Sunday, July 17, 2011

Casey Anthony Hypocrisy: America Ignores Gov't Sanctioned Child Murder

It is Sunday, July 17, 2011, and Casey Anthony is getting out of jail after being aquitted for her child's murder. And Americans of all stripes are running about outraged, carrying on as if this is the greatest miscarriage of justice of all time. People who claim to be offended by murder are making murder threats to Ms. Anthony and the jurors too. One Oklahoma woman even attempted to kill another woman who happened to look like Casey Anthony by ramming her car repeatedly with her truck. Talking heads in the mainstream media, like yellow journalist and lynch mob inciter Nancy Grace, are largely responsible for the insanity as they've been mercilesly ringing the Anthony case for news show fodder.

So now America hates child murder. And we at NCPForce! do too. But can we really be sure that Casey Anthony is a child murderer? Obviously, she is quite deranged and obviously something very strange went on during the thirty days she failed to report her child missing. But does this make her a child murderer? Did the smirking prosecutor ever present proper evidence to support this? The jury did not seem to think so, and there job was to make sure -- before giving a citizen the death penalty -- that there were no reasonable doubts. And that is, after all, a sacred part of our legal system.

However, we live in a strange country. And people some people seem to think that principles can be tweaked here and there. You know, you don't like the verdict so maybe try her again until we get the verdict we like. This is the kind of justice that we non-custodial parents know in America: debtors' prisons forbidden under federal law, except for non-custodial parents of course. Justice, for too many Americans, is a salad bar where you can take a little of this and a little of that as your appetite dictates.

And this probably why Americans, while condemning Casey Anthony, have completely overlooked the ongoing murders of children in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Libya by state sanctioned bombing raids.

Americans are conveniently forgetting, while they pig out on Casey Anthony coverage, that President Obama has a higher body count than Casey Anthony (if she is at all her daughter's killer). Just days after taking office, Obama stepped up drone raids on Afghanistan and Pakistan, raids that kill far more civilians than enemy targets, and the slaughter of children has gone on ever since.

The same people who are condemning Casey Anthony are most likely the same people who would condone our nation's violence against children even when confronted with the facts. These ra-ra patriots are the types who beat their breasts and tell you that our military is simply defending freedom, and it doesn't matter if little kids get caught in the crossfire because our government is always right no matter what.

While our mainstream media has been busy filling the airwaves and newsapers with Casey Anthony and her dead child, it has also been very busy covering up our government's crimes by failing to report the murder of children abroad in American bombing raids. They've done a good job with the cover-up -- about as good as they've done covering up the abuses to non-custodial parents -- so people can be excused for their ignorance of the facts. Nevertheless, plenty of coverage exists in foreign media and alternate news sites, all of it readily available on the internet.

For readers with strong stomachs, we urge you to take a look at the embedded video below to see what a NATO 'humanitarian" bombing mission does to a child (be advised, the images are so shocking and graphic, you may have to log into YouTube to gain access to the footage).

Have you looked? And how do you feel now? Do you still think Casey Anthony is so important on the grand scheme of things?

Or maybe you're still not convinced about our government's misdeeds. Or maybe you couldn't access the video. Run the following search on YouTube: "nato libya children victims". You'll find many more links to other videos there. You can also do a similar search on Google or any other search engine. The evidence you will find is overwhelming: our government is on child killing spree and no one seems willing to stop it.

As long as the state-sanctioned murder of children in foreign lands goes on, Americans who are crying out for justice in the Anthony case should put a cork in it. Their own hands soaked in the blood of innocents, and they just might be more guilty that poor little Caylee's mom.

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