Thursday, January 21, 2010

Did Divorced Dads/NCPs Win in MA too?

Yesterday's vote in Massachusetts to fill the late Ted Kennedy's vacant seat seems to have signaled a political realignment in the United States, one year after the realignment following Barack Obama's historic election.

At least in the media, Republicans are being rehabilitated: Sarah Palin is finally getting her story out, in addition to becoming a commentator on Fox. And now Scott Brown is being celebrated as the surprise victor of MA Senate race, and we are being told that he represents the public's dissatisfaction with the established system; anger over health care reform; rage against Wall Street. The stage, it seems, is being set for a populist Republican comeback in 2012, the year red-blooded Americans take back their political system, yada, yada, yada.

As we wrote at other times and other places on NCPForce!, the left-right paradigm of American politics is totally false. There aren't really two political parties in this great country of ours, but rather one party with two factions serving the wealthiest individuals and corporations. Which is why divorced dads and non-custodial parents find themselves routinely demonized, because someone has to be to blame when civilization takes a slide (other than the power brokers who are truly responsible).

But occasionally, as rare as a blue moon, the victims of this corrupt system -- divorced dads and non-custodial parents -- do see a glimmer of justice.

According to Glenn Sacks at Fathers & Families, Massachusetts Senator-elect Scott Brown has been a co-sponsor of that group's shared parenting bill -- proposed legislation which his Democratic opponent, Martha Coakley, refused to act on or even comment on.

Sacks' comparison of Brown and Coakley can be found here:

According to the text, Coakley is an all-out man-hating rights abuser. As district attorney of Middlesex County, Coakley promoted restraining order abuse and sent men to jail for trivial restraining order violations. She also sought to keep in jail a man who was wrongly convicted of raping and abusing children; even the Wall Street Journal criticized her for her handling of the case (see

So, we can be extremely happy that an individual such a Coakley will never hold a seat in the U.S. Senate. At the same time, we should watch Scott Brown cautiously; like any politician, he will not likely honor the things he said while running for office now that he's been elected. He will still have to serve his wealthy masters, and he will still have to spread the blame when things go wrong. So we cannot assume that he will remain a friend of divorced dads and non-custodial parents.

The one thing we can do, however, is to contact Scott Brown and his people. Thank him for supporting shared parenting and urge him to continue fighting for fathers' rights / non-custodial parents' rights. You can do so by visiting his website at:

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