Friday, November 12, 2010

Ultimate Hypocrisy: Preaching Family Values While Outsourcing American Jobs

Today in America, there seems to be no shortage of hypocrites offering volumes of expert advice on how to be a good parent. From the mass murder Barack Obama, whose nighttime drone attacks kills children in Afghanistan and Pakistan on a regular basis, to literary hacks like Mitch Albom who believe that only dads, and not moms, can do any wrong.

Now, a new series of public service announcements known as “Parenting Counts” are running on PBS, sandwiched between children's cartoons, which supposedly encourage American parents to do a better job. The spots, which are produced by the Talaris Institute and the Apex Foundation, deal with issues such as “child stress” and “setting a good example”, and can be seen on YouTube!

But what exactly are the Talaris Institute and the Apex Foundation? NCPForce! decided to do a little checking and here's what we found:

The Talaris Foundation was established in by multimillionaire Bruce McCaw, and his wife Jolene McCaw, who inherited a fortune from his father's telecommunications company. McCaw is considered one of the 400 wealthiest Americans (for a glimpse at the MCCaw mansion, see here: Supposedly, the McCaws were moved to found the Talaris Research Institute in 2000 after becoming new parents; supposedly they wanted to make more accessible to the general public the knowledge of child development experts. No problem with any of this, except that the organization happens to have strong ties to the U.S. military/industrial complex. Its main partners are defense contractor Boeing and the U.S. Army and Air Force at the Joint Base Lewis-McChord in the state of Washington. This is more than a little worrying especially when we consider that one of Talaris' main goals is to train child development professionals and educators.

As for the Apex Foundation, it is a charitable wing of the corporation Apex CoAdvantage which specializes in outsourcing American jobs. According its website at, Apex Covantage was established more than twenty years ago by Shashi Gupta and Margaret Boryczka, and it has been exporting America jobs to India ever since. Apex's clients include AT&T, Exelon, Baltimore Gas and Electric, Qwest, the American Medical Association, The National Institutes of Health. Its projects are valued at hundred of millions of dollars, and the company is unapologetic about shipping out American jobs at a time of economic crisis.

The Apex Foundation, on its website, has this to say about outsourcing:

Having been one of the pioneers in what came to be called “outsourcing,” when we opened our first operations in India twenty years ago that worked primarily on straight-forward data conversion, we now think of geographical location as just another part of the generic problem of efficient workflows. Work should be done wherever it can be done most efficiently [i.e. quality-controlled output unit per dollar]. The best location changes with labor costs and benefits, skill sets available, and costs of transmission and delivery. We can show you the costs of alternative location decisions for all workflow segments.

Yes, and perhaps we will be for some time. But isn’t this the time you most need cost savings and more efficient operations?

NCPForce! agrees that “parenting counts”. But we also believe that finger waggers and advice givers ought to be be upfront and honest, and practice what they preach.
Childhood Stress? Perhaps the little boy in the Parenting Counts ad is stressed out by TV coverage he sees of unending wars in the Middle East done for the profit of large corporations. Or maybe he's really worried because Daddy has been out of work for months, and Mommy has just gotten pink-slipped.

Setting a good example? Instead of a public service ad snuck in between cartoons, responsible adults with power, money, and influence could set the best example of all for children by refusing to work with war profiteers and those who destroy the jobs of American parents.

Hypocrites beware – NCPForce! is watching.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Hey Big Spender: Arrogant Obama Sees India on $200 Million a Day

For those who might have missed it -- because you are unemployed, and struggling to meet those child support payments -- but the Dad-Basher-in-Chief has just completed a trip to India with a cost of $200 Million a day.

That's right: $200 million dollars a day.

While the Federal Reserve prints millions, while the dollar tanks, while more and more Americans find themselves out of work ... while the government continues to insist that non-custodial parents be "responsible" by paying inflated amounts of child support for children they might not even see.

This is apparently Barack Obama's idea of responsibility in troubled times. Or maybe he's just having a little fun with us. India does happen to be the country where millions of American jobs have gone in recent years.

Could it be that Obama (a very arrogant man according to New York's Mayor Bloomburg) was really annoyed at the face slapping dealt out by Americans in the recent midterm elections, and wanted to stick his thumb in their collective eye socket?

Read more at:

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Election Analysis: The More Things Change, The More They Stay the Same (Or Get Worse)

The midterm elections have come and gone, and no matter how much the mainstream media tells you that there's been a major political power shift, we can be sure that things will stay the same. Or get worse. Much, much worse. And while NCPForce! is not a political website per se, the political impact of this election should be understood by non-custodial parents in a context that is relevant to their interests.

The midterm elections of 2010 will be best remembered as the election cycle in which the movement known as the Tea Party had its make or break moment, when its supporters had a chance to turn the tide of power back in favor of regular folks. On the surface it may seem that the Tea Party accomplished what it set out to do, but the politically savvy know differently and are now bracing themselves for a backlash.

That's because they know that the Tea Party movement, as it sprung up around Ron Paul with his call for a return to small government, is splintered and, in some circles, coopted by the very powers is supposed to be fighting against. Many of Tea Party aligned organizations which are receiving the bulk of mainstream media attention these days controlled by billionaires like the Koch Brothers and fascists like Newt Gingrich who have nothing to do with liberty. Instead, they use patriotic symbols and rhetoric to inflame average Americans to support warmongering, corporate welfare agendas.

While some true reformers might have been elected in the midterm elections, their numbers are overwhelmed by the Democrats and Republicans who remain in office, whose loyalties flow to corporations and the super-wealthy, and by phony Tea Party politicians who are doing a very nice job of deceiving their base.

So what will happen is, in a year or so, people will start to realize that nothing is being done in their interest. Entrenched Democrats and Republicans will continue to do what they do best, which is extend the power of the rich. Phony Tea Party figures will pretend that they just have too much opposition to get anything done. And real Tea Party figures will be marginalized by the mainstream media, pretty much as they have been before the election. Meanwhile, the Establishment will work on selling us Sarah Palin as our savior – a woman who made millions by simply showing up at Tea Party events. Nothing like a selfess patriot to lead us all to a better future.

So the economy will continue to tank. Any new jobs that will be created will be those for chump change, jobs which will see workers hired and fired at whim. There will be more foreclosures. More bank failures, More of your tax dollars going to bail out corporations, more of your tax dollars going to fund public works projects that benefit wealthy developers. Look for more police stations and prisons, namely debtors' prisons. And as the people grow more and more angry, our government will generate phony terrorist threats and engage in more foreign wars. Our troops, who come largely from some of the poorest communities in America, will be fed to meat grinders overseas to help reduce the surplus population. Civil liberties will continue to be strangled here at home. Services for ordinary folks will be cut and attempts to disarm the populace will be stepped up.

As for non-custodial parents, we can expect harsher enforcement measures and hate directed at us from the mainstream media. Because when it all comes crumbling down, the Establishment will need someone to blame. We know from experience that it can't be the banks, or labor crushing corporations, or the greed of the wealthy ruling class that's at fault. All our problems stem from broken families, don't you know. So the system will insist on digging it claws into our families and micromanaging affairs that should be personal and private.

To non-custodial parents across the country we can only say: watch your backs! And buckle up. We're all in for a nasty ride ahead.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Child Support Insanity: $10 Million in Arrears and $100,000 Per Month in Case of PROVEN Paternity Fraud

Casino mogul Kirk Kerkorian has been taken to the cleaners by his ex-wife and Los Angeles County family court which have compelled him to make what is perhaps the largest child support settlement ever – a mind-numbing $10 million in arrears and $100,000 monthly support. And the kicker is, the child is NOT even his own.

The billionaire Kerkorian had been involved in a long-running case with ex-wife Lisa Bonder, a former tennis pro who was married to Kerkorian for only 28 days. Bonder has admitted to the court that she faked a paternity test and it has since been discovered that her child was actually fathered by Hollywood movie producer Stephen Bing. But none of these facts could stop the system from shaking down Kerkorian who is legally recognized as the child's father just because he was married to Bonder.

While Kerkorian may be the ultimate nice guy for settling this case and for never disowning his ex-wife's child (even after learning it was not his true offspring), he has done non-custodial parents in America a disservice by not using all his wealth and resources to challenge an insane system.

Instead, Kerkorian has with head bowed agreed to pay the titanic amounts listed above, PLUS additional perks which did not make headlines. These include expenses such as schooling, equestrian costs, clothing, housing, travel, hobbies, automobile, food, beauty treatments, tutoring, entertainment, parties and pets.

All this sets a pretty high bar for child support for everyone else, and it's easy to see how America's courts will be further encouraged to squeeze every last penny out of average non-custodial parents.

The insanity rages on.

Read more at:

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Detroit Prosecutor: Jail Parents for Missing School Conference

In Michigan, all parents may soon be getting a chance to go to jail for missing a parent teacher conference.

That's if Wayne County prosecutor Kym Worthy gets her way. Worthy recently pitched a plan to the Detroit City Council which requires parents to attend at least one conference per year or face three days in jail. And she's not stopping at city limits; Worthy is also shopping her plan to the Wayne County Commission and the Michigan state Legislature.

Like any good fascist, Worthy is justifying her malicious, privacy-invading plan by linking it to law and order. And now other fascists are jumping on board. Council President Charles Pugh said the proposed law would "send the right message … We know at some point there has to be a line drawn and people held responsible." Council President Pro-Tem Gary Brown went one step further in his support by declaring, "If you aren't involved in your child's education, and he or she is failing, it's child abuse."

Worthy's proposed law, if passed, would be the first of its kind in the nation and, judging from our nation's trend toward a full-blown police state, would likely be adopted by other legislatures.

Read more at:

Action Alert: This story effecting families was covered for the Detroit News by Christine MacDonald. E-mail or call her to let her know about NCPForce! and your support for our organization at or (313) 222-2306.

Poll Result: Alienated Non-Custodial Parents Deserve Same Respect as Safe Surrender Parents

Our last poll posed the following question:

Non-custodial parents must pay support for children they are not even allowed to see in order to teach "reproductive responsibility". Do you think parents who drop children at safe surrender sites should also be taught "reproductive responsibility"?

Readers of the NCPForce! Blog answered “No – and neither should alienated parents”.
Thanks to those who participated in the poll.

Our latest poll question is: Which political party best represents the interests of non-custodial parents?

To answer the poll, see the polling widget in the upper right corner of our blog page.

Monday, August 23, 2010

Poll Result: Inaction by Divorced Dads & NCPs Biggest Challenge to Family Law Reform

Last month, the NCPForce! Blog asked readers "What are the biggest challenges to Family Law Reform efforts?".

Sixty-six percent said the inactivity of divorced dads and non-custodial parents.

Another thirty-three percent selected "all of the above" as their answer, blaming Institutionalized Hate, an apathetic public, inactive divorced dads and NCPs, and corrupt politicians.

Thanks to all who participated.

Our latest poll question is: Non-custodial parents must pay support for children they are not even allowed to see in order to teach "reproductive responsibility". Do you think parents who drop children at safe surrender sites should also be taught "reproductive responsibility"?

The poll can be found right here on the NCPForce! Blog and is open until midnight September 30th.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Clinton Wedding – What It Means When Rogue Politicians Party

Last weekend, the mainstream media served the gullible public a multi-million dollar celebrity wedding on the scenic Hudson River and, as mainstream media is apt to do, failed to provide any meaningful context.

As hordes of proles gathered to catch a glimpse of the wedding guests and get their autographs, it seems that almost everyone forgot just who exactly the Clintons and their new in-laws are, and what the cost of their operations have been to the world.

The way former President Clinton is adored by the press, it may be hard to remember that he is an impeached president who lied under oath about his sexual dalliances with a young intern. While Clinton lavished his own daughter with a reported $5 million dollar wedding and all the class that kind of cash that can possibly buy, he didn't mind using someone else's daughter as a sex-object and spewing his reproductive juices over her now infamous blue dress. In the White House no less.

It may also be hard to remember the 20 children Bill Clinton burned to death at Waco, and the many, many more he killed and maimed in the cowardly airstrikes on Serbia, a nation which had never threatened or harmed the United States. Add to this over 500,000 children Clinton starved to death in Iraq. Then consider the un-tolled body count of partial-birth abortions which Bill Clinton approved on his watch at the nation's chief executive.

Another memory blank surrounds Hillary Clinton, the former First Lady now Secretary of State. As a powerful attorney at the powerful Rose Law firm, we may recall that Hillary Clinton wangled her way onto the board of the union-busting Wal-mart Corporation whose voracious appetite for profit has helped suppress the wages of the working-class while demolishing the economic balance of small towns and small business across America. Hillary Clinton was also heavily involved, along with her husband, in the Whitewater Scandal in which many investors lost tremendous sums of money. Today, the internet abounds with rumors connected with this scandal, most notably around the mysterious death of Vince Foster, Hillary Clinton's friend and partner at the Rose Law firm. From Wikipedia:

“Within hours after the death of Vince Foster in July 1993, chief White House counsel Bernard Nussbaum removed documents, some of them concerning the Whitewater Development Corporation, from Foster's office and gave them to Margaret Williams, Chief of Staff to the First Lady. According to the New York Times, Williams placed them in a safe in the White House for five days before turning them over to their personal lawyer.”

So it should come as no surprise that the Clinton's daughter Chelsea fell for the son of a Congressman convicted of fraud. Or should it?

Judging from the mainstream media coverage of the Clinton wedding, it seems that almost everyone forgot that the groom's father, former Iowa Congressman Edward Mezvinsky, was convicted for over 31 charges of bank fraud, mail fraud, and wire fraud with nearly $10 million dollars involved in these crimes. Mezvinsky served only five years in federal prison and is currently on probation. It is interesting to note that while millions were spent on the marriage of Mezvinksy's son to the Clintons, Mezvinsky “owes a substantial restitution to his victims” (this according to Wikipedia). It might have been nice and newsworthy if the Clintons first made a loan to Mezvinsky to cover his debts before consulting the wedding planner.

The mainstream media also shied away from any serious reportage of the groom himself, Marc Mezvinsky, a former financier at Goldman Sachs who now heads up the hedge fund firm G3 Capital. In other words, this man rolls with the type of people who brought us the financial collapse of 2008. And as conspiracy theorists already know, Goldman Sachs figures into a nearly every major banking crisis in modern times and have perhaps set up a “shadow government” in the United States (a country with a populace Goldman Sachs personnel seem to hate and fear).

So why, when these people should be hanging their heads in shame, do they stage one of the biggest wedding-media circuses in history? This is the big question mainstream media has failed to ask. But Americans all across the boards should be asking this question, and demanding answers.

First, a small comparison which puts the price tag of this wedding into its proper perspective: the Tom Cruise-Katie Holmes celebrity wedding cost only $1.6 Million compared to the Clinton's $5 Million extravaganza. It was considered one of the most expensive until now. So what could cost so much when there were only 500 guests involved?

Could it be that the Clintons were purposely trying to inflate the price tag to jaw -dropping historic proportions? If so, then it was done with a purpose: to send a message to the American people and the world. But what was that message and what does it hold for the future?

The obvious answer is that the Clinton Wedding was staged to setup a de facto royalty in America, the definitive marriage of Washington and Wall Street in an unabashed fashion. The Clintons and the Mezvinskys want us to know that they can do whatever they want, have whatever they want, whenever they want, and there is nothing – absolutely nothing – anyone can do about it. And, as a matter of fact, they can even make the American people pay for the trappings of their glory.

According to mainstream media reports, the Clintons are only covering $3 Million of the $5 million dollar wedding bill (where they got this kind of disposable cash, on public servant salaries of a few hundred thousand a year, is another matter). The other $2 Million will be covered by you, the American taxpayer.

Most likely, you were not invited. But you are paying anyway because the extra Secret Service protection, extra police, and military enforced no-fly zones associated with the wedding are owed to an impeached president and the foreign dignitaries he had flown in.

Finally, it is interesting to note that Bill Clinton, who demanded financial responsibility from non-custodial parents through the Deadbeat Parents Punishment Act, has no qualms about squandering $2 Million in public funds on a private affair at a time when many Americans are losing jobs and when many services are being cut. Either this poor boy from Arkansas can't relate with the idea of divorced dads and other non-custodial parents struggling to survive in this climate, or he simply doesn't care.

The smart money is on the latter, for as last weekend's wedding on the Hudson proved, the Clintons are the new kings of the world, and there is nothing you can do about it.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Utah: More Proof That The Government Loves Illegal Aliens, Hates Dads/NCPs

Yesterday, news agencies around the country began reporting on an anonymous list which was sent to the Customs & Immigration Department, back in April, containing the names and locations of over 1300 illegal aliens in the state of Utah (see the story at

Addressed with only the name "Concerned Citizens for the United States", a cover letter that accompanied the list called on the department to begin deporting the individuals named in the list. But as of now, three months later, no one in either the federal or state government has taken any kind of action. Which is why "Concerned Citizens" recently began disseminating its list to media outlets and a wider range of government officials (see a copy of the documents at

Most news agencies that bothered to report this story immediately went into "defend the illegal alien" mode, as in the New York Times story linked to above. And its sounds likely that the authors of this list will be prosecuted for violating the privacy of illegal aliens, while the illegals aliens will be allowed to roam free.

Americans might as well go scratch their heads trying to figure out this one. It's mind-boggling to think that in this time of economic crisis, when over 15 million Americans are out of work, that our government doesn't give a hoot about illegals who are here filling up jobs and driving down wages. Also, according to a report from FAIR (Federation for American Immigration Reform), illegal aliens in Utah alone are currently costing the federal and state government about $453 million per year, or about $162 for every individual in the state or $480 per household. For a complete breakdown of expenses, see

This is especially interesting for a state that in 2006 voted to suspend the driver's licenses of non-custodial parents with child support arrears to get them to be more "responsible" and to "save the state money" (see Apparently, welfare for Americans is a bad thing, but perfectly okay if public money flows into the pockets of illegal aliens.

Another interesting fact is that the state of Utah and the federal government are both in the business of restricting the travel of non-custodial parents for arrears by cooperating to revoke passports as well driver's licenses. Yet in the case of illegal aliens, these two government bodies are actively aiding illegal aliens to cross borders as they wish, without any kinds of papers or controls (even when they are hardened criminals, the type to murder officers of the law as documented in this video:

And while non-custodial parents are jailed in Utah for child support arrears, and can be imprisoned by the federal government under the "Deadbeat Parents Punishment Act", illegal aliens face no jail time for jumping borders or stealing social security numbers to work illegally or other fraudulent behavior to enable themselves to live in this country.

So, does the government of Utah and the federal government hate non-custodial parents and love illegal aliens? You bet your bottom dollar they do.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

An Open Letter to Mitch Albom

Dear Mr. Albom,

NCPForce! is aware of your Father's Day hate rant entitled "Father's Day Needs More Real Fathers". For a man who markets himself as someone enlightened -- one who supposedly gives inspiration and fuels spirituality in others -- your piece reveals an unflattering lack of creativity and shallowness on your part.

We hate to break it to you, but attacking dads on Father's Day is nothing new and didn't start with your column as you seem to suggest in its introductory paragraphs. Our president, Barack Obama, has been doing it for the past couple of years as a political stunt to avoid talking about other issues, such as his failure to live up to campaign promises and the fact that he is owned by the corporate elite.

But this letter is not about the Dad-Basher-in-Chief. It is about you as an influential bestselling author spreading hate throughout many of the nation's newspapers in your syndicated column. An enlightened individual such as yourself should behave more responsibly before publishing a call to hatred on a day honoring fathers. Imagine what would happen if you attacked the Irish on St. Patrick's Day, or Afro-Americans during Black History Month, or .... drumroll ... mothers on Mother's Day? Your columns would be removed from their host newspapers faster than you can say schmaltz, and you'd likely be forced to make a public apology.

Luckily for you, it's been open season on fathers for years, so you probably feel quite smug about using them for column fodder -- a little something to help fill up a whitespace and keep your earnings rolling in. So you will not likely face any serious repercussions for your thoughtlessness, but rest assured that NCPForce! will take this opportunity to educate you about broken families in America.

In your Father's Day rant, Mr. Albom, you bemoan the high number of absent dads in the Detroit area and blame them for the crime that's eating up the city. In case you've forgotten basic biology on your flights of spirituality, let us remind you that it takes both a man and woman to conceive a child. And in America, where we live by the well-known phrase "My Body, My Choice", the decision to bear a child ultimately rests with the female in any relationship.

We understand that it might be hard for you to get your mind around these simple facts because you are a biased individual at heart. This becomes clear when we take into account your other published writings such as:

" ... behind all your stories is always your mother's story, because hers is where yours begin."

"When you look into your mother's eyes, you know that is the purest love you can find on this earth."

In your world view, Mr. Albom, mothers can do no wrong. But your sentiment does not square with reality, nor does it apply to individuals like the infamous Andrea Yates who stuffed her five children in a car and drowned them in a lake to pursue a romance. Nor does it apply to Laura Fletcher, another mother who drowned her child over a custody battle. Or Banita Jacks who stabbed her three children to death while they slept. Or Veronique Courjault who smothered her two children and hid their bodies in a freezer. Or Robin Lee Row who murdered her husband and her two children. Or Dena Schlosser who killed her baby girl by cutting off her arms.

The list of these child murdering moms goes on and on. It is part of a phenomena called maternal filicide and it is more prevalent in the United States than anywhere else in the world. You can read more about it on the American Journal of Psychiatry at if you are interested, and perhaps you can do a column on this on Mother's Day ... if you have the guts.

And what about those moms who have multiple children with multiple fathers then throw themselves on public assistance, be it through the outright collection of welfare or by calling in child support authorities to shakedown their men. Tell us, O Wise One, who is to blame in this situation? The absent dad, or the mother who has total control over her reproductive capabilities? Could it be possible that these mothers are also feeding urban crime waves? Where is your fury in this regard?

Yes, Mr. Albom, there is a lot to consider when you tread into complex a web of issues surrounding parent-child relationships and family law. It is so complicated that a writer as "spiritual" and "inspiring" as yourself should do plenty of research before hitting the keyboard to ask millions of readers to be "furious" about absent dads.

Before undertaking any future columns about absent dads, we advise you to visit our website at It contains a treasure trove of information about dads who are absent because they've been alienated from their children by vindictive mothers and by court orders which impact visitation. Parental Alienation, a leading cause for absent dads, effects children in affluent, predominately white areas too and should also raise your ire . Unless, of course, your Father's Day rant was really encoded hate against inner-city minorities (which we certainly hope it was not!).

No, Mr. Albom, when you look past your own treacle and observe the world with clear eyes, you discover that the problems with America do not rest on the shoulders of dads. Our moral decay has more to do with the people we celebrate, like former President Ronald Reagan who started our slide by preaching that greed is good. And captains of industry who destroy whole communities and advance serfdom for short-term personal gain. And a mainstream media which celebrates wealth and fame while ignoring the real issues dragging this country into a black hole: the fact that under 5% of America's population controls all our nation's wealth, while the other 95% is encouraged to fight one another like rats for measly wages from which tax dollars are extracted to fuel bank bailouts, illegal aliens, endless wars, etc.

Now that is something to get truly furious about.



Sunday, June 20, 2010

The Impeachable Acts of a Deadbeat President

In November 2008, Barack Obama was elected President on a platform of “change you can believe in”. He promised a style of government different from his predecessor, whose regime was defined by destructive foreign wars and the erosion of civil liberties at home.

Since taking office, Barack Obama has not only double-crossed his loyal supporters, he has also been derelict in his duties as chief of the executive branch. He has broken nearly every promise. He has continued and even expanded the dark policies of the previous administration. He has willfully dodged his responsibilities as a leader in whom an entire nation has invested its trust in a time of turmoil.

In short, he is a true DEADBEAT -- a scoundrel who owes more than anyone to hundreds of millions of people, who has the capacity to satisfy his debt, yet arrogantly refuses to do so.

It is time to demand that Barack Obama stop preaching responsibility while behaving as a DEADBEAT PRESIDENT. It is time to demand that Obama live up to his campaign promises by honoring his pledge of true reform. It is time for him to end policies that cause destruction abroad and undermine liberty domestically.
It is time we all demand that Barack Obama do the job he was elected to do, or face IMPEACHMENT.

Already, he has committed numerous impeachable acts that justify his removal from office:

Had enough of this DEADBEAT PRESIDENT?


Things you can do to demand responsibility on the part of the President:

  1. CONTACT YOUR FEDERAL & STATE REPRESENTATIVES. Tell them Obama should do his duty or get out of the White House. The website VOTESMART.ORG contains a useful search tool to find your elected reps.

  2. WRITE LETTERS / CONTACT YOUR LOCAL MEDIA OUTLETS demanding the impeachment of the President for his dereliction of duty. You can do this by writing letters to the editor of your local newspaper, calling talk radio shows, calling the administrative offices of newspapers, TV, and radio stations, etc.
  3. DISTRIBUTE OUR LEAFLET and motivate others to demand responsibility from the President. You can do this privately among people you know, on the street and at public gathering places, or you can place links to this page at appropriate websites, internet forums, bulletin boards, blog comments sections, etc.

Check for updates to this campaign on our IMPEACH OBAMA page at


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Debtor's Prisons For All!

We've said it many times before: debtor's prisons for all Americans, not just for people with child support arrears, are coming soon.

That's because most Americans have generally been so supportive of debtor's prisons when they think they're not going to wind up in them. But now, thanks to the ongoing mortgage crisis, these law-and-order-chesting-thumping Americans may also be getting a trip to the slammer.

A PR campaign seems to be underway to crack down on homeowners who go into strategic defaults when their home values plummet below the amounts of their mortgages. The idea is to promote "responsible behavior" for the good of society, pretty much the same talk we've seen applied to non-custodial parents when they fall behind on child support payments.

Amid all this talk about responsibility, there is no discussion about why strategic defaulters may opt not to continue paying through the nose for their homes, much the same way no politician or journalist ever questions why non-custodial parents fall into arrears. Could it be that some of these troubled homeowners are angry about the banks and Realtors who lured them into their perilous financial situations -- much the same way many non-custodial parents are angry about not being able to see their children?

No, not a valid query say fans of debtor's prisons who support severe punishment for fellow citizens who do not behave in a way that they desire. Consider the video below of elitist David Walker of the Peterson Institute, an influential financial research study group which helps shape America's domestic and international economic policy:

When you hear a Fascist openly spout talk such as this, in a country which was founded in the belief that debtor's prisons are an affront to human and civil rights, it becomes terribly clear: debtor's prisons for all are coming, and Main Street America -- with its blind hatred and prejudice against non-custodial parents -- did it to itself.

Read more at:

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Murderous Obama Jokes About Civilian Killing Weapons

Humor, or one's approach to it, is often revealing of a person's general nature.

At last Saturday's White House Correspondents Dinner -- an annual event in which public servants get a chance to freeload with celebrities -- Dad Basher-in-Chief Barack Obama revealed his well-hidden, bloodthirsty nature.

Speaking to guests  from a podium bearing the Presidential Seal, Obama jokingly told the Jonas Brothers that he would hunt them down and kill them with his Predator drones.

The joke might be funny if Obama hadn't actually killed anybody with his drones, but the fact is, he has.  Lots of people.  Including innocent women and children.

According to some estimates, Obama's drone attacks may have killed upwards of 400 civilians-- perhaps as many as 1000 -- in Afghanistan and Pakistan since the time he took office.  The Washington based New American Foundation reports that a full one-third of all deaths resulting from drone strikes in the war torn region are civilian deaths.

It was well-reported back in October 2009 that Obama -- even knowing that his drone war was killing an unprecedented numbers of civilians -- gave an executive order to step up drone attacks.  On just his third day in office, Obama authorized two drone attacks which killed three children.  One for each day as President, a body count which would impress Hannibal Lecter.

Obama's drone joke comes at an especially bad time, right on the heels of a botched bombing attempt of New York's Times Square.  The suspect in that case, Pakistani-born Faisal Shahzad,  admits to having planted the bomb because he was upset over the high civilian death toll caused by Obama's drones.

Shahzad is not alone in his outrage in Pak-Afghan region, according to many news outlets, and Obama's little joke is certain to throw more fuel on the fire, endangering lives of servicemen abroad and Americans at home.

Like any serial killer on the loose, Obama is a danger to us all.  Not only when he's inciting acts of vengeance in the Middle East but also when he spreading hate domestically by singling out groups like non-custodial parents for abuse.

To read more about Obama's joke at the White House Correspondents Dinner, and the fallout, go to:

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Rogue Clinton Hates Non-Custodial Parents, Wants More Illegal Immigrants

Last week we told you about Dad Basher-in-Chief Barack Obama pledging to help illegal aliens strike down a new Arizona law meant to enforce our nation's immigration laws.

Now comes word that another dad bashing rogue on our POLITICAL ROGUES' GALLERY  has also come out against American workers and on the side of illegal aliens.

That rogue is former president Bill Clinton, who, appearing at a deficit reduction symposium, spoke of a need for "more immigrants" and expressed his support for a plan to grant amnesty to over 12 million illegal aliens to help ensure a healthy fiscal future.

Clinton -- who is suddenly an economist -- might have a myopic view of what makes America healthy from the cozy confines of his mansion in Chappaqua, a super-wealthy suburb of New York City.  Where he lives, illegal aliens are exploited to clean homes and trim hedges for a few bucks an hour instead  of competing with the locals for jobs.  Nor does Clinton have to worry about preserving the American Dream for a younger generation of American citizens, because he's got that wrapped up too; his daughter Chelsea works for a hedge fund will be marrying a Goldman Sachs investment banker this summer.

Someone may do well to remind Clinton of a little piece of legislation he signed known as the Deadbeat Parents Punishment act which criminalizes non-custodial parents for crossing state lines when they have arrears of $5000 or more.

Given how illegal aliens are suppressing the wages of ordinary working-class Americans and how depressed our job market is due to the ongoing financial crisis (caused by Clinton's deregulation of banking rules, we might add), the former president might want to backtrack on his desire to see more illegals or repeal his "punishment act".

But let's be honest.  Neither will ever happen.  Because Bill Clinton, who demands responsibility of non-custodial parents, is a man without any responsibility or a shred of morals himself.  Recently, on the anniversary of the Oklahoma City bombing, Clinton's former advisor Dick Morris confirmed that Clinton was directly responsible for the slaughter of 20 children at the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas.

Illegal immigration, family law -- it's all the same for Clinton.  An opportunity to move your lips, play the part of a leader, and get paid for it without actually having to think your actions through.  And it doesn't really matter who gets hurt, because old Bill is living pretty good.

Read more at:

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Dad Basher Obama Vows to Defend Illegal Aliens

In the face of rising crime from Mexican drug cartels and massive unemployment, Arizona’s Governor Jan Brewer today signed one of the nation’s toughest bills to strengthen immigration enforcement. But President Obama is not happy about the law’s passage and vowed to use his power to defend illegal aliens.

The bill, SB 1070, requires illegal aliens to have proper immigration papers at all times and enables police to detain illegal immigrants. According to polls, the legislation had the support of over 70% of Arizona residents who feel that the federal government has not taken adequate steps to secure our borders. And Obama's promise to undermine the new law seems to prove them right.

Using a citizenship ceremony today as a stage for his remarks, Obama called the Arizona law a threat to our “basic notions of fairness that we cherish as Americans, as well as the trust between police and our communities” and hinted at a legal showdown by saying that his administration would "examine the civil rights and other implications" of the law.

Apparently, the growing number of unemployed American citizens, now over 15 million, do not disturb Obama’ sense of “fairness”.  Nor does the recent murder of Arizona rancher Robert Krenz by criminals from south of the border, and other violence,  appear to worry him much either.

This is not surprising since Obama -- as the nation’s top law enforcement official -- has done nothing to enforce immigration laws against his own aunt, Zeituni Onyango, an illegal alien from Kenyan who has brazenly taken up residence at a public housing complex in Boston.

Perhaps Obama’s resentment stems from the fact that he’s a U.S. president without proper citizenship papers. Obama, who was likely born in Kenya and not in Hawaii, has spent millions of dollars on legal fees to avoid presenting his original birth certificate to the press, and would be ineligible to hold office if the theories are true.

Finally, it is interesting to note how Dad Basher Obama likes to cherry-pick which groups he will defend in the interest of “fairness”. While defending illegal aliens, Obama has ruthlessly attacked and spread hate against divorced dads and non-custodial parents just to score political points. And while trying to undermine the enforcement of immigration laws, Obama has authored legislation to toughen enforcement laws against non-custodial parents which are already Draconian.

Perhaps divorced dads and other non-custodial parents who are being oppressed by the system should leave the United States, take up citizenship elsewhere, then return illegally. Maybe then they will get their share of Obama’s good, old-fashioned American "fairness".

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Nancy Schaefer, Anti-CPS Corruption / Family Law Reformer, Murdered

Several months ago, NCPForce! included in its YouTube channel a video of heroic former Georgia state senator Nancy Schaefer exposing the evils of Child Protective Services.

Recently, Schaefer gave a speech condemning human trafficking by CPS agencies around the country and criticizing a bonus program -- started by former Vice President Walter Mondale and expanded by President Bill Clinton -- which rewards CPS agents with thousands of dollars for every child they remove from their parents' custody and transfer to a foster family.

Now Nancy Schaefer is dead.  Shot in the chest while she slept, along with her husband.  Officially, Schaefer's death is reported to be the result of a suicide pact with her husband, who was rumored to have been ill.  But people familiar with Schaefer and her work are starting to question this theory.  See this article on Infowars and decide for yourself.

Schaefer is the second high-profile, outspoken critic of CPS to have died suspiciously.  The first was Arkansas reporter Tony Moser who was mysteriously run down after completing an expose of CPS.

America: The Grim Truth

We at NCPForce! realize that family law abuse stems from other, larger, deep rooted problems with the American political system.  As a service to our readers, to illustrate what we're talking about, we offer a reprint of a very sobering analysis of life in the United States.

Reprinted from World News Daily, "Information Clearing House" 
By Lance Freeman 
Originally published April 08, 2010.

Americans, I have some bad news for you:

You have the worst quality of life in the developed world – by a wide margin.

If you had any idea of how people really lived in Western Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and many parts of Asia, you’d be rioting in the streets calling for a better life. In fact, the average Australian or Singaporean taxi driver has a much better standard of living than the typical American white-collar worker.

I know this because I am an American, and I escaped from the prison you call home.

I have lived all around the world, in wealthy countries and poor ones, and there is only one country I would never consider living in again: The United States of America. The mere thought of it fills me with dread.

Consider this: you are the only people in the developed world without a single-payer health system. Everyone in Western Europe, Japan, Canada, Australia, Singapore and New Zealand has a single-payer system. If they get sick, they can devote all their energies to getting well. If you get sick, you have to battle two things at once: your illness and the fear of financial ruin. Millions of Americans go bankrupt every year due to medical bills, and tens of thousands die each year because they have no insurance or insufficient insurance. And don’t believe for a second that rot about America having the world’s best medical care or the shortest waiting lists: I’ve been to hospitals in Australia, New Zealand, Europe, Singapore, and Thailand, and every one was better than the “good” hospital I used to go to back home. The waits were shorter, the facilities more comfortable, and the doctors just as good.

This is ironic, because you need a good health system more than anyone else in the world. Why? Because your lifestyle is almost designed to make you sick.

Let’s start with your diet: Much of the beef you eat has been exposed to fecal matter in processing. Your chicken is contaminated with salmonella. Your stock animals and poultry are pumped full of growth hormones and antibiotics. In most other countries, the government would act to protect consumers from this sort of thing; in the United States, the government is bought off by industry to prevent any effective regulations or inspections. In a few years, the majority of all the produce for sale in the United States will be from genetically modified crops, thanks to the cozy relationship between Monsanto Corporation and the United States government. Worse still, due to the vast quantities of high-fructose corn syrup Americans consume, fully one-third of children born in the United States today will be diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes at some point in their lives.

Of course, it’s not just the food that’s killing you, it’s the drugs. If you show any sign of life when you’re young, they’ll put you on Ritalin. Then, when you get old enough to take a good look around, you’ll get depressed, so they’ll give you Prozac. If you’re a man, this will render you chemically impotent, so you’ll need Viagra to get it up. Meanwhile, your steady diet of trans-fat-laden food is guaranteed to give you high cholesterol, so you’ll get a prescription for Lipitor. Finally, at the end of the day, you’ll lay awake at night worrying about losing your health plan, so you’ll need Lunesta to go to sleep.

With a diet guaranteed to make you sick and a health system designed to make sure you stay that way, what you really need is a long vacation somewhere. Unfortunately, you probably can’t take one. I’ll let you in on little secret: if you go to the beaches of Thailand, the mountains of Nepal, or the coral reefs of Australia, you’ll probably be the only American in sight. And you’ll be surrounded crowds of happy Germans, French, Italians, Israelis, Scandinavians and wealthy Asians. Why? Because they’re paid well enough to afford to visit these places AND they can take vacations long enough to do so. Even if you could scrape together enough money to go to one of these incredible places, by the time you recovered from your jetlag, it would time to get on a plane and rush back to your job.

If you think I’m making this up, check the stats on average annual vacation days by country:

Finland: 44
Italy: 42
France: 39
Germany: 35
UK: 25
Japan: 18
USA: 12

The fact is, they work you like dogs in the United States. This should come as no surprise: the United States never got away from the plantation/sweat shop labor model and any real labor movement was brutally suppressed. Unless you happen to be a member of the ownership class, your options are pretty much limited to barely surviving on service-sector wages or playing musical chairs for a spot in a cubicle (a spot that will be outsourced to India next week anyway). The very best you can hope for is to get a professional degree and then milk the system for a slice of the middle-class pie. And even those who claw their way into the middle class are but one illness or job loss away from poverty. Your jobs aren’t secure. Your company has no loyalty to you. They’ll play you off against your coworkers for as long as it suits them, then they’ll get rid of you.

Of course, you don’t have any choice in the matter: the system is designed this way. In most countries in the developed world, higher education is either free or heavily subsidized; in the United States, a university degree can set you back over US$100,000. Thus, you enter the working world with a crushing debt. Forget about taking a year off to travel the world and find yourself – you’ve got to start working or watch your credit rating plummet.

If you’re “lucky,” you might even land a job good enough to qualify you for a home loan. And then you’ll spend half your working life just paying the interest on the loan – welcome to the world of American debt slavery. America has the illusion of great wealth because there’s a lot of “stuff” around, but who really owns it? In real terms, the average American is poorer than the poorest ghetto dweller in Manila, because at least they have no debts. If they want to pack up and leave, they can; if you want to leave, you can’t, because you’ve got debts to pay.

All this begs the question: Why would anyone put up with this? Ask any American and you’ll get the same answer: because America is the freest country on earth. If you believe this, I’ve got some more bad news for you: America is actually among the least free countries on earth. Your piss is tested, your emails and phone calls are monitored, your medical records are gathered, and you are never more than one stray comment away from writhing on the ground with two Taser prongs in your ass.

And that’s just physical freedom. Mentally, you are truly imprisoned. You don’t even know the degree to which you are tormented by fears of medical bankruptcy, job loss, homelessness and violent crime because you’ve never lived in a country where there is no need to worry about such things.

But it goes much deeper than mere surveillance and anxiety. The fact is, you are not free because your country has been taken over and occupied by another government. Fully 70% of your tax dollars go to the Pentagon, and the Pentagon is the real government of the United States. You are required under pain of death to pay taxes to this occupying government. If you’re from the less fortunate classes, you are also required to serve and die in their endless wars, or send your sons and daughters to do so. You have no choice in the matter: there is a socio-economic draft system in the United States that provides a steady stream of cannon fodder for the military.

If you call a life of surveillance, anxiety and ceaseless toil in the service of a government you didn’t elect “freedom,” then you and I have a very different idea of what that word means.

If there was some chance that the country could be changed, there might be reason for hope. But can you honestly look around and conclude that anything is going to change? Where would the change come from? The people? Take a good look at your compatriots: the working class in the United States has been brutally propagandized by jackals like Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly and Sean Hannity. Members of the working class have been taught to lick the boots of their masters and then bend over for another kick in the ass. They’ve got these people so well trained that they’ll take up arms against the other half of the working class as soon as their masters give the word.

If the people cannot make a change, how about the media? Not a chance. From Fox News to the New York Times, the mass media in the United States is nothing but the public relations wing of the corporatocracy, primarily the military industrial complex. At least the citizens of the former Soviet Union knew that their news was bullshit. In America, you grow up thinking you’ve got a free media, which makes the propaganda doubly effective. If you don’t think American media is mere corporate propaganda, ask yourself the following question: have you ever heard a major American news outlet suggest that the country could fund a single-payer health system by cutting military spending?

If change can’t come from the people or the media, the only other potential source of change would be the politicians. Unfortunately, the American political process is among the most corrupt in the world. In every country on earth, one expects politicians to take bribes from the rich. But this generally happens in secret, behind the closed doors of their elite clubs. In the United States, this sort of political corruption is done in broad daylight, as part of legal, accepted, standard operating procedure. In the United States, they merely call these bribes campaign donations, political action committees and lobbyists. One can no more expect the politicians to change this system than one can expect a man to take an axe and chop his own legs out from underneath him.

No, the United States of America is not going to change for the better. The only change will be for the worse. And when I say worse, I mean much worse. As we speak, the economic system that sustained the country during the post-war years is collapsing. The United States maxed out its “credit card” sometime in 2008 and now its lenders, starting with China, are in the process of laying the foundations for a new monetary system to replace the Anglo-American “petro-dollar” system. As soon as there is a viable alternative to the US dollar, the greenback will sink like a stone.

While the United States was running up crushing levels of debt, it was also busy shipping its manufacturing jobs and white-collar jobs overseas, and letting its infrastructure fall to pieces. Meanwhile, Asian and European countries were investing in education, infrastructure and raw materials. Even if the United States tried to rebuild a real economy (as opposed to a service/financial economy) do think American workers would ever be able to compete with the workers of China or Europe? Have you ever seen a Japanese or German factory? Have you ever met a Singaporean or Chinese worker?

There are only two possible futures facing the United States, and neither one is pretty. The best case is a slow but orderly decline – essentially a continuation of what’s been happening for the last two decades. Wages will drop, unemployment will rise, Medicare and Social Security benefits will be slashed, the currency will decline in value, and the disparity of wealth will spiral out of control until the United States starts to resemble Mexico or the Philippines – tiny islands of wealth surrounded by great poverty (the country is already halfway there).

Equally likely is a sudden collapse, perhaps brought about by a rapid flight from the US dollar by creditor nations like China, Japan, Korea and the OPEC nations. A related possibility would be a default by the United States government on its vast debt. One look at the financial balance sheet of the US government should convince you how likely this is: governmental spending is skyrocketing and tax receipts are plummeting – something has to give. If either of these scenarios plays out, the resulting depression will make the present recession look like a walk in the park.

Whether the collapse is gradual or gut-wrenchingly sudden, the results will be chaos, civil strife and fascism. Let’s face it: the United States is like the former Yugoslavia – a collection of mutually antagonistic cultures united in name only. You’ve got your own version of the Taliban: right-wing Christian fundamentalists who actively loathe the idea of secular Constitutional government. You’ve got a vast intellectual underclass that has spent the last few decades soaking up Fox News and talk radio propaganda, eager to blame the collapse on Democrats, gays and immigrants. You’ve got a ruthless ownership class that will use all the means at its disposal to protect its wealth from the starving masses.

On top of all that you’ve got vast factory farms, sprawling suburbs and a truck-based shipping system, all of it entirely dependent on oil that is about to become completely unaffordable. And you’ve got guns. Lots of guns. In short: the United States is about to become a very unwholesome place to be.

Right now, the government is building fences and walls along its northern and southern borders. Right now, the government is working on a national ID system (soon to be fitted with biometric features). Right now, the government is building a surveillance state so extensive that they will be able to follow your every move, online, in the street and across borders. If you think this is just to protect you from “terrorists,” then you’re sadly mistaken. Once the shit really hits the fan, do you really think you’ll just be able to jump into the old station wagon, drive across the Canadian border and spend the rest of your days fishing and drinking Molson? No, the government is going to lock the place down. They don’t want their tax base escaping. They don’t want their “recruits” escaping. They don’t want YOU escaping.

I am not writing this to scare you. I write this to you as a friend. If you are able to read and understand what I’ve written here, then you are a member of a small minority in the United States. You are a minority in a country that has no place for you.

So what should you do?

You should leave the United States of America.

If you’re young, you’ve got plenty of choices: you can teach English in the Middle East, Asia or Europe. Or you can go to university or graduate school abroad and start building skills that will qualify you for a work visa. If you’ve already got some real work skills, you can apply to emigrate to any number of countries as a skilled immigrant. If you are older and you’ve got some savings, you can retire to a place like Costa Rica or the Philippines. If you can’t qualify for a work, student or retirement visa, don’t let that stop you – travel on a tourist visa to a country that appeals to you and talk to the expats you meet there. Whatever you do, go speak to an immigration lawyer as soon as you can. Find out exactly how to get on a path that will lead to permanent residence and eventually citizenship in the country of your choice.

You will not be alone. There are millions of Americans just like me living outside the United States. Living lives much more fulfilling, peaceful, free and abundant than we ever could have attained back home. Some of us happened upon these lives by accident – we tried a year abroad and found that we liked it – others made a conscious decision to pack up and leave for good. You’ll find us in Canada, all over Europe, in many parts of Asia, in Australia and New Zealand, and in most other countries of the globe. Do we miss our friends and family? Yes. Do we occasionally miss aspects of our former country? Yes. Do we plan on ever living again in the United States? Never. And those of us with permanent residence or citizenship can sponsor family members from back home for long-term visas in our adopted countries.

In closing, I want to remind you of something: unless you are an American Indian or a descendant of slaves, at some point your ancestors chose to leave their homeland in search of a better life. They weren’t traitors and they weren’t bad people, they just wanted a better life for themselves and their families. Isn’t it time that you continue their journey?

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Rogue Senator Evan Bayh Retires: Good Riddance

Every cloud has a silver lining.

That's what we said on Monday when we learned that dad basher Evan Bayh, U.S. senator from Indiana, would not be running for reelection.

Bayh, as readers of our website will know, is featured on our POLITICAL ROGUES GALLERY for joining Barack Obama's tag team on non-custodial parents through his support of a bill to further abuse the rights of non-custodial parents.

As readers of our site will also recall, Bayh was also guilty of several ethical lapses during his tenure in the U.S. Senate, among them failing to report that he is an officer of a family charity and voting on health care issues while his wife sits on the boards of pharmaceutical and health insurance companies.

While Bayh claims he is leaving the Senate because he's disgusted with Congress, it's more likely that he's running scared from the massive wave of voter dissatisfaction threatening incumbents from coast to coast.  But another more likely reason he is leaving is because he's not all that interested in good governance anyway.

In early reports of his decision not to run for reelection, Bayh's aides said that he was recently not present for a number of Senate votes and wanted to spend more times at his childrens' baseball games.

We at NCPForce! find this both grimly humorous and revealing.  The Absent Senator who wanted to trash absent dads, who wants to spend more time with his family while oppressing those who have been cut off from their children by the state.

It's a great day when rubbish like this conveys itself to the trash heap.  It saves us the trouble of taking out the garbage through the political campaigns we'd planned to help undermine his reelection bid.

The only problem is that Bayh will likely move on to a new career as lobbyist where he can continue ruining the quality of life for most Americans while earning heaps of cash.

And let us not forget, another dad basher is likely to sprout up in his place in the Senate.  Republican Congressman Mike Pence is said to be gunning for Bayh's seat and fathers' rights / NCP rights activists shouldn't take their eyes off him.

This is Mike Pence's website:

Let's all pay it a visit and let him know through his contact page that non-custodial parents are watching him.  And that he'll be added to our ROGUE'S GALLERY if he thinks about abusing us.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Do Americans Understand the Complexities of Family Law? Probably Not Suggests Poll

In order for family law reform efforts to work, activists will have to convince the broad American public that reform is needed to rectify a system of abuse and discrimination.

But first Americans will have to understand the complexities of the family law system. So the big question is: do they?

Probably not according to a recent Pew poll, whose results were featured on Raw Story at If the numbers are correct, most Americans are pretty clueless about their political system in general.

Sixty precent of respondents to the poll could not correctly identify Nevada Democrat Harry Reid as Senate majority speaker. Sixty-eight percent did not know that Michael Steele if the chairman of the Republican party. And fifty-nine percent did not know that Stephen Colbert is a comedian and not a real journalist.

This poll should be the subject of consideration for family law reform activists, because if the general public isn't even aware of the basic political playing field, we can also not expect them to understand why we are in dire need of change in the family law system.

Combine this with the hate that is disseminated to the general public, through our government and our mass media, and what you have is a toxic environment that family law activists must wade into every time they set out work.

The key to our battle, it seems, is cleaning up the environment through educational efforts which teach Americans about the daily operations of family courts and government agencies, which are repugnant to basic American ideals. And maybe, along the way, we can also let people know that Stephen Colbert is just a comedian.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

A Statement on Hate Speech and Political Prisoners: Deadbeats NO, Political Prisoners YES

Our government has a dirty secret which it's hiding from its own citizens and the rest of the world: the fact that it has thousands of political prisoners incarcerated in every part of the nation due to violations of privacy prohibited by our Constitution.

Starting now, NCPForce! will begin referring to non-custodial parents jailed for child support arrears as political prisoners who should be afforded concern and relief -- both nationally and internationally -- on par with other victims of government abuse around the world.

We also urge other fathers' rights /non-custodial parents' rights activists and organizations to adopt this policy in all their public statements, literature, web pages, and media as a show of solidarity and to demonstrate to our government that we are bringing our fight to a new level.

Reasons for Our Policy

The arrest of non-custodial parents and their incarceration in debtors' prison ranks with political oppression in foreign nations which our own government condemns. It is no less evil than the gulags of Communist Russia where individuals were shut away in prisons for non-crimes such as free speech and religious beliefs.

Like the fanatical rule of the Taliban, the system of family law in the United States functions on blind assumptions and ignorance which contradict our Constitution and the very set of principles this nation was founded on -- that men and women should be free from government intrusion into their personal lives.

Yet despite these founding principles, we find ourselves in a situation two hundred years later where our federal and state governments have positioned themselves to interfere with anyone's life once a personal relationship breaks down. This family law system, which should keep intrusions to a minimum considering our Constitution, is anything but unintrusive. Instead, it has evolved into a monstrous machine which deprives people of their children and possessions; which targets an entire class of people to strip them of a right to appeal; which entraps its victims through enforcement measures; and denies, through financial terror, a right to legal counsel.

And this is why those who become imprisoned as a result of the machinations of the family law system are not merely debtors, or simply serving time in contempt -- they are political prisoners, just like other unfortunates around the world who find themselves in gulags because their government is out of control.

The Road to Political Prisons

The nightmare of political oppression can come out of the blue in America. Any day of the week, one party to a personal relationship can enter a family court and file for sole custody of a child. Once such a request is made, the machinery of our family law system kicks into place and the other parent -- who is about to become a non-custodial parent -- is put on the defensive, at first not fully understanding the incredible powers of federal and state government now arrayed against him.

But these powers become painfully understood as soon as the non-custodial parent learns that he is now only a "visitor" to his child, and can become a criminal if he dares to see his child at any time outside of the court ordered "visitation" time. The reality hits further home when the non-custodial parent receives the first demand for child support and is told that he or she will be incarcerated if they fail to make payment.

The non-custodial parent, even at this early introduction to the family law system is in a precarious position. He (or she)is likely to be searching for a new home; may have trouble at the workplace due to the emotional strain; can be struggling to be a good parent during limited visitation time; and laboring to pay for the best legal counsel so as to insure that he (or she) maintains what little right to their children they have left.

Any small, random, unforeseen incident from this point on places the non-custodial parent on the road to criminality. A car breakdown which costs a substantial amount of money to repair ... loss of a job ... illness ... a rent hike from the landlord ... decreased wages ... an accident -- any of these events can cause a non-custodial parent to go into child support arrears.

In most cases, when faced with the decision of paying an attorney, or, paying child support, keeping a roof over one's head, and feeding oneself, the non-custodial parent is likely to cut loose his or her attorney. And with this very basic survivalist decision, the non-custodial parent becomes open to the whims of family court judges who are, in many cases, of unethical character and low morals.

Alone against wolves, the non-custodial parent faces more deprivations which go unchecked as our government steps in, more and more, as an advocate for the custodial parent. The non-custodial parent faces harassment from child protective services, guardian ad litums, and child support agencies which haughtily set out to monitor non-custodial parents' lifestyles and tell them exactly how to spend their incomes.

With the full backing of the government, courts will dig into payroll checks, military pay, disability pay, tax returns, court settlements, lottery winnings -- whatever they can get their hands on -- to ensure that the non-custodial parent is spending the way they want them too. And at the same time, these same powers will tell non-custodial parents that they have no right to expose their children to their religious traditions, or take them on vacation, or to have any kind of input in their schooling; they will also tell the non-custodial parent that they should not smoke or have an occasional drink, or whether or not they can start a new relationship.

In most cases, non-custodial parents gives up completely and becomes an ATM -- a cash machine which pays support for a "child" to which he or she has no real relationship. But in many cases, non-custodial parents reach a crash point where they can longer meet our government's inhuman demands, or they refuse to do so.

Targeted Political Abuse

The abuses outlined are specifically targeted against an entire class of individuals based on a simple criteria: our government singles out those whose personal relationships have fallen apart with the intent to engage in social engineering.

Our government will claim, time and again, that it is trying to protect America's children and that it is attempting to reduce poverty. But these claims are false, as demonstrated by our government's behavior.

First, our government ignores much research which shows that children benefit from a healthy relationship with both parents, and continues to make sole custody orders standard practice; itallows move-aways; and it fails to enforce visitation orders. Our government also wounds children psychologically and exposes them to embarrassment by incarcerating one of their parents for financial debts; such imprisonment also cuts children off from a healthy relationship with the politically incarcerated parent.

Second, our government's policies are harmful to children in families where non-custodial parents have remarried marriages or forged new relationships. Children of these relationships are cast down into the role of second-class citizens when our government indiscriminately redistributes a non-custodial parent's income to a custodial parent's household. With such a large number of divorces and second marriages in the United States, the number of second-class children is steadily increasing.

Third, our government fails miserably to protect children in other areas outside family court. America's schools are under-funded, perform poorly, and are dangerous crime-ridden institutions. Due to a lack of regulation, our children are exposed to a daily diet of violence, sex, and general mayhem on television. Our government also tolerates the mass marketing of unhealthy foods to children. Healthcare standards for children is also one of the worst in the western world, as America has one of the highest rates of infant mortality. And our government, through its refusal to legislate a livable minimum wage, keep children and their parents (regardless of marital status) in a constant state of poverty.

All of these failures result from our government's subservience to big money interests. But since our government will never admit its failures, it engages in a massive operation to make its flawed policies work with a criminal disregard for civil and human rights. It does so by blaming failed marriages and failed relationships for societal decline, and puts forward false remedies such as child support enforcement and debtors prisons, all designed to make their political policies somehow work.

Political Prisoners vs. The Favored Class

Thus we have political prisoners, who serve as the sacrificial lamb for government misbehavior. But we also have a favored class of individuals who are allowed to live out their lives with the full benefits of first class citizens.

Married parents, or other parents who have never entered the family law system, are allowed to function without the government policing their child-rearing or spending habits. When these parents face hard times -- such as the loss of a job, or a pay decrease -- the entire family tightens its belt and cuts back on consumption. There is no government body determining how much should be spent on children of such families; such personal, private decisions are denied to non-custodial parents.

Women, in general, have a right, protected by our government, to choose whether or not they wish to become parent, with the ability to terminate an unborn child's life at one's pleasure. Indeed, our government even protects elective late-term abortions, which are carried out in a brutal and sickening fashion every day in clinics across America. But a male has no such rights and starts down the road to political prisons if he is not all that enthused about an unintended pregnancy which results from a consensual sexual encounter. An American male has no reproductive rights if he doesn't want a child, and also has no rights if he wants a child and his female partner wishes to have an abortion. That a favored class exists in the area of reproductive rights flies in the face of our Constitution, which guarantees equal protection under law regardless of gender.

Entrapment & Coverup

In addition to abusing a targeted class, our government actively entraps targeted individuals into a situation whereby they can become political prisoners and engages in a massive coverup worthy of the worst dictatorial regime.

To enforce its failed political policies, our government regularly suspends driver's licenses, seizes passports, and revokes other licenses to do business. It also forbids a non-custodial parent from have child support amound adjusted retroactively. It does this whether or not a non-custodial parent has fallen on hard times and needs to recover from financial hardship, or is acting in willful resistance to government oppression. In either case, such enforcement measures steadily increase the number of individuals who may be sent to political prisons at any time. But for the non-custodial parent facing economic hardships, these enforcement measures are nothing more than entrapment.

It is hard to find many governments -- even in the worst dictatorships -- which actually railroad their citizens into becoming political prisoners. But with regards to its family law system, the United States is doing a pretty good job of this.

Furthermore, our government is engaged in a coverup of its incarceration of political prisoners in the way it reports the numbers of non-custodial parents jailed for child support arrears.

When a non-custodial parent is jailed for failing to pay child support due to the loss of a job, for example, the reason for imprisonment is officially recorded as "contempt". And when a non-custodial parent is jailed after refusing to pay child support for child who has been alienated, the reason for imprisonment is also "contempt". In this manner, non-custodial parents are bunched up with countless other contempt cases of which a broad majority have nothing to do with family law.

Our government does this not so much for convenience as for the sole purpose of covering up the numbers of individuals politically imprisoned by the family law system, for non-crimes, to serve time in debtors' prisons which are forbidden under federal law and repugnant to our national traditions of liberty.


America has long been a champion of civil and human rights around the globe. So it is unfortunate that our government now engages in the taking of political prisoners and the subsequent coverup of these operations.

Our government engages in this behavior while at the same time criticizing nations like China for its family law policies. It also creates favored classes at home while criticizing Islamic nations for laws which might seem to favor one gender over another. And it runs a steady campaign of condemnation of countries like Venezuela, which it accuses of creating rights abuses to further political ideologies.

By engaging in the same types of bad behavior which it publicly condemns, our government damages the cause of freedom around the world and loses credibility in its international affairs.
It's Time to End Political Imprisonment in America

It is time for our government to end the taking of political prisoners to enforce its failed family law policies. And it is time for fathers' rights groups / non-custodial parents' rights groups to send a message to our leaders in government and the mainstream media that our eyes are now open to the abuses we face. We must now -- in a unified fashion -- begin calling abuses what they are. With one voice and one resolve, we must make it known that when " deadbeat" hate speech is used, what they really mean is political prisoner.

Starting today, NCPForce! will refer to all individuals arrested and imprisoned for child support arrears as political prisoners. Changes have already been made to our AVENGER PROJECT section which lists slain non-custodial parents Brian Armstrong and Wilbur Streett as political prisoners.

We urge all fathers' rights groups / non-custodial parents' rights groups to adopt this policy in all written and verbal communication, so as to expose our government's wrongdoing on an international scale.

Please copy, distribute, and post for widest readership.

In coming weeks, NCPForce! will be initiating grassroots campaigns to call attention to political prisoners in America.

-- The Volunteers of NCPForce!
February 3, 2010

Monday, January 25, 2010

Obama: From Dadbasher to Babykiller

Afghan and Pakistani men who are taking time out to be a dad, as those public service ads by President Obama go, are finding that hard to do as their parenting time is increasingly being cut in half by a missile through the roof from a U.S. drone strikes.

The number of unmanned drone strikes has been up since Barack Obama took office and the toll on innocents has reached an all time high. In 2009 alone, more than 700 civilians (perhaps 1000, according to some estimates) have been killed, including many women and children.

At the same time, Obama is asking for a record chest of war funding to sustain the violence, this after criticizing his predecessor for his war spending.

All this is taking place without much a squeak from the left; no massive outcry from journalists Maureen O'Dowd or others who railed against the Bush regime; no major outbursts from Roger Moore or Danny Glover, or any other cultural figures who've used their social/cultural positions in the past to condemn never-ending war in the Middle East.

Nobel Peace Prize winner Obama remains unapologetic about the people he's been killing. And while the public has been made to comfortably overlook what's going on -- the same way our media has made sure to cover up rights abuses against divorced dads and NCPs -- the danger to our servicemen increases.

One has to wonder whether or not Bin Laden could do a better job of recruiting than Obama's murderous drone strikes, which not only besmirch our military's honor but also fuel the thirst for vengeance of those caught up in the slaughter. The number of servicemen killed in Afghanistan hovers around 961 and will unfortunately rise the longer we stay in the region. And let's not forget that American losses too represent numerous American families which will also have their dad time reduced ... permanently.

Read more:

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Did Divorced Dads/NCPs Win in MA too?

Yesterday's vote in Massachusetts to fill the late Ted Kennedy's vacant seat seems to have signaled a political realignment in the United States, one year after the realignment following Barack Obama's historic election.

At least in the media, Republicans are being rehabilitated: Sarah Palin is finally getting her story out, in addition to becoming a commentator on Fox. And now Scott Brown is being celebrated as the surprise victor of MA Senate race, and we are being told that he represents the public's dissatisfaction with the established system; anger over health care reform; rage against Wall Street. The stage, it seems, is being set for a populist Republican comeback in 2012, the year red-blooded Americans take back their political system, yada, yada, yada.

As we wrote at other times and other places on NCPForce!, the left-right paradigm of American politics is totally false. There aren't really two political parties in this great country of ours, but rather one party with two factions serving the wealthiest individuals and corporations. Which is why divorced dads and non-custodial parents find themselves routinely demonized, because someone has to be to blame when civilization takes a slide (other than the power brokers who are truly responsible).

But occasionally, as rare as a blue moon, the victims of this corrupt system -- divorced dads and non-custodial parents -- do see a glimmer of justice.

According to Glenn Sacks at Fathers & Families, Massachusetts Senator-elect Scott Brown has been a co-sponsor of that group's shared parenting bill -- proposed legislation which his Democratic opponent, Martha Coakley, refused to act on or even comment on.

Sacks' comparison of Brown and Coakley can be found here:

According to the text, Coakley is an all-out man-hating rights abuser. As district attorney of Middlesex County, Coakley promoted restraining order abuse and sent men to jail for trivial restraining order violations. She also sought to keep in jail a man who was wrongly convicted of raping and abusing children; even the Wall Street Journal criticized her for her handling of the case (see

So, we can be extremely happy that an individual such a Coakley will never hold a seat in the U.S. Senate. At the same time, we should watch Scott Brown cautiously; like any politician, he will not likely honor the things he said while running for office now that he's been elected. He will still have to serve his wealthy masters, and he will still have to spread the blame when things go wrong. So we cannot assume that he will remain a friend of divorced dads and non-custodial parents.

The one thing we can do, however, is to contact Scott Brown and his people. Thank him for supporting shared parenting and urge him to continue fighting for fathers' rights / non-custodial parents' rights. You can do so by visiting his website at: