Monday, July 27, 2009

More Warnings About Flu Shots

More warnings about flu shots from the National Vaccine Information Center, a vaccine watch dog group formed to protect children from vaccine disasters like the one in 1976.

In the two videos below, NVIC director Barbara Loe Fisher talks about potential dangers of the experimental swine flu vaccination and the swine flu outbreak in general.

NCPForce! is asking all members and readers to pass on these links to friends and family members to make sure that our children not be forced by our government to take potentially harmful vaccines a month from now when the school year begins.

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Barack Obama's $50,000/week Vacation Home

A couple of weeks ago, we published an article about the freewheeling, free-spending ways of America's dad basher-in-chief, Barack Obama -- a man who likes to talk temperance and responsibility, rather than practice them.

According to news reports, Obama is planning a summer vacation at a posh getaway on Martha's Vineyard where elites need only apply for reservations. A week's rent at the vacation home is rumored to be $50,000, and thus far there's no word whether or not the President will be charging this to the American taxpayer.

Seeing how he's charged his "date nights" to the general public before -- racking up millions in Air Force One flights and security costs -- it wouldn't surprise us if ordinary Americans will ponying up cash for this one too.

For more coverage, see this article in the New York Post.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Gov't Grants Legal Immunity for Possible Flu Vaccine Disaster

On July 13th, we blogged about the possibility of our government forcing an experimental and possibly dangerous flu vaccination on our children this fall.

The rumblings of something unsavory coming down the pike grew louder today with news from the Associated Press that Kathleen Sebelius, Secretary of Health and Human Services, signed a document granting legal immunity to vaccine manufacturers and government officials, shielding them from any and all legal action resulting from a vaccination disaster.

As we mentioned in our earlier blog on this, one of the swine flu vaccine manufacturers contracted by the government is Baxter, which recently shipped flu vaccine tainted with lethal, live avian flu to Europe.

Recently, an Austrian investigative journalist named Baxter in a lawsuit she filed charging that the company, along with UN and WHO officials, have conspired to unleash a global pandemic for the economic gain of an international corporate syndicate. Barack Obama and Kathleen Sibelius were also named in the suit.

Sure ... she's crazy. But given the immunity measure, it may be time for custodial and non-custodial parents alike to start paying close attention to this issue.

Read more at the Center for Global Research.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

America Lurching Towards Fascism With Stardust In Its Eyes

America at large will soon get a taste of what divorced dads and NCP's have been living with for decades: the rule of a Fascist police state not unlike Hitler's Germany right here in the United States.

So says author and political advisor Naomi Wolf in a recent interview with Russia Today TV, (Russia's English language version of CNN, which can be found on cable stations in the U.S.). And Wolf lays the finger of blame on America' dad-basher in chief, Barack Obama.

Wolf's comments are especially compelling especially when one considers that Wolf was up until now a darling of the liberal media establishment. Her book, "The End of America" published in 2007, was highly critical of the Bush administration which she accused of mimicking Fascist dictatorships in the past by taking steps to erode American democratic values. And she also voted for Obama for the reasons outlined in this article for the Huffington Post. But now ...

Wolf says that Obama is building on the Fascist foundations laid by the Bush administration. "What's frustrating in a way is that he does so gracefully and so charmingly, and charismatically saying all the right things, that I think many people have kind of stardust in their eyes."

See the entire interview here.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

And Her Views On Family Law Reform ... ?


This week, the latest corporate stooge to be nominated for the Supreme Court goes before Congress to face questions in what is supposed to be a confirmation hearing.

While the media is building this up as an event in which the unexpected just might happen, everyone knows that these hearings are entertainment. Her confirmation has already been rubber stamped by higher powers who, most likely, know she will be agreeable with big business and see tremendous potential in her ability to divide the masses along racial lines -- divide and conquer as they say.

But perhaps one of our elected leaders will ask her what her views on family law, and more specifically, family law reform, really are.

We won't hold our breath for this, because this is not one of the real issues our news manufacturers want discussed, and those doing the questioning are oblivious to the matter altogether.

If anyone out there is still watching this farce for entertainment, let us know if the most radical three-words in the English language -- FAMILY LAW REFORM -- are ever uttered by dropping us a line at


Monday, July 13, 2009

Gov't To Force Experimental Flu Vaccine?

The government will have you believe that it cares more about your children than you do. Which is why it now wants to force American children to take a mandatory, experimental flu vaccine this fall.

According to a report in the Washington Post, government officials have said that school children will be the first in line to receive the first 100 million doses of the vaccine. The Obama administration is also ramping up efforts to make sure that another 300 million doses of the vaccine will be rolled out through various state and local agencies in short order.

The talk has raised worries among certain health activists and civil rights activists who are concerned about children being forced to take the shot because of a similar large scale vaccination program in 1976 to deal with another swine flu scare. That program caused over 500 cases of a paralyzing nerve disease and killed 30 people -- more deaths than from that year's flu.

When the editor of political blog PissedOffFormerDemocrat recently called Arkansas State Health Department officials to discuss vaccination refusal, he was told that "mandatory vaccinations" could take place in the future and that they would be "legal" and could be carried out "constitutionally", and that those who refuse could be "held liable". A recording of this conversation can be heard at DailyMotion.

Of interest is that fact the company which will manufacture the vaccination, Baxter, was recently caught shipping flu vaccine contaminated with a lethal strain of avian flu. Luckily, the tainted shipment was caught by random testing in Czechoslovakia where a number of ferrets that were given the vaccine died from the virus.

Yes, our government certainly cares about our children. Loves them enough to give them an experimental vaccine from a company known to make horrific quality control mistakes, just to tackle a flu strain which many experts say may be no more dangerous than the ordinary flu. But hey, let's not forget there's a lot of money to be made for our legislators who invest in big pharmaceutical companies.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Another Reason Why We Need Judicial Watch

Alex Kozinski

If there was ever any doubt whether or not the family law reform movement needed a judicial watchdog operation such NCPForce!'s Judicial Watch project, one need look no further than the case of Alex Kozinski, Chief Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.

While Judge Kozinski was presiding over an obscenity case, it was learned that the good judge had an obscene publicly accessible website of his own featuring sexually explicit photos and videos, including: a photo of naked women on all fours painted to look like cows; a video of a half-dressed man cavorting with a sexually aroused farm animal; images of masturbation and public and contortionist sex; a slide show striptease featuring a transsexual; a series of photos of women's crotches as seen through snug fitting clothing or underwear; and content with themes of defecation and urination.

When the truth came out, Kozinski dismissed concerns over his website by saying that he thought some of the content was "funny." He also refused to disqualify himself from the case. Later on, however, Kozinski petitioned an ethics panel to investigate and blamed family members and friends for possibly posting some of the material. Kozinski finally recused himself from the obscenity case in June 2008.

Now, a year later, a panel of federal judges looking into Kozinski's behavior have swept the entire matter under the carpet by giving Kozinski a slap on the wrist. While calling Kozinski's actions "judicially imprudent" and "exhibiting poor judgment", the panel decided to allow Kozinski to continue judging other people.

Hmm ... poor judgment ... is that really a qualification for being a judge? This is what happens when we have judges disciplining judges, and lawyers disciplining lawyers.

Keep your reports on judges and your lawyer ratings coming!

Read the full story here:,0,2032797.story