Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The Clinton Wedding – What It Means When Rogue Politicians Party

Last weekend, the mainstream media served the gullible public a multi-million dollar celebrity wedding on the scenic Hudson River and, as mainstream media is apt to do, failed to provide any meaningful context.

As hordes of proles gathered to catch a glimpse of the wedding guests and get their autographs, it seems that almost everyone forgot just who exactly the Clintons and their new in-laws are, and what the cost of their operations have been to the world.

The way former President Clinton is adored by the press, it may be hard to remember that he is an impeached president who lied under oath about his sexual dalliances with a young intern. While Clinton lavished his own daughter with a reported $5 million dollar wedding and all the class that kind of cash that can possibly buy, he didn't mind using someone else's daughter as a sex-object and spewing his reproductive juices over her now infamous blue dress. In the White House no less.

It may also be hard to remember the 20 children Bill Clinton burned to death at Waco, and the many, many more he killed and maimed in the cowardly airstrikes on Serbia, a nation which had never threatened or harmed the United States. Add to this over 500,000 children Clinton starved to death in Iraq. Then consider the un-tolled body count of partial-birth abortions which Bill Clinton approved on his watch at the nation's chief executive.

Another memory blank surrounds Hillary Clinton, the former First Lady now Secretary of State. As a powerful attorney at the powerful Rose Law firm, we may recall that Hillary Clinton wangled her way onto the board of the union-busting Wal-mart Corporation whose voracious appetite for profit has helped suppress the wages of the working-class while demolishing the economic balance of small towns and small business across America. Hillary Clinton was also heavily involved, along with her husband, in the Whitewater Scandal in which many investors lost tremendous sums of money. Today, the internet abounds with rumors connected with this scandal, most notably around the mysterious death of Vince Foster, Hillary Clinton's friend and partner at the Rose Law firm. From Wikipedia:

“Within hours after the death of Vince Foster in July 1993, chief White House counsel Bernard Nussbaum removed documents, some of them concerning the Whitewater Development Corporation, from Foster's office and gave them to Margaret Williams, Chief of Staff to the First Lady. According to the New York Times, Williams placed them in a safe in the White House for five days before turning them over to their personal lawyer.”

So it should come as no surprise that the Clinton's daughter Chelsea fell for the son of a Congressman convicted of fraud. Or should it?

Judging from the mainstream media coverage of the Clinton wedding, it seems that almost everyone forgot that the groom's father, former Iowa Congressman Edward Mezvinsky, was convicted for over 31 charges of bank fraud, mail fraud, and wire fraud with nearly $10 million dollars involved in these crimes. Mezvinsky served only five years in federal prison and is currently on probation. It is interesting to note that while millions were spent on the marriage of Mezvinksy's son to the Clintons, Mezvinsky “owes a substantial restitution to his victims” (this according to Wikipedia). It might have been nice and newsworthy if the Clintons first made a loan to Mezvinsky to cover his debts before consulting the wedding planner.

The mainstream media also shied away from any serious reportage of the groom himself, Marc Mezvinsky, a former financier at Goldman Sachs who now heads up the hedge fund firm G3 Capital. In other words, this man rolls with the type of people who brought us the financial collapse of 2008. And as conspiracy theorists already know, Goldman Sachs figures into a nearly every major banking crisis in modern times and have perhaps set up a “shadow government” in the United States (a country with a populace Goldman Sachs personnel seem to hate and fear).

So why, when these people should be hanging their heads in shame, do they stage one of the biggest wedding-media circuses in history? This is the big question mainstream media has failed to ask. But Americans all across the boards should be asking this question, and demanding answers.

First, a small comparison which puts the price tag of this wedding into its proper perspective: the Tom Cruise-Katie Holmes celebrity wedding cost only $1.6 Million compared to the Clinton's $5 Million extravaganza. It was considered one of the most expensive until now. So what could cost so much when there were only 500 guests involved?

Could it be that the Clintons were purposely trying to inflate the price tag to jaw -dropping historic proportions? If so, then it was done with a purpose: to send a message to the American people and the world. But what was that message and what does it hold for the future?

The obvious answer is that the Clinton Wedding was staged to setup a de facto royalty in America, the definitive marriage of Washington and Wall Street in an unabashed fashion. The Clintons and the Mezvinskys want us to know that they can do whatever they want, have whatever they want, whenever they want, and there is nothing – absolutely nothing – anyone can do about it. And, as a matter of fact, they can even make the American people pay for the trappings of their glory.

According to mainstream media reports, the Clintons are only covering $3 Million of the $5 million dollar wedding bill (where they got this kind of disposable cash, on public servant salaries of a few hundred thousand a year, is another matter). The other $2 Million will be covered by you, the American taxpayer.

Most likely, you were not invited. But you are paying anyway because the extra Secret Service protection, extra police, and military enforced no-fly zones associated with the wedding are owed to an impeached president and the foreign dignitaries he had flown in.

Finally, it is interesting to note that Bill Clinton, who demanded financial responsibility from non-custodial parents through the Deadbeat Parents Punishment Act, has no qualms about squandering $2 Million in public funds on a private affair at a time when many Americans are losing jobs and when many services are being cut. Either this poor boy from Arkansas can't relate with the idea of divorced dads and other non-custodial parents struggling to survive in this climate, or he simply doesn't care.

The smart money is on the latter, for as last weekend's wedding on the Hudson proved, the Clintons are the new kings of the world, and there is nothing you can do about it.

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