It comes to us by way of Canada -- another first world country with a miserable record of fathers' rights abuses -- from the keyboard of columnist Diane Francis at the Financial Post (
In her column, "The Real Inconvenient Truth: The Whole World Needs to Adopt China's One-Child Policy", Francis rails against religious leaders and the weak knees of politicians who reject state-imposed limits on human reproduction, saying that in order to save the world from global warming, we need to have a one family, one child policy.
Ignoring the recently leaked Climategate e-mails (which this blog addressed in its last posting, at which suggest that global warming is a hoax designed to enrich big business and promote world government, Francis states that the only way the ongoing Copenhagen Climate Conference will achieve any good is if there were to be a pronouncement of "a planetary law ... to reverse the disastrous global birthrate currently, which is one million births every four days". Francis then goes on to roll out numbers which suggest an end of the world scenario if people don't get with her program.
The kicker is that Francis herself is the mother of TWO children.
Like every dad-bashing politician, like every abusive family court judge, child support agent, and CPS worker, Francis is good at determining just how other parents should behave, but is unwilling to have those same standards applied to herself.
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