Saturday, March 5, 2011

ABC News Report on Japanese Moms Stealing Children Misses Point

Last month, ABC News ran a report about Japanese mothers spiriting the children of American men to Japan. That report can be seen here:

While we commend ABC News for running this story at all, we believe that ABC News has missed the point of parental alienation in general.

We also believe that ABC News has unfairly singled out wayward Japanese moms, and unfairly wagged the finger of blame at the Japanese government.
Surely, the mothers in this report who stole their children out of the lives of the fathers are despicable creatures. But what about the countless American mothers who are doing the same thing, every day, right here in America with the blessing of American authorities?

We'd like to know where ABC News has been all these years on this subject. Even a small amount of research would have turned up a massive number of moms who've fled with their children across state lines to deny fathers their visitation rights (and to be fair, there's probably been a number of men who've done this to non-custodial mothers too).

And surely, the Japanese government displays primitiveness by not allowing joint custody in Japan. But what about America's own discriminatory laws? And what about corrupt judges who openly reward custodial parents while coming down hard on non-custodial parents?

ABC News would do a great service to our country by reporting on such Draconian laws as the Bradley Amendment which has placed a large number of American non-custodial parents in danger of going to debtors' prisons. Or child support agencies that kill innocent non-custodial parents such as Wilbur Streett and Brian Armstrong (see our Avenger Project page).

Ask any number of non-custodial parents about their visitation rights and you will hear a treasure trove of stories about judges who refuse to enforce visitation orders, or who allow moveaways without the slightest thought for the non-custodial parent. If ABC News were doing it's job, it would have enough material for a year's worth of reports about wayward custodial parents depriving American NCPs of their parental rights in their own country.

If you agree, write ABC News and tell them what you think at their feedback page:

You can also leave comments on a special blog covering the ABC News report, at:

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