Thursday, July 15, 2010

Utah: More Proof That The Government Loves Illegal Aliens, Hates Dads/NCPs

Yesterday, news agencies around the country began reporting on an anonymous list which was sent to the Customs & Immigration Department, back in April, containing the names and locations of over 1300 illegal aliens in the state of Utah (see the story at

Addressed with only the name "Concerned Citizens for the United States", a cover letter that accompanied the list called on the department to begin deporting the individuals named in the list. But as of now, three months later, no one in either the federal or state government has taken any kind of action. Which is why "Concerned Citizens" recently began disseminating its list to media outlets and a wider range of government officials (see a copy of the documents at

Most news agencies that bothered to report this story immediately went into "defend the illegal alien" mode, as in the New York Times story linked to above. And its sounds likely that the authors of this list will be prosecuted for violating the privacy of illegal aliens, while the illegals aliens will be allowed to roam free.

Americans might as well go scratch their heads trying to figure out this one. It's mind-boggling to think that in this time of economic crisis, when over 15 million Americans are out of work, that our government doesn't give a hoot about illegals who are here filling up jobs and driving down wages. Also, according to a report from FAIR (Federation for American Immigration Reform), illegal aliens in Utah alone are currently costing the federal and state government about $453 million per year, or about $162 for every individual in the state or $480 per household. For a complete breakdown of expenses, see

This is especially interesting for a state that in 2006 voted to suspend the driver's licenses of non-custodial parents with child support arrears to get them to be more "responsible" and to "save the state money" (see Apparently, welfare for Americans is a bad thing, but perfectly okay if public money flows into the pockets of illegal aliens.

Another interesting fact is that the state of Utah and the federal government are both in the business of restricting the travel of non-custodial parents for arrears by cooperating to revoke passports as well driver's licenses. Yet in the case of illegal aliens, these two government bodies are actively aiding illegal aliens to cross borders as they wish, without any kinds of papers or controls (even when they are hardened criminals, the type to murder officers of the law as documented in this video:

And while non-custodial parents are jailed in Utah for child support arrears, and can be imprisoned by the federal government under the "Deadbeat Parents Punishment Act", illegal aliens face no jail time for jumping borders or stealing social security numbers to work illegally or other fraudulent behavior to enable themselves to live in this country.

So, does the government of Utah and the federal government hate non-custodial parents and love illegal aliens? You bet your bottom dollar they do.

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