Saturday, December 26, 2009

Health Care Reform: All Americans Must Now Pay Child Support

Dear America:

A Christmas Eve vote in the U.S. Senate now makes it mandatory for ALL of us to pay child support -- even happily married couples.

This is a tongue in cheek statement of course, not really true ... or is it?

We must be joking, because the only Senate vote in recent days concerned Obama's historic health care reform plan. That decision will compel all Americans to buy substandard health insurance from private insurance companies if it is eventually reconciled with earlier House legislation.

Ah, you didn't hear about this while you were out Christmas shopping? Well, that's exactly what your senators were hoping for, that you'd be distracted, because they wouldn't want ordinary people getting in the way of government for the people, by the people, now would they?

And so, America, you now get to see how it feels to pay child support like every non-custodial parent.

But you have no children, you say? You are happily married you say? Health care has absolutely nothing to do with family law or child support, you say?

Guess again after we give you a few parallels:

As is the case with child support, mandatory health care will place on your back an arbitrary financial responsibility without any regard for your actual income.

Mandatory health care will take away any of your spending choices; you'll never know how your money is being spent and even if you did, and if you disapproved, it wouldn't matter anyway.

Mandatory health care -- if you refuse to pay it, or are unable to pay it -- will make you the subject of numerous legal penalties, including jail time.

Mandatory health care will dominate your life and be a constant source of anxiety. It will affect your credit rating and it will eat away at your freedom to pursue whatever career or whatever line of business you choose to be in, just like child support.

So yes, America, you will be paying child support. Enjoy it!

After all, you've been telling divorced dads and non-custodial parents for years how happy they should be following the dictates of judges and faceless authorities.

Think about this when you are sitting before all-powerful government health panels that will ration your health care and decide whether you live or die. Think about this when your hard-earned money is used to pay for abortions and for illegal aliens. Think about this when you are unable to pay for your substandard policy and are called a "deadbeat". Think about this when you are arrested in the middle of the night, when the authorities decide to roundup those who can't or won't pay.

And from those of us in the fathers' rights/non-custodial parents' rights movement, we would like to extend our sincere thanks to the Senators who made this all possible. Thank you for showing America what it means to be us! And thank you, America, for letting it happen.

The Organizing Members of NCPForce!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Obama Bad For Constitution Says Well-Known Liberal Journalist

You know that a Democratic President is really, really bad when a longtime liberal journalist for the Village Voice tells you that Obama is "the most dangerous and destructive president we ever had", "much worse than" George W. Bush, and "is a bad man in terms of the Constitution".

This is what Nat Hentoff told fellow journalist John W. Whitehead in an interview for the Rutherford Institute, an organization dedicated to defending civil rights.

In the interview, Hentoff also says that Obama's regime is more "insidious" the McCarthy regime, that Obama must know the damage he's doing because he was once a Constitutional law professor, and that Obama is a civil rights "disaster".

We at NCPForce! couldn't agree more with Mr. Hentoff's assessment.

To read the entire interview, visit:

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Family Law Hypocrites: A Prime Example From Canada

Here's a prime example of family law hypocrites who seek to impose tough family laws on others while running their own families exactly the way they want to, free from outside interference:

It comes to us by way of Canada -- another first world country with a miserable record of fathers' rights abuses -- from the keyboard of columnist Diane Francis at the Financial Post (

In her column, "The Real Inconvenient Truth: The Whole World Needs to Adopt China's One-Child Policy", Francis rails against religious leaders and the weak knees of politicians who reject state-imposed limits on human reproduction, saying that in order to save the world from global warming, we need to have a one family, one child policy.

Ignoring the recently leaked Climategate e-mails (which this blog addressed in its last posting, at which suggest that global warming is a hoax designed to enrich big business and promote world government, Francis states that the only way the ongoing Copenhagen Climate Conference will achieve any good is if there were to be a pronouncement of "a planetary law ... to reverse the disastrous global birthrate currently, which is one million births every four days". Francis then goes on to roll out numbers which suggest an end of the world scenario if people don't get with her program.

The kicker is that Francis herself is the mother of TWO children.

Like every dad-bashing politician, like every abusive family court judge, child support agent, and CPS worker, Francis is good at determining just how other parents should behave, but is unwilling to have those same standards applied to herself.

Read more:

Sunday, December 6, 2009

What Do Divorced Dads/NCPs Have in Common With Global Warming?

The answer is that both are the subject of underreporting and news blackouts by America's mainstream media.

Even with rights abuses running rampant in America's family law system, America's news outlets habitually refuse to cover the suffering of divorced dads and non-custodial parents. But even in the rare event when they do report on family law issues, the information is always incomplete or biased towards custodial mothers.

But family law abuses isn't all America's mainstream media is covering up. Within the past couple of weeks, one of the biggest news stories of the past decade exploded -- quietly -- on alternate internet news sites and across the blogosphere.

"Climategate" (see Wikipedia article, as it is now known, began with the hacking of a server used by the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia (UEA) in Norwich, England. The hackers gained access to thousands of documents written by some of the biggest promoters of the "global warming" theory -- documents which seem to prove that global warming is a massive hoax, created by scientists in collusion with big business to create a "carbon tax" system and to establish a "carbon bank" industry.

Even though the UEA confirms that the hacked documents -- which were uploaded to the Internet for all the world to see -- are genuine, America's news agencies have refused to report on the incident. Instead of keeping the public informed, these news agencies are now running cover for the likes of climate guru Al Gore, who had to cancel public appearances over the hacking incident.

Mr. Gore -- who served in one of the worst dad-bashing administrations of all time (see -- stands to profit from the trading of "carbon credits" through his Goldman Sachs-partnered carbon trading empire (including Generation Investment Management and others firms). Also benefiting from the news blackout are many other global elites, like the super-wealthy Rothschild family which is setting up a carbon trading bank in Switzerland.

Also a part of this scandal is the upcoming Copenhagen treaty conference this December 7th-18th, in which the alleged global warming fraud will be used as a basis for nations to sign away their sovereignty to establish a one world government, which will tax the hell out of ordinary folks for using the energy they need to live; President Obama is expected to sign this treaty.

So let us not feel so bad, all of us divorced dads and NCPs; our stories are not the ones being squashed by the mainstream media. And let's remember that when the Powers-That-Be impose blackouts on certain issues, the government is usually doing something very wrong.

To read more on this important subject, check out the related Links: