Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Why We Need to Monitor Judges & Lawyers

>> Disgraced Former Indiana Prosecutor, Carlos F. Lam.

From time to time, we at NCPForce! receive abusive e-mails reprimanding us for publicizing the behavior of abuses judges on our Judicial Watch page and for offering ratings on family law attorneys.

Well here is a story from the Midwest which you can file under "Why We Fight":

Last month, Indiana deputy prosecutor Carlos F. Lam was forced to resign after it was revealed that he  sent an e-mail to Wisconsin's Governor Scott Walker advising him to stage an attack which could be blamed on unions.

Lam's e-mail came amid the outbreak of strife between unions and politicians in Wisconsin over a recently passed law to end public service employee unions' collective bargaining rights.

In the February 19th e-mail which led to his downfall, Lam called for a ‘false flag’ operation, writing: “If you could employ an associate who pretends to be sympathetic to the unions’ cause to physically attack you (or even use a firearm against you), you could discredit the unions.”

Incredibly, this individual, who was in a position of public trust, brazenly attempted to plot an incident which would have negatively impacted the lives of millions of Americans, just to satisfy the advancement of his own political ideology (Lam is a neo-conservative Republican activist with a disdain for American workers).  And he did it when the eyes of the nation were on the center of the storm.

So we can only imagine how others who share Mr. Lam's profession might behave when they think no one is watching the goings-ons inside American family courts.

Because of legal professionals like Mr. Lam, and the many others whom we've discussed on our website, NCPForce! will continue its operations to expose and publicize wrongdoers, and do so with pride in our purpose.

Thanks to the Wisconsin Center for Investigative Journalism for breaking this story. TO read more, visit:

1 comment:

  1. Its the God creating everyone needs to monitor. Thanks for providing good information.
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