Friday, November 12, 2010

Ultimate Hypocrisy: Preaching Family Values While Outsourcing American Jobs

Today in America, there seems to be no shortage of hypocrites offering volumes of expert advice on how to be a good parent. From the mass murder Barack Obama, whose nighttime drone attacks kills children in Afghanistan and Pakistan on a regular basis, to literary hacks like Mitch Albom who believe that only dads, and not moms, can do any wrong.

Now, a new series of public service announcements known as “Parenting Counts” are running on PBS, sandwiched between children's cartoons, which supposedly encourage American parents to do a better job. The spots, which are produced by the Talaris Institute and the Apex Foundation, deal with issues such as “child stress” and “setting a good example”, and can be seen on YouTube!

But what exactly are the Talaris Institute and the Apex Foundation? NCPForce! decided to do a little checking and here's what we found:

The Talaris Foundation was established in by multimillionaire Bruce McCaw, and his wife Jolene McCaw, who inherited a fortune from his father's telecommunications company. McCaw is considered one of the 400 wealthiest Americans (for a glimpse at the MCCaw mansion, see here: Supposedly, the McCaws were moved to found the Talaris Research Institute in 2000 after becoming new parents; supposedly they wanted to make more accessible to the general public the knowledge of child development experts. No problem with any of this, except that the organization happens to have strong ties to the U.S. military/industrial complex. Its main partners are defense contractor Boeing and the U.S. Army and Air Force at the Joint Base Lewis-McChord in the state of Washington. This is more than a little worrying especially when we consider that one of Talaris' main goals is to train child development professionals and educators.

As for the Apex Foundation, it is a charitable wing of the corporation Apex CoAdvantage which specializes in outsourcing American jobs. According its website at, Apex Covantage was established more than twenty years ago by Shashi Gupta and Margaret Boryczka, and it has been exporting America jobs to India ever since. Apex's clients include AT&T, Exelon, Baltimore Gas and Electric, Qwest, the American Medical Association, The National Institutes of Health. Its projects are valued at hundred of millions of dollars, and the company is unapologetic about shipping out American jobs at a time of economic crisis.

The Apex Foundation, on its website, has this to say about outsourcing:

Having been one of the pioneers in what came to be called “outsourcing,” when we opened our first operations in India twenty years ago that worked primarily on straight-forward data conversion, we now think of geographical location as just another part of the generic problem of efficient workflows. Work should be done wherever it can be done most efficiently [i.e. quality-controlled output unit per dollar]. The best location changes with labor costs and benefits, skill sets available, and costs of transmission and delivery. We can show you the costs of alternative location decisions for all workflow segments.

Yes, and perhaps we will be for some time. But isn’t this the time you most need cost savings and more efficient operations?

NCPForce! agrees that “parenting counts”. But we also believe that finger waggers and advice givers ought to be be upfront and honest, and practice what they preach.
Childhood Stress? Perhaps the little boy in the Parenting Counts ad is stressed out by TV coverage he sees of unending wars in the Middle East done for the profit of large corporations. Or maybe he's really worried because Daddy has been out of work for months, and Mommy has just gotten pink-slipped.

Setting a good example? Instead of a public service ad snuck in between cartoons, responsible adults with power, money, and influence could set the best example of all for children by refusing to work with war profiteers and those who destroy the jobs of American parents.

Hypocrites beware – NCPForce! is watching.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Hey Big Spender: Arrogant Obama Sees India on $200 Million a Day

For those who might have missed it -- because you are unemployed, and struggling to meet those child support payments -- but the Dad-Basher-in-Chief has just completed a trip to India with a cost of $200 Million a day.

That's right: $200 million dollars a day.

While the Federal Reserve prints millions, while the dollar tanks, while more and more Americans find themselves out of work ... while the government continues to insist that non-custodial parents be "responsible" by paying inflated amounts of child support for children they might not even see.

This is apparently Barack Obama's idea of responsibility in troubled times. Or maybe he's just having a little fun with us. India does happen to be the country where millions of American jobs have gone in recent years.

Could it be that Obama (a very arrogant man according to New York's Mayor Bloomburg) was really annoyed at the face slapping dealt out by Americans in the recent midterm elections, and wanted to stick his thumb in their collective eye socket?

Read more at:

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Election Analysis: The More Things Change, The More They Stay the Same (Or Get Worse)

The midterm elections have come and gone, and no matter how much the mainstream media tells you that there's been a major political power shift, we can be sure that things will stay the same. Or get worse. Much, much worse. And while NCPForce! is not a political website per se, the political impact of this election should be understood by non-custodial parents in a context that is relevant to their interests.

The midterm elections of 2010 will be best remembered as the election cycle in which the movement known as the Tea Party had its make or break moment, when its supporters had a chance to turn the tide of power back in favor of regular folks. On the surface it may seem that the Tea Party accomplished what it set out to do, but the politically savvy know differently and are now bracing themselves for a backlash.

That's because they know that the Tea Party movement, as it sprung up around Ron Paul with his call for a return to small government, is splintered and, in some circles, coopted by the very powers is supposed to be fighting against. Many of Tea Party aligned organizations which are receiving the bulk of mainstream media attention these days controlled by billionaires like the Koch Brothers and fascists like Newt Gingrich who have nothing to do with liberty. Instead, they use patriotic symbols and rhetoric to inflame average Americans to support warmongering, corporate welfare agendas.

While some true reformers might have been elected in the midterm elections, their numbers are overwhelmed by the Democrats and Republicans who remain in office, whose loyalties flow to corporations and the super-wealthy, and by phony Tea Party politicians who are doing a very nice job of deceiving their base.

So what will happen is, in a year or so, people will start to realize that nothing is being done in their interest. Entrenched Democrats and Republicans will continue to do what they do best, which is extend the power of the rich. Phony Tea Party figures will pretend that they just have too much opposition to get anything done. And real Tea Party figures will be marginalized by the mainstream media, pretty much as they have been before the election. Meanwhile, the Establishment will work on selling us Sarah Palin as our savior – a woman who made millions by simply showing up at Tea Party events. Nothing like a selfess patriot to lead us all to a better future.

So the economy will continue to tank. Any new jobs that will be created will be those for chump change, jobs which will see workers hired and fired at whim. There will be more foreclosures. More bank failures, More of your tax dollars going to bail out corporations, more of your tax dollars going to fund public works projects that benefit wealthy developers. Look for more police stations and prisons, namely debtors' prisons. And as the people grow more and more angry, our government will generate phony terrorist threats and engage in more foreign wars. Our troops, who come largely from some of the poorest communities in America, will be fed to meat grinders overseas to help reduce the surplus population. Civil liberties will continue to be strangled here at home. Services for ordinary folks will be cut and attempts to disarm the populace will be stepped up.

As for non-custodial parents, we can expect harsher enforcement measures and hate directed at us from the mainstream media. Because when it all comes crumbling down, the Establishment will need someone to blame. We know from experience that it can't be the banks, or labor crushing corporations, or the greed of the wealthy ruling class that's at fault. All our problems stem from broken families, don't you know. So the system will insist on digging it claws into our families and micromanaging affairs that should be personal and private.

To non-custodial parents across the country we can only say: watch your backs! And buckle up. We're all in for a nasty ride ahead.