Friday, August 28, 2009

Responsibility Obama Style Revisited: Queen Michelle's 26 Servants

Several months ago, we told our readers about the Obama free-wheeling, free-spending ways in the White House during a time of economic crisis. This was in our article, Responsibility, Obama Style, which is still available on this site for those who missed it.

We now learn that First Lady, Michelle Obama -- who joined her husband tagteaming dads on Father's Day this year -- apparently believes she is a queen.

According to and an article in the Canada Free Press, Michelle Obama employs 26 personal servants on the public's dime. This is more personal servants than any other First Lady in history, even more than the much maligned Bush family.

And the cost for all this? Hold onto your hats: a stunning $1,750,000 per year!

Here's a list of some of the servants and the cost for each; Michelle's private hairdresser and make-up artist are not included:

  1. $172,2000 - Sher, Susan (Chief Of Staff)
  2. $140,000 - Frye, Jocelyn C. (Deputy Assistant to the President and Director of Policy And Projects For The First Lady)
  3. $113,000 - Rogers, Desiree G. (Special Assistant to the President and White House Social Secretary)
  4. $102,000 - Johnston, Camille Y. (Special Assistant to the President and Director of Communications for the First Lady)
  5. $102,000 - Winter, Melissa E. (Special Assistant to the President and Deputy Chief Of Staff to the First Lady)
  6. $90,000 - Medina, David S. (Deputy Chief Of Staff to the First Lady)
  7. $84,000 - Lelyveld, Catherine M. (Director and Press Secretary to the First Lady)
  8. $75,000 - Starkey, Frances M. (Director of Scheduling and Advance for the First Lady)
  9. $70,000 - Sanders, Trooper (Deputy Director of Policy and Projects for the First Lady)
  10. $65,000 - Burnough, Erinn J. (Deputy Director and Deputy Social Secretary)
  11. $65,000 - Reinstein, Joseph B. (Deputy Director and Deputy Social Secretary)
  12. $62,000 - Goodman, Jennifer R. (Deputy Director of Scheduling and Events Coordinator For The First Lady)
  13. $60,000 - Fitts, Alan O. (Deputy Director of Advance and Trip Director for the First Lady)
  14. $60,000 - Lewis, Dana M. (Special Assistant and Personal Aide to the First Lady)
  15. $52,500 - Mustaphi, Semonti M. (Associate Director and Deputy Press Secretary To The First Lady)
  16. $50,000 - Jarvis, Kristen E. (Special Assistant for Scheduling and Traveling Aide To The First Lady)
  17. $45,000 - Lechtenberg, Tyler A. (Associate Director of Correspondence For The First Lady)
  18. $45,000 - Tubman, Samantha (Deputy Associate Director, Social Office)
  19. $40,000 - Boswell, Joseph J. (Executive Assistant to the Chief Of Staff to the First Lady)
  20. $36,000 - Armbruster, Sally M. (Staff Assistant to the Social Secretary)
  21. $36,000 - Bookey, Natalie (Staff Assistant)
  22. $36,000 - Jackson, Deilia A. (Deputy Associate Director of Correspondence for the First Lady)

We'd like to leave you with the following quote of Michelle Obama:

“In my own life, in my own small way, I have tried to give back to this country that has given me so much,” she said. “See, that’s why I left a job at a big law firm for a career in public service.”
— Michelle Obama

Friday, August 7, 2009

Obama's Freudian Slip

A Freudian slip, is that which occurs when someone says or does something which expresses a repressed wish. The term, used in psychoanalysis, was named after Dr. Sigmund Freud, who was the first to explore such slips.

Now comes Obama's Nazi slip on the healthcare issue with the unveiling of a new healthcare symbol on the White House website. Obama, who likes to "brand" his policies the way big corporations brand their products, is known for his fondness of slick graphic symbols. But now, according to conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh, Obama might have branded himself in a very negative way.

Limbaugh says that Obama's health care symbol very closely resembles a Nazi eagle. Below are the two symbols side by side. You be the judge ...

  Nazi Eagle - Inglorious Basterds
Obama's New Health Care Symbol... ... and the inspiration? (An example of a Nazi eagle taken from an ad for the film "Inglorious Basterds").

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Stasi, KGB, Gestapo - The Obama Way

Several weeks ago, we mentioned in this blog how all Americans will soon be getting a taste of the Nazi tactics which have been used to oppress divorced dads and NCPs.

Now President Obama is pushing the Fascist throttle up another notch forming a nationwide snitch network to gather up names for a White House enemies list. This according to Senator John Cornyn of Texas.

Earlier this week, the White House on its own blog site asked Americans to inform on other Americans who might be saying negative things about Obama's health care plan on the internet, and even asked readers to forward "suspicious" e-mails they might receive to the White House.

This new domestic spying operation is the fallout of Obama's nosediving poll numbers on the health care issue (which many critics assail for its Nazi-like health rationing policies, its potential to heighten the tax burden, and for the priorities it gives to non-citizen illegal aliens).

For more information, see the following links:

Infowars -

Washington Examiner -

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

An Open Letter to President Obama

Dear President Obama:

First let us return the sentiments you and your wife extended to American dads on their special day by offering our best wishes on your special day. We wish you very a happy birthday ... if it is indeed your birthday. There is so much that is dubious regarding your birth, and there is so much you've been untruthful about, that no one can really take you at face value. But for the moment, we will assume that it is indeed your birthday and offer you a few words of advice which you can take with you as you go forward into what we hope is a better year for all of us.

Mr. President, we at NCPForce! have placed you and your administration under scrutiny because of your attacks on American dads on Father's Day and at other times when it seems you need to do some political posturing. We do not focus on you because you are a Democrat (or because we are "right-wing", a familiar charge leveled at anyone who questions you or your policies). Nor do we focus on you because you are Afro-American. On the contrary, we are proud that our country has been able to look past the color of a man's skin to do what no other western nation has been able to do, that is to elect a black man to its highest office.

And it is because we are proud of this accomplishment that we are especially disappointed in you, and what you have done since gaining your party's nomination to hold the office you now hold. If any President should know better about using the politics of division, it is you President Obama. As an Afro-American, you of all people should know how hurtful and dehumanizing it is to target a specific group of people for selfish political ends. But despite your heritage, you have chosen to engage in divisive politics by unfairly targeting American fathers for moralizing sermons on their special day, just to make yourself appear as a leader who knows how to fix a broken society.

This Father's Day and last, when you spoke out against "absent fathers", you expressed either your ignorance of issues faced by divorced dads, or your contempt for those who come out on the losing end of our dysfunctional family law system. You did this in a manner which is extremely harmful to dads who are fighting an uphill battle for their rights in America's family courts, because your words were designed to stir up hate and discrimination.

Before we get into the specifics of what you said and why it was wrong, first imagine yourself making a similar address on Mother's Day. Imagine what our media would say if you came out on that day and spoke out against women who undergo abortions to destroy unwanted children. Or if you spoke out against women who drop their children at safe surrender sites. Or if you chastised mothers who fail to obey visitation orders. Yes, Mr. President, you would be widely condemned. But because American fathers have been lax in defending their rights, and because the media which adores you has become so accustomed to demonizing fathers with impunity, you are allowed to get away with your attacks on American dads.

Now to the specifics. First, what is truly disturbing about your dad bashing sermons is their deep-rooted racial hatred against people of color. Whenever you speak of absent fathers, it is always directed towards inner city absent fathers, and everyone knows that this is code for people of color. Never do you direct your wrath against white suburban fathers who might be absent from their children's lives (although they also should not be targeted by you for reasons we will discuss below).

You habitually attack absent fathers of color, yet you refuse to address any of the real causes for the breakdown of inner city families. The laughable minimum wage ... the dead end jobs in which people are hired and fired like animals ... the drugs and crime ... illegal immigration ... and the slumlords who suck the lifeblood from inner city people -- none of this is ever put into its proper perspective when you talk about fatherhood. As a matter of fact, your government is doing close to nothing (or about a much as the last administration) to address these problems and to give inner city families hope. Hundreds of billions have gone to wealthy bankers and have disappeared into the black holes of organizations like the Federal Reserve, but there's nary a penny for ordinary folks.

Now, about those white suburban absent dads who don't seem to be a bother to you. Most likely, they never appear your radar because you might not consider them a financial burden; they're AOK with you if they're paying their court-ordered child support and don't complain much. And it seems you couldn't give a feather whether or not they actually ever see their children. Because if you did truly care about fatherhood, you would know that there are millions of dads who are doing everything right financially, yet are still absent from their children's lives because of the way our family law system works.

We will not buy the excuse that you are unaware of this, because you are an intelligent man and an attorney; you know what's going on. The only plausible explanation for your behavior is that you simply do not care, and that you continue to approach the issue of absent fathers the way you do because it's a reliable political stunt ... at least for now.

President Obama, the truth is that inner city dads and suburban dads are in the same boat when they find themselves embroiled in our family law system. Both feel the sting of discrimination from the very first moment they step foot into the courtroom. If they ever want to have a relationship with their children after being called to a family court, they'd first better have thousands of dollars to pay for attorney's fees. Many who spend entire life savings in custody and visitation battles sometimes end up no better than those who cannot afford attorneys all, and have their rights trampled completely in our courts.

And heaven help the father who gets sick, disabled, or becomes unemployed, because our system will fling them in jail if they fall behind on support payments. On top of this, our system also makes sure that fathers with arrears are kicked down into an ever-deepening abyss of debt. Fathers who owe as little as $1000 in support payments (and it is easy to fall behind on such an amount these days) are stripped of driver's licenses and professional licenses, making it difficult for them to ever find work again. They are also stripped of passports -- a critical piece of identification to obtain a job -- and are thereby reduced to the status of second-class citizen. And worst of all, a heinous piece of federal legislation known as the Bradley Amendment makes it impossible for a father to appeal or adjust child support ... ever ... under any circumstances.

Mr. President, you have said on record that you defend the right of a woman to have an abortion because you want your daughters to have an option if they make a "mistake". Well, what about young men who make a mistake? In your warped view of things, it is perfectly fine for a woman to rip a child out of her womb and drop unwanted children into the care of taxpayers at safe surrender sites, but it is abhorrent if a man is absent from a child's life (for any reason) or fails to pay every last penny (for any reason).

This is the sort of behavior which has caused so many Americans -- even many who supported you in your campaign -- to regard you with distrust. You came to the presidency on a platform of a "different kind of politics", and vowed to uphold a Constitution which was trampled upon by your predecessor. Yet even before you were elected, you began picking and choosing which laws you would uphold and which groups you would single out for abuse.

Finally, President Obama, let us say that we expect this long letter to fall on deaf ears. That is because we know what you are and will say it plainly: you are a Fascist. The proof is in the way you've conducted yourself thus far, just like your predecessor, using your authority to enrich and empower the elites of our society while using sinister ploys to confuse ordinary Americans and set them against one another.

We can only hope that we are wrong about this. But if you want to prove that you are the man you say you are, and if you truly wish to talk about American fatherhood, address the issue properly. And you don't have to wait until next Father's Day, or your next birthday, to set things right. Tell America that the family law system needs to be reformed.

Until you do, NCPForce! will be out here doing it for you.


The Organizing Volunteers of NCPForce!

Obama Ineligible to Hold Office? Kenyan Birth Certificate Surfaces

Perhaps you haven't heard, because the mainstream media doesn't want you to know. But America's dad basher-in-chief, Barack Obama, may be ineligible to hold office.

For the past several months, rumors have swirled regarding Obama's eligibility to hold office as President because he may not have been born in the United States. A number of lawsuits have also been filed, and much evidence has been presented which suggests that Obama may be engaged in a cover-up.

According to American citizens concerned about this issue (who the mainstream media derisively calls "birthers"), Obama might have been born in Kenya and not Hawaii, making him about as eligible to hold the office of President as Austrian-born showman, Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Obama enforcers in the media and the government have been busy marginalizing those with questions about his Kenyan birth; dismissing lawsuits on flimsy grounds; and even systematically attacking journalists who dare speak their minds, like CNN's Lou Dobbs.

And Obama himself has spent over $1 Million dollars to avoid presenting his long-form birth certificate to court -- very strange since it's an inexpensive document which would put his critics to rest.

Now comes news that a California attorney, Orly Taitz, has come into possession of a Kenyan birth certificate which seems to be the smoking gun. Pictures of the document are provided below:

It's not our place to say whether this document is genuine.

But NCPForce! would like to point out that Obama has consistently lied to the American people. And he's also man without any kind of a paper trail .

Among other documents which are unavailable to reporters are those from Occidental College in California (where some theorists say he may have received financial aid as a foreign-born student); his writings from the Yale University Law Review; and his client list as a private attorney.

To read more about this issue, check out the following links:

Newsmax -

World Net Daily -

LA Times -

In the meantime, does anyone know how to say "Happy Birthday, Mr. President!" in Kenyan?


NCPForce! invites interested parties to support CNN's Lou Dobbs on the investigation of the birth certificate issue by writing to the following executives at CNN.

* (president of CNN Worldwide)

* (executive vice president of CNN News Services)

* (president of CNN/US)

* (senior vice president and executive producer of

* (senior vice president and general manager of

* (senior vice president and senior executive producer of

Monday, August 3, 2009

Obama Gets New Look

All this week, in a run up to the Dad Basher-in-Chief's birthday on August 9th, NCPForce! will be devoting blog entries to Barack Obama.

Today we'd like to share with you an amazing, grassroots poster campaign which is hitting the streets of Los Angeles. The poster features President Obama in Heath Ledger's "Joker" face paint with the word "socialism" underneath.

The poster has already gone viral on the internet and is now showing up in other cities, as the witty comparison of Obama to to Ledger's lying, manipulative, destructive madman has struck cultural resonance. And Obama's various enforcers are hopping mad.

The liberal LA TImes Weekly and Earl Ofari Hutchinson, president of the Los Angeles Urban Policy Roundtable, denounced the image and called on those behind it to reveal themselves. "Depicting the president as demonic and a socialist goes beyond political spoofery," says Hutchinson, who apparently believes that America elected a king and not a politician last November.

But many other bloggers, like Thomas Lifson of the conservative American Thinker website, are delighted. Lifson writes: "It is starting. Open mockery of Barack Obama, as disillusionment sets in with the man, his policies, and the phony image of a race-healing, brilliant, scholarly, middle-of-the-roader."

We here at NCPForce! are delighted too. In fact, NCPForce! has mocked up another version of the Obama-Joker poster to help generate family law reform awareness. This is it:

Click on the image above to get a full size version to print out.

Right click on it to save it, and use it in your e-mails or your own websites.