws as the Bradley Amendment which has placed a large number of American non-custodial parents in danger of going to debtors' prisons. Or child support agencies that kill innocent non-custodial parents such as Wilbur Streett and Brian Armstrong (see our Avenger Project page).

Ask any number of non-custodial parents about their visitation rights and you will hear a treasure trove of stories about judges who refuse to enforce visitation orders, or who allow moveaways without the slightest thought for the non-custodial parent. If ABC News were doing it's job, it would have enough material for a year's worth of reports about wayward custodial parents depriving American NCPs of their parental rights in their own country.

If you agree, write ABC News and tell them what you think at their feedback page:

You can also leave comments on a special blog covering the ABC News report, at:

Poll Result: Which Party Best Represents NCPs?

In our last poll, we asked which political party best represents the interests of NCPs.

The choices were: a.) Democrats; b.) Republicans; c.) a third party; d.) none.

66% of respondents answered NONE.

33% of respondents answered A THIRD PARTY.

Thank you for all who responded. Please check the top of our blog for our next poll.

Where Have We Been?

Our regular readers may be asking where has NCPForce! been all these months?

While there weren't any updates to this site in many months, our volunteers have been working hard to improve our site and to add more functionality and automation.

Here's what we've been up to and what you can expect in the future.

Our first goal is to make our site more dynamic, which means that certain pages will soon be linked to databases which will provide more information for our readers while consuming less development time for our volunteers.

We are also exploring a forum which will allow NCPs to converse with one another on a variety of issues.

In an effort to reduce spam and pranksters, both of which add to the drain on volunteer time, we have been updating user feedback forms. Some of these changes you might already see, and some will go online soon.

NCPForce! has also been evaluating our use of networking websites over the past year. Changes of strategy will be made to ensure that our work is not being lost in an information glut, as tends to happen on Facebook.

While all of this could go swiftly with professional web developers on the job, NCPForce! remains committed to the non-solicitation of donations. We do not believe in asking cash strapped NCPs to open their wallets when they're struggling to pay lawyers' fees, pay child support, and maintain a healthy relationship with their children at the same time. So please excuse us while our volunteers give their precious hours to help the cause and keep checking back for new things at NCPForce!

If you have a great idea for improving NCPForce!, let us know. Send us an e-mail at We'd love to hear from you.