Sunday, July 17, 2011

Incredible False Allegations! Cops Believe CA Mom Faked Torture

False allegations seem to come with the job of being a non-custodial parent. So many of us have either experienced or heard the most horrendous false allegation stories imaginable. But this case from Simi Valley, California, takes the cake.

According to the LA Times story linked to below, Simi Valley mother Tracy West found an ingenious way to alienate her son from his father, a Las Vegas banker: assault herself and blame it on dad using tactics from CSI.

West's plan, police investigators say, was so ingenious that even senior police officers were fooled. Her goal was to make sure that the father would never win an ongoing custody case, but the plot backfired thanks to a series of fortunate events.

Read how West did it, how she was found out, and how she's beating criminal charges because prosecutors are in the habit of cutting lying moms slack. See:,0,7042051.story

1 comment:

  1. This is so unbelievable. For the Love of a child, or is it just spite. It's not love because if a parent truly loves and wants the best for their child that would include an intact family with a mother and father. That woman needs psychological help. No one resorts to anything so extreme, she obviously has some issues. She should not have custody of the child since her judgement is what it is. Unless a father truly had a horrific history of abuse and evidence showed such then her vicious objection to custody would be justified. This just sounds destructive, vengeful and totally insane. I do believe if a man had committed this act he would definitely be in jail without any chance of custody at all. My heart goes out to this man and the child. Seems the child is the victim of the mother, not the father. Mother should get help and she should be given visitation since a child needs both parents, although in this case she may have a very harmful affect on the fathers'relationship with the child. My husband lost his children by a former marriage to his ex , after spending every cent he had fighting her. Finally, he was forced to give up custody since he could no longer afford child support for all four children. His ex wives' new husband adopted his children at his protest and then went to prison a year later for drugs. My husband did not get to see any of his children grow up. He recently got to see them and they hated him. They asked him why he abandoned them. He explained that he did not abandon them and that their mother cheated on him and took off on him with the children and he fought for them. They did not believe him. She brainwashed them. His youngest son died in a drowning accident in Ohio last year and she did not even bother to tell him. It's really sad. We have our own children together and he has always been a great father to them. It's sad that so many children are denied a parent due to the parents selfishness in that they only consider how they feel and what they want. God Bless all the great dads out there. Keep fighting. Make a stand.
