Wednesday, July 14, 2010

An Open Letter to Mitch Albom

Dear Mr. Albom,

NCPForce! is aware of your Father's Day hate rant entitled "Father's Day Needs More Real Fathers". For a man who markets himself as someone enlightened -- one who supposedly gives inspiration and fuels spirituality in others -- your piece reveals an unflattering lack of creativity and shallowness on your part.

We hate to break it to you, but attacking dads on Father's Day is nothing new and didn't start with your column as you seem to suggest in its introductory paragraphs. Our president, Barack Obama, has been doing it for the past couple of years as a political stunt to avoid talking about other issues, such as his failure to live up to campaign promises and the fact that he is owned by the corporate elite.

But this letter is not about the Dad-Basher-in-Chief. It is about you as an influential bestselling author spreading hate throughout many of the nation's newspapers in your syndicated column. An enlightened individual such as yourself should behave more responsibly before publishing a call to hatred on a day honoring fathers. Imagine what would happen if you attacked the Irish on St. Patrick's Day, or Afro-Americans during Black History Month, or .... drumroll ... mothers on Mother's Day? Your columns would be removed from their host newspapers faster than you can say schmaltz, and you'd likely be forced to make a public apology.

Luckily for you, it's been open season on fathers for years, so you probably feel quite smug about using them for column fodder -- a little something to help fill up a whitespace and keep your earnings rolling in. So you will not likely face any serious repercussions for your thoughtlessness, but rest assured that NCPForce! will take this opportunity to educate you about broken families in America.

In your Father's Day rant, Mr. Albom, you bemoan the high number of absent dads in the Detroit area and blame them for the crime that's eating up the city. In case you've forgotten basic biology on your flights of spirituality, let us remind you that it takes both a man and woman to conceive a child. And in America, where we live by the well-known phrase "My Body, My Choice", the decision to bear a child ultimately rests with the female in any relationship.

We understand that it might be hard for you to get your mind around these simple facts because you are a biased individual at heart. This becomes clear when we take into account your other published writings such as:

" ... behind all your stories is always your mother's story, because hers is where yours begin."

"When you look into your mother's eyes, you know that is the purest love you can find on this earth."

In your world view, Mr. Albom, mothers can do no wrong. But your sentiment does not square with reality, nor does it apply to individuals like the infamous Andrea Yates who stuffed her five children in a car and drowned them in a lake to pursue a romance. Nor does it apply to Laura Fletcher, another mother who drowned her child over a custody battle. Or Banita Jacks who stabbed her three children to death while they slept. Or Veronique Courjault who smothered her two children and hid their bodies in a freezer. Or Robin Lee Row who murdered her husband and her two children. Or Dena Schlosser who killed her baby girl by cutting off her arms.

The list of these child murdering moms goes on and on. It is part of a phenomena called maternal filicide and it is more prevalent in the United States than anywhere else in the world. You can read more about it on the American Journal of Psychiatry at if you are interested, and perhaps you can do a column on this on Mother's Day ... if you have the guts.

And what about those moms who have multiple children with multiple fathers then throw themselves on public assistance, be it through the outright collection of welfare or by calling in child support authorities to shakedown their men. Tell us, O Wise One, who is to blame in this situation? The absent dad, or the mother who has total control over her reproductive capabilities? Could it be possible that these mothers are also feeding urban crime waves? Where is your fury in this regard?

Yes, Mr. Albom, there is a lot to consider when you tread into complex a web of issues surrounding parent-child relationships and family law. It is so complicated that a writer as "spiritual" and "inspiring" as yourself should do plenty of research before hitting the keyboard to ask millions of readers to be "furious" about absent dads.

Before undertaking any future columns about absent dads, we advise you to visit our website at It contains a treasure trove of information about dads who are absent because they've been alienated from their children by vindictive mothers and by court orders which impact visitation. Parental Alienation, a leading cause for absent dads, effects children in affluent, predominately white areas too and should also raise your ire . Unless, of course, your Father's Day rant was really encoded hate against inner-city minorities (which we certainly hope it was not!).

No, Mr. Albom, when you look past your own treacle and observe the world with clear eyes, you discover that the problems with America do not rest on the shoulders of dads. Our moral decay has more to do with the people we celebrate, like former President Ronald Reagan who started our slide by preaching that greed is good. And captains of industry who destroy whole communities and advance serfdom for short-term personal gain. And a mainstream media which celebrates wealth and fame while ignoring the real issues dragging this country into a black hole: the fact that under 5% of America's population controls all our nation's wealth, while the other 95% is encouraged to fight one another like rats for measly wages from which tax dollars are extracted to fuel bank bailouts, illegal aliens, endless wars, etc.

Now that is something to get truly furious about.



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